Blotched Blue Tongues Tassie - Breeding help required

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Sep 8, 2011
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Guys and girls

I realise that it is spring. My blues are in an enclosure outside and have had minimal heating this winter to try and induce breeding. They are captive bred that I received from the Hobart Herpetological Club

The male is 11 years old and my female is 6 years old. I think she is a female. Fingers crossed.

I have never seen Blue tongues copulate before and was quite shocked to see the male bitting the female. And Badly.

I am only making the assumption that it is breeding and not a feeding instinct because I just fed them a pretty big meal.

This only started happening after the male shed

I have noticed that the female’s tail “wags” similar to when I let them run out side on the grass and they warm up by raising their body towards the sun and possibly allow the warm blood flow through the entire body.

Can anybody please re-assure me that blue tongues once kept in an enclosure have no tendency to “eat” each other if they are hungry?

I just don’t want to come home after work to find either one or both bluetongues dead or badly hurt

here you go this may help :D
Thanks mate

My male is way more aggressive than that and its scary casue he is almost twice her size
yeah i cant help you any further sorry i only have two of this years babies so no breeding soon so i hope someone else can help you :D hopefully you get some babies :]
No worries, im a south african that moved here about 11 years ago.

Im used to seeing exotics like Boa's ,burmese pythons, bred corn snakes , had a striped phased californain kingsnake , was looking to buy my first boa. But after almost being killed my parents left south africa.

Now all I can do down here is Blue tongues :(

Would like a beared dragon but the laws down here are pathetic

Best of luck to you buddy
u could get into vens? tigers, copper heads and white lips ? :D

or mountain dragons i have the lil dragons and the blues :D
blueys are very aggressive when mating, you should keep seperate, bring together and mate then seperate again, and if he's that much bigger than her definately. Blueys are a Solitary animal.. they can be housed together and everything may seem ok until out of the blue, one gets really hurt. My opinion is that unless you have a large outdoor pit, with plenty of escape routes
then seperate.

Venomous snake. sorry :D
i only have a basic license but l was astonished to see the venomous snake you can keep on an advanced license.. red belly black snakes, death adder oh my gosh... l shiver just thinking about it ;)
blueys arent nessacarrily a solitary animal,and they get on fine in groups,well most species,northerns can be a tad fiesty though

i find with blotched blueys that its my young males that are aggressive,they seem to try and mate the females before they are ready,usually just holding on to them,they also chase anything that moves thinking its a female,grab first,ask gender later so to speak,when a females ready,they stop as the big males come and do all the mating,i keep mine in groups,lowlands blotcheds and 3 phases of alpines out doors year round


they wont eat each other mate,mating can seem aggressive,normally at worst,if your male is persistant the female will get some shoulder scarring
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Hi Guys and Girls

Well after watching them for numerous hours I can safely say that they are trying to copulate. I’m really excited because this will be my first Australian Reptile species being bred by me.

It scared the poo out of me; I don’t like to see animals fight – especially when both are yours!

Yes, the male is very persistent and the female now has a bit of scaring on the shoulders.

Should I be applying some sort of ointment to the scratches?

Another question if I may …

How do you retrain fussy feeders ? My blues really like baby rats and I cant get them to eat much else, Rub a dead rat on some fruit ?

Do you guys have special mix of food that they love ?

Any help is much appreciated, thanks to those who have helped me. I hope all your animals grow big and strong ! LOL
Have you noticed that feeding them dog food results in runny poo's - smell really bad –?
I have tried lean mince and raw egg. They love both but I don’t the next couple of days.

Feeding those fruit and vegies - mine only eat sweet fruits - fussy buggers - results in “traditional” poo

Melisa Kaplan’s ratio for bleutongue diets are 60% fruit and veg with 40% Protein

Do you guys follow this ratio?
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