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Mate you should know by now that MEDIA reports only focus on the rewarding outcome for themselves, not the animals or people doing the job.

Get a grip onyourself man. Do you think that other people than us realy get the true picture from the NEWS.
Did anyone see the ABC 7.30 Report last night - the story on the DNA profiling being done by DEC in WA? It had footage of the 'good guys' up trees sampling DNA from Black Cockatoos, holding snakes and swabbing their mouths, and rifling through people's enclosures with torches etc...

I have no problem with profiling slow breeding species such as Black Cockatoos, and other animals which are rare or threatened, but the emphasis on species of reptiles which have large clutches, or breed frequently, distorts the picture of these species, both in the wild and in captivity. It mentioned that SW Carpets (M. imbricata) are a threatened species... why then is an unlimited wild take, by licensed takers, allowed, and for the last 7 years?

The whole presentation was designed to, yet again, paint reptile keepers as just one step away from murderers in the world of criminality. WA wildlife officers already have a reputation for thuggish behaviour, and they operate at the very edge of what is permissible in a modern, so-called, free society. When you get a licence in most states, you effectively sign away your right to privacy in your own home, but in WA they take it to the limit of acceptable behaviour.

It isn't unusual for up to three officers to turn up at the homes of keepers, on the weekend, and insist on access to inspect your animals and paperwork, regardless of the inconvenience to the licensee. Suggestions that they make an appointment at a more convenient time are met with suggestions that your lack of cooperation will be noted - basically that is just threatening behaviour and should not be tolerated.

The whole bureaucratic machine in WA is built around heavy handed, intimidating and threatening behaviour, directed against people engaging in a perfectly legal activity.

The concern is that they are encouraging other jurisdictions to take up similar attitudes. DECCW NSW has had representatives in WA looking at the DNA profiling techniques used in that state, and it seems this is just a part of a push to put more pressure on keepers of animals which are killed in their millions on public roads every year.

The habitual use of keepers as negative propaganda material by these bureaucracies should be challenged, but it seems it never will be...

I didnt see the show but my concern is when they do checks how can they garantee the safety of my animals from unknow problems when theyve been to several other keepers before me? so if i do refuse them does that make me guilty or just have my pets interest at heart?
a valid point lplater, and it is of particular concern to all those nsw keepers who have had threatening letters demanding that they take their snakes to a vet in sydney for dna sampling and pit tagging. a stressfull thing to do to an animal species that is quite finnicky and stress prone, especially when the several hour vehicle trip each way is factored in.
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