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They survive in Central & Western QLD through the winter & it can get below zero. They may not survive snow caped mountains though.
hey all
I noticed that Underwater world at the sunshine coast has some cane toads on display there, they have their enclosure set up like a little suburban backyard, i must say it would be interesting to see the size they can attain as ive read they can grow to a weight of over 200g and a length of 12 inches. I however think it would be cool to keep a pobblebonk, really like their sounds.. Just my 2cents
I think that you will find that displays at underwater world & the likes of those places are more for public warning of a pest species.
I would be very surprised if you could get a licence to keep them especially in a state where they are supposedly not there yet.
Just wait a bit longer & you might find them in the street or your own backyard.
I remember years ago seeing in a picture magazine I think some girl up rocky with her pet cane toad she fed up on dog food.That thing was a monster.
Cane Toads are not actually listed in Australia as pests . If the Government listed them as a pest , that would mean they would have to spend bulk $$ on thier eradication . Also to get listing as a pest species , they have to be proven as detrimental to agirculture . It seems being detrimental to native wildlife is of no concern . Just wonderful !!

cats have done more dammage to Australian wildlife than cane toads ever will,and people keep them,so whynot keep a cane toad??

cats and foxes have caused extinctions,cane toads have not.
Yah they can grow huge if conditions are right & fed up.
Just my personal opinion, comming from someone who has lived in & around central Qld all my life, along side cane toads, is that you would have to have rocks in your head if you wanted to keep them somewhere where they are not yet.
It will only be when they invade the Gov't house yard or start climbing the steps of parliment house,that the polies will take the unwelcome toxic invasion seriously.
It is only that Australian rivers have a different water shed or catchment area that they are not in southern states yet.
It is only a matter of time until some find their way over a hill or around a moutain into another river system that they will continue their ever invasive march, just as they have done in Qld & NT. With devastating effects.

SO why would you to keep them in Victoria?? or anywhere else.??

SO why would you to keep them in Victoria?? or anywhere else.??


Know thy enemy...

Remove one (or more) from breeding selection...

Jolly interesting creatures to observe...

Generally a very interesting creature...

Easy to look after...


Easy fed...

Geez - the list goes on!

It is not illegal to keep them as pets in Queensland - though it is not advised.

I kept about 30 at a time as pets, they had a big enclosure that was plugged in... I think the conditions were too cold for them though, none survived.
Yah they can grow huge if conditions are right & fed up.
Just my personal opinion, comming from someone who has lived in & around central Qld all my life, along side cane toads, is that you would have to have rocks in your head if you wanted to keep them somewhere where they are not yet.
It will only be when they invade the Gov't house yard or start climbing the steps of parliment house,that the polies will take the unwelcome toxic invasion seriously.
It is only that Australian rivers have a different water shed or catchment area that they are not in southern states yet.
It is only a matter of time until some find their way over a hill or around a moutain into another river system that they will continue their ever invasive march, just as they have done in Qld & NT. With devastating effects.

SO why would you to keep them in Victoria?? or anywhere else.??


I think one has to pick his battles Ian... judging by some of the comments in this thread unless you dramatically lower your IQ (like down to single digits) you're going to become a very frustrated man :lol:
Can/will large toads eat smaller ones without having any ill effect? Could be a good way to bump off little fellas and incentive to have a large one as a pet as I live in central Q.L.D
Cannibal lector would be a good name...:D
Can/will large toads eat smaller ones without having any ill effect? Could be a good way to bump off little fellas and incentive to have a large one as a pet as I live in central Q.L.D
Cannibal lector would be a good name...:D

I don't know that they are cannibals as eat there own, but I have seen one with green frogs legs hanging out of its mouth.

I agree that cats & foxes are a total waste of time as well & should be licenced & desexed if not breeding & further more should be kept in enclosures or your own backyard, however you want to do it. & you could even stretch that to dogs if you want.

Thanks Chris D for the warning & I know exactly what you mean, but it is beyond me to give up on such a close to the heart wildlife threatening thing such as cane toads & feral cats & feral pigs etc.

Until people have witnesed the destruction themselves & lived with them for so many years & watched the decline of native species around us, they have NO idea.

Thanks Chris D for the warning & I know exactly what you mean, but it is beyond me to give up on such a close to the heart wildlife threatening thing such as cane toads & feral cats & feral pigs etc.

Until people have witnesed the destruction themselves & lived with them for so many years & watched the decline of native species around us, they have NO idea.


Agreed mate, & your passion is admirable. I too have seen what you're talking about, it just frustrates me reading some of the illogical & ill-informed comments in this thread. Sometimes you just have to walk away....
You guys' passion is so admirable. Cane toads are devils on earth and they will destroy everything they set their sites on. They are so destructive and NO-ONE knows what they can do unless they live in QLD, NSW, or the NT.
you would have to have rocks in your head
unless you dramatically lower your IQ (like down to single digits)
There is no need to insult people's intelligence.

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I would still love to see one in the for sales section :) Would read...
Cane Toad, common name *!**!
100% het for pain in the ***
Proven breeder
Will swap for adult GTP
I have so many in my yard in summer you can't walk outside without nearly stepping on one. Have counted 50+ on any given night. Also if you're going to hit them with golf club, choose a lofted club such as a pitching wedge. If you use a driver they don't clear the fence and you just end up with dead toads in your yard.

Recently on a trip to Brisbane I found one had decided to come with me in my luggage as well, and I've found dead ones in my house, in my bedroom. A complete pest, nothing else.

Maybe the op would like a mosquito collection as well?
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