Central Netteds

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Saz, are there many like that white male around, he's really nice.
How much for the babies?
I actually haven't seen any other captive bred specimins, other than Sdaji's parthenogenetic ones. I don't think that many people keep them, even though
they are a common gecko in the wild. The babies will be $50 each.

How are those thick tail eggs cooking? How many days incubation has it been now?

The 1st clutch was laid on 10/11/05, but are just sitting on my desk so I don't know about temps. Speaking of breeding machines my female milli has laid 4 clutches- 8 eggs this season. Unfortunatly the first 2 clutches got cooked :cry: (combo of hot weather and thermostat troubles), thats why the second 2 clutches are just on my desk at room temp. :)
Fingers crossed they hatch okay, I thought thick tails were around the 60+ day mark for incubation, but it does depend on temps of course.
Yes, it's more of a worry keeping the eggs cool that keeping them hot LOL! The incubator gets pride of place next to the air conditioner in the herp room so it
can keep the eggs at a steady 28 degrees.

Sounds like she must be very happy living with you to have continually bred this season. It's a great feeling to know that your animals are happy :0)
heres a pic of the female bursting with eggs.
Holy c#@p!! Surely it won't be long before she lays! She's a really nice looking Milli, I have a little juvie that has her colouring. If you do get some babies from the eggs and you are going to sell them, I would love to buy some. I'm trying to get a small colony started and want to get a few different blood lines going.

How many Milli do you have Jordo? They are such a lovely species aren't they!

She layed that clutch ages ago :)
I had 5 (1F, 4M - hows my luck!) but now i've only got her and 2 other boys, one of which is huge. If they hatch I'll probably try to sell the male and keep the female, but not sure yet. i'm goin to uni in a few weeks so can' t really keep alot of animals but i wan't to get a colony happening as well.
Ooooo and isn't this thread on Netted dragons :wink:
Hehehe! Actually I was thinking that too...well, over the weekend I've discovered that my baby netteds love nectarine, plum and grape. I haven't been able to get them to eat any green veggies yet. I guess they must like the sweet taste of the fruit.

Here's a pic of one taken this morning. This little fella is the darkest of the lot and has by far the most black/brown on him. I love their little pod bellies and that they can sleep anywhere LOL!
Awwww!!! What a little sweatheart! He looks like a hilarious standing up like that LOL!

OMG whatsup, how much does it look like he is taking a "comfort break" against the wall..... hilarious, I love it!!!!
heheh Love that pic, thanks for the pics guys, even the geckos are awesome!
Easiest way to sex a gecko. Males stand up to pee. That is so flippin funny :lol:
Love the pictures people, there's alot of really nice animals in this thread! also it's definetely made me see just how nice central netteds (and a few different geckos!!) are!. That's one thing you gotta love about being into herps, the variety of the different great things you can buy up on, centrals are now on my list so thank you all!!
Yup gorgeous little fellas, and 'the ladies' love em too, i think they are super, that wild one looks unbelievable too!
Hey Steve, ATR has been hijacked by the APS Gods. (see why I stay here) so you will have to post all of your photos again hehehe.

Well if I could figure out how to get them from my gallery here to the post here I would, thats why I use ATR for my Gallery so I can actualy put some pics up.

Mods any idea? Cant get photos from my album onto posts like I used too..

I think there is a hint there!
In your album, click on the pic you want to use, than right click with you rmouse and click on properties and than copy the URL for your picture, than when you post them back here select the IMG tab which leaves you with little brackets like these [img ] than paste your URL and select the image tag again. Before you submit, preview your post first to see if the images come up. That should work!
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