Blue tongues + Humidity and R.I.

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New Member
Aug 6, 2011
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Townsville, Queensland
I figured I would just ask away and hope experienced people can help, rather then me trying to piece together information from everywhere.

Long story short, I live in Townsville (Qld, East Coast) and am considering getting a blue tongue, and after a bit of research it seems they aren't really suited to the climate here. I have read a bit about Blue tongues (+Shinglebacks?) being quite prone to respiratory infections with high humidity. It's possible to fix this in an enclosure, though I don't know how difficult that is.

What I would like to know is their level of resilience?
For Eg. Would I be able to take my Blue tongue out of its enclosure for half a day? or an hour a day? without it falling sick.
I know this might differ slightly between the types of blue tongues.

Anyway, I hope this makes sense... I'm not the 'posting' type, I'm more of a 'lurker'.
Any feedback would be appreciated...
Well, I know for sure that there are Tiliqua Scincoides scincoides (eastern and northern blueys) definitely up there and I'm sure as long as there is adequite ventilation in the enclosure and the room with a good dry substrate (Kitty's Crumble is my favourite) it will be fine. Also, provide a nice hot basking spot and all should be good. I have had my easterns out with me (one at a time of course) for up to 3 hours before they start getting 'huffy'. If you provide a good diet, water and good temps. in a good enclosure with some good hides they are veerryyy hardy herps. My easterns came out of brumation about 8 - 9 weeks ago and still haven't eaten (they have food provided, they just don't want it) and they are still perfectly healthy. Just do a bit of reading (make sure you read way more than 1 source for info because some can be incorrect) and you should be set :)
Thanks for the response nakerz, you have given me a good idea about what I wanted to know :)
and yeah, I'm trying to gather as much info. as I can before I actually get my first reptile.
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