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Almost Legendary
Mar 17, 2004
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:D Picking up a pair of GTF's today!!! :D
They are 8 months old and about 6cm..........Hope more members join this forum soon, I want to meet more froggy folk too. :wink: Pics to come soon !
you'll love em Inny, I used to have a couple when i was younger. Very entertaining and beautiful colour. Though very noisy at times, like when you are trying to listen to a good CD, CROAK CROAK CROAK.lol
they are great animals, they live all around my place and ive seen some with some very strange colours
Cant wait to hear him Parko, rather that than the idiot box mate :D Tommo it will be intresting to see what colors they display most and weather envoromental color (aquarium backing) affects color. Iv seen some beautiful sky blue and vivid gtp green too. :wink:
They live in bushland always neaer permanent water, they do forage among leaf litter etc but mostly aboreal, so enclosures tend to mimic that, but theres alot of variety in what you can do with that. as long as needs are met, you can use your imagination.
mine is a purpous built frog tank, allows about 6-8 inches of water on the bottom. Im using that to max, i have a small filter in there, to keep water moving (humidity) and I have built up an island in the middle with smooth rocks, live house plants and fake, branches and a frog hammock. Ill post some pics when the kids are in bed! I got a male (im assured) havent heard him croak yet, and a slightly bigger girlfreind with some nice speckles on her. Im rapt, frogs are great! I call them Freddo and Fiona . :D
Yeah pics will be great
Do they really make a lot of noise ? and if so is it all the time or only sometimes ?
what do you feed them ? I am starting to think about getting some now !
Oh yeah..I have an aquarium water heater in the water, keeping the water at 24c. air temp is at 22c. Humidity is at 65% on the hygo at the top. Im told by the breeder these are good stats. Im learning ! They are feeding once a week on sevral large woodies each, each feed dusted with herptavite, every 2-3 feeds with calcium, since too much is apparently as detrimental as too little, same per feeding amounts. I will varie their diet with roaches, mealworms (molted) crickets, earthworms, slaters, flys moths (when warmer) grasshoppers etc.
Hopefully more froggers will join and I can learn more. Most looking forward to and hoping to witness them shed and eat it!! And to hear him call, i really hope the breeder got the right one! :D

..Mick, Im told they croak for a while at a time thjen fall quiet, but not persistantly, like some others, pobblebonks for example. The adults call is a deep "wraark wraark", i imagine my guys would be a slightly higher version, ill let you know. Apparently certain things can set em off, like vacume cleaners! , music, snoreing! :lol:
:D Congrats Instar! GTF's are pretty cool to have.

We have had 6 since July 2001...we thought we may have had 1 female and 5 males but it seems they are all males. :) Which is just fine as they are the ones that croak, (which we really enjoy listening to) and we didn't buy them to breed... :lol:

Daavid feeds them cockroaches also. Our GTF's usually croak during the night, which puts a smile on our face...as they sound quite nice and it doesn't last a very long time. If you go up to them in their terrarium or enclosure and mimic their croaking sound, within a 1/2 minute or so they will begin to croak back :wink: Did you know they drink from their bottoms?? If you see them hanging over the water with just their bottoms in, that is because they are drinking!!! :wink: Seriously..
Enjoy, Jude
they are great animals, they live all around my place and ive seen some with some very strange colours
What colours have you seen?
Sorry guys, had a bug with uploading...heres some pics. I will try to get better clearer closeups in daylight so you can see the frogs better. Both have some nice white speckles on their backs, hers more prominent.



mostly i see the normal green ones, but i did find a pink one once, i was out kicking cane toads in pinecreek and i first thought it was a toad!
I hope you know the difference Tommo, alot of people probly go out kicking "cane toads" and are killing native frogs and toads because they cant tell the difference. Iv seen pics and video of cane toads but i still couldnt id a live one if i tried, from a native toad or frog. P.s I do realise you live in a cane toad area obviously, so you ought to be sure, but you know what i mean. :wink:
They look lovely Inny! I had a female GTF for 13 years which I raised from a tadpole - I only presumed she was female as she never croaked...oh! except the very last time! :cry:

They are amazing creatures! I've heard with plenty of interest ppl recommending calcium suppliments for them! For what? I never used it and the one I kept in the whole 13 yrs never had a single drama! Would have lived heaps longer if it wasn't for my folks!! Oh well, thats another story!!

Your enclosure looks awesome - they will undoubtabley be happy in there! :D Good luck with them Instar! :wink:
Thanks moose, yes ive heard that info re: calcium, from a few reliable sources, so it'll be very easy on the rep-cal, only every few feeds and then not much. looks great dont it! :D...........
.........Damn shame about your female :cry: A mate has a 20 yr old [pair
they are fantastic, a few sources have said 10-15 yrs others 20+.
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