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AussiePythons Supporter
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Jan 23, 2012
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South Australia
So just across from the house in amongst all the shrubs/bushes, which are a few metres from the ocean. There are a few what appear to be Bynoe's Geckos.
Most are a goldy colour with black stripes across the top.
However, I saw one that was gold/orange with strips across the top and sort of aqua coloured legs.
I tried to take a few pics with my phone but they're fast little buggers and the glare from the sun didn't help either.
Almost came close to catching some. Will try again later.

I live about 500ks from the SA?WA border if that helps.

Any ideas? Thanks guys.
from description and the fact that sun was out sounds like a skink.
Could be some sort of Skink I guess. Just initially looked more like a Gecko to me.
I'll try and get some pics tomorrow. Then we'll know.
I'll feel pretty stupid if it turns out to be a SKink, but oh well. Lol.
Finally caught one. IMAG0123.jpgIMAG0125.jpg
I don't know if it's the same lizard that I described. Maybe they change colour according to how much sun they are getting?
It was overcast when i caught this one. I do know for sure though that the Orange/Yellow/Aqua lizard is another story.
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not a gecko at all lol
looks like a female/juvie painted dragon (Ctenophorus pictus)
Finally caught one. View attachment 237584View attachment 237583
I don't know if it's the same lizard that I described. Maybe they change colour according to how much sun they are getting?
It was overcast when i caught this one. I do know for sure though that the Orange/Yellow/Aqua lizard is another story.

Yeah thats no gecko lol,
Oh and the pics look much better in a wild setting ;)
Looks to me like you have some hatchling Painted Dragons (Ctenophorus pictus). Adult males can develop blue or aqua on the back and around the mouth during the breeding season. This possibly accounts for the aqua colours you saw – I say possibly because it does not match the way you described it.

I can see why you might have thought the little critters were Bynoes. We have no diurnal geckoes in Australia and the only time you will see one out in sunshine is when it has been disturbed in its daytime retreat.

Yeah I kind of thought it was some sort of Dragon after I had a proper look. Especially the eyes. I still don't know if the rest are the same sort or totally different. But thanks for the info guys.

And yep. Looking at pics of Mature Painted Dagons. I'm 100% sure that's what the larger lizard was. Awesome Colours. :)

Just out of interest. What do they eat? I tried giving it a tiny Woodie but it didn't seem too keen at all.
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Yeah I kind of thought it was some sort of Dragon after I had a proper look. Especially the eyes. I still don't know if the rest are the same sort or totally different. But thanks for the info guys.

And yep. Looking at pics of Mature Painted Dagons. I'm 100% sure that's what the larger lizard was. Awesome Colours. :)

Just out of interest. What do they eat? I tried giving it a tiny Woodie but it didn't seem too keen at all.

Its probably stressed out, I would just release it so it can calm down and get a feed for itself.
Yep fair call. Back it goes. Glad I finally know though.

Yeah its great to know what species are in your area, you are so lucky to have these guys in your backyard, watching them everyday in their natural surrounding is 10x better than keeping them in a tank imo
Well more like front yard-ish, lol. But backyard has Marbled Geckos, Barking Geckos, and Earless Skinks, that I've found so far at least.

Mature Painted Dragons look so awesome though. Wouldn't mind getting some. Anyone got any?
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If you are going to keep it then you need to at least provide a proper enclsure for it.
I am not 100% but I am almost certain they need a similar enclosure to a Central Netted Dragon, a care sheet can be found here, the tank size and lighting and temperature are all essential to get correct if you want it to live more than a few weeks.
Care Sheet Central Netted Dragon
I changed the enclosure setup. 250mm(L), 160mm (W), 160mm(H). It is outside in the sun during the day and in my room at night with blinds closed. Temps should be fine. It has a rock to bask on, a little log to hide under (which it dug under and is now asleep at). A milk bottle lid of rain water (which I rinse out and clean daily). And some veggies/salad in a small bowl. With some sticks and such to climb. I was going to let it go but I put some meal worms in there today, which are gone. As well as a Woodie in there tonight, which it ate right up. So it can't be too stressed.

I just found a spare 350 x 210 x 190 tank that I could also use.

As it gets bigger I can put it in a 1200 x 300 x 300 tank out the back.
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