Building my own enclosure - few questions

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Nice joinery, are the bottom ones for vens? What else you keeping in the others?
Ok I got the call to pick up the glass today, so as thats done I cut and put in the tracking, waiting on some silicone to dry overnight. After the advice I recieved here, I installed a second vent (same size), lower down on the side to hopefully create better air flow. If I really struggle to get temperatures right (no thermostat method) I will start cutting a mesh hole in the top until its big enough that the temperatures get perfect average conditions. I've also installed the light socket, protective cage, an on/off switch on the rear, basking branch (lightly sanded). I'm not a sparky but I think I did a pretty good job, and my cables are completly tidy so no chance of any accidents. Will get some pics up over the weekend once I give it a clean, then get the temps are right so I can move my stimson in.

i would recommend using a thermostat would be so much easier then cutting air hole but thats just me lol
Hey mate enclosure sounds great looking forward to some finished pics. just a quick question about the globe u used, the exo terra site u provided a link to says that those globes are only avalible in 125w and 160w what size did u use??

Cheers Sam.
mate a thermostat is recommended just incase something buggers up. i have an enclosure approx same size as yours n i use a ministat 400 thermostat and it regulates perfectly between 33.5 and 31. the with a ceramic heat blub. and a heat mat under the basking spot. keeps perfect temps. cheers
Thanks for all the tips everyone. Here is a picture of the completed setup, minus some minor rearranging once my fake grassy shrubs get here. I will definitly look at including a thermostat in the future as a precaution, but temps seem perfect for now.


I am using a 50w Heat Glow exo terra light as the only source of heat, set on a 12 hour timer. 7am to 7pm. There is not a lot of natural light gets into my house, so I've gone this route.

I was planning on using a 15w heat cord below this enclosure, but temps seem pretty ideal right now as it is. Im only running 12 hours of heat a day, would anyone recommend the heat cord for night heat?

Temps on the rocks are about 35 degrees and at the other end vary between 26-28 degrees depending on ambient temps. This has been monitored for several hours in the heat of the day and seems very stable. The reason I prefer this method to a setup involving a thermostat is that there is less chance of any sort of failure.

I stayed up to observe the snakes behaviour in the new enclosure, spending the first 6-8 hours trying to escape I assume. Eventually he/she tried to get through the gap between the 2 sheets of glass, and was successful. I let it get about 1/3 of the way out before gently alerting it to my presence and it retracted its neck. I then folded some cardboard in half and stuffed it in the gap to prevent any future escapes.

Appreciate any feedback or decoration ideas.


You need to put some of that glass track along the side of the front opening as well :) This will help prevent escape. You need a lock as well and especially if you have no intention of putting track along the sides. You can get some strips of rubber that stick to the inside of windows and doors.... put that in the gap between the glass but use two pieces, one on either piece of glass side by side.
Oh, I would also suggest using some silicone to attach some handles to the front so you dont need to awkwardly push the doors to open them.

Here is an example :)

Thanks, I have a lock but its just not on in that photo, and I got some weather strips and fixed them to the glass today. Also before anyone mentions it, there is a water bowl in there too, in the front right corner.


---------- Post added 17-Jan-11 at 12:55 PM ----------

Here are a couple of quick pics of the snake enjoying the new heat source. It might be pleasent to have a light to bask with, instead of a 5w heat source in a tiny box. Has been much more active since moving in, and seems happier. I noticed that I could see right through the snake when it was resting against the cage, you might notice the faint red glow in the first picture. It wasn't easy to catch on camera, but looked very rad.



Will update again once the fake grasses I ordered arive and I finish the decorations.

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hi, i have been told many times the way you work out the globe wattage is roughly 40w per foot of enclosure, i have a 4x2x2 and have 160w of globes, one 100w and a 60w. it also will depend on where your tank is located, mine is in the garage and so i could even go to 175 or 200w. you will not want to go to much wattage as you will possibly still burn the snake. to little and you may burn out your thermostat. (if your using one) i would recomment starting with the 40w rule of thumb and adjust as needed after that.
I also find keeping a large amount of rock in the enclosure will help retain heat when the thermosat goes off. and offers many more places for the snake to bask.
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