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Not so new Member
Jun 26, 2012
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Hi everyone, I am pretty new to keeping pythons/ snakes and I am rly enjoying it. But looking on getting into it more serious. So what i wanted to ask you all is:

Is there any money in breeding snakes as a full time or part time job?
is there any qualifications needed if u wanted to work in a breeding facility like snake ranch or SXR?
Yes absolutely there is money in breeding snakes as a job :D

Under paid, over worked, stressed, all to make less than what people on the dole get or 15 year olds at Maccas.

Geez, your doing alright if you make that much......:shock:;):D
Hi everyone, I am pretty new to keeping pythons/ snakes and I am rly enjoying it. But looking on getting into it more serious. So what i wanted to ask you all is:

Is there any money in breeding snakes as a full time or part time job?

In a word No! Years ago it was possible but with the sheer volume that is bred every year now that window has gone!
The market for the amount of snakes bred just is not there!
If you have two GTP's you can make a pretty packet of the offspring each year (in saying that they breed however).
Not thinking too deep into it just putting in my 2c
I would say if you stayed away from the average common pythons/snakes that sell for crumbs and say got
2F 1M
Orange pepper pythons.
Colubrid snakes double clutch so that would be handy.
May be albino darwin tho I think the price of them are going down.

Big outlay so take longer to recover the expenses.
Could get a long time mate to put in.
Could just start out with GTP I guess.

Buy food in bulk of suppliers
Maybe get a ABN number so you could claim some electricity on TAX

And breed them more as a hobby and just enjoyed having them more so than a job looking for how much you can make. Then any extra cash boost you get from selling that season would be a bonus.

Just thinking out loud :)
Ya sounds good! Thanks for that mate :) Im a qualified personal trainer, so doing that and snake breeding would be a bad start. :)
I think it also depends on how much time you put into it as a job, and the size of your collection. If you are smart, and as mentioned before bulk buy or breed your food, and buy your animals smartly then i guess there could be some money to be made in it, but as i said, a lot of time will have to be put into it, and a decent sized collection will most likely be needed.
Ya sounds good! Thanks for that mate :) Im a qualified personal trainer, so doing that and snake breeding would be a bad start. :) basically just said "yep, I like the idea of trying to keep and breed animals I probably don't know anything about, nor care about, as long as I think I'm making cash! Awesome idea!"
Also, python and colubrids are two different things. But yet you think it's a great idea.

Thank God youve missed this season.

Have you not looked at threads where NICE snakes are taking ages to sell? Let alone random "i bred them 'cause I could and they're average" snakes.
Maybe get a ABN number so you could claim some electricity on TAX

I don't know about other states but in Qld you are not allowed to commercialize native wildlife unless you have a commercial licence, which costs $1548.- for 3 years but such licence would not cover GTPs or any other near threatened species. By applying for ABN as a snake breeder you would expose yourself to a lot of trouble with DERM.

One pair of GTPs (as suggested) will not get you too far. What if they don't breed or you have some problems with incubation and rearing the neonates? To me, it looks like the plain green GTPs are becoming quite common in the hobby and people are starting to look for something different - that is most likely to be the trend in the future. Electricity costs are the biggest killer and it's not going to get better. ........ think about other jobs and breed snake for the enjoyment. My 2 bob worth.
Am i right in thinking that you would have more success at this if you lived in say the UK or USA? as there they have a wider range of snakes, and more people that purchase them? they also have all the expensive morphs etc.
I don't know about other states but in Qld you are not allowed to commercialize native wildlife unless you have a commercial licence, which costs $1548.- for 3 years but such licence would not cover GTPs or any other near threatened species. By applying for ABN as a snake breeder you would expose yourself to a lot of trouble with DERM.

One pair of GTPs (as suggested) will not get you too far. What if they don't breed or you have some problems with incubation and rearing the neonates? To me, it looks like the plain green GTPs are becoming quite common in the hobby and people are starting to look for something different - that is most likely to be the trend in the future. Electricity costs are the biggest killer and it's not going to get better. ........ think about other jobs and breed snake for the enjoyment. My 2 bob worth.

You wouldn't get a ABN for a python breeding business, that just makes things complicated.
You would get a ABN for say website developer or some sort of home business.
Heaps of people do it.
Also a great way to negative gear on a property you own & live in.
At least this guy is doing his homework first. There will be people still investing in ordinary reptiles and assuming they will make money once the hatchies rock around without any idea that the market is flooded with sellers and that they will have a hell of a time trying to sell them unless they go cheap and even then be ready to discount futher and be asked to pay freight on top of that, etc. Its pot luck selling anything these days!
That said there still seems to be a reasonable market for gtps, albinos, jags and anything unusual, you just have to be patient and wait for the buyers to come along.
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