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Almost Legendary
Feb 23, 2006
Reaction score
Hobbiton, Middle Earth.
The annual AHS auction was held last night, this year there were plenty of herps donated by generous keepers, and boy didn't some of them go cheap!!!! Some of the herps that went up were Coastal Carpets, a Darwin Childrens, Turtles, Blueys, Sand Swimmers, Stone Geckoes, Northern Spiny's, Adult O.marmorata. N. levis levis & occidentalis, a female beardie, plus the usual herp books and other items.... and they went dirt cheap!!! most well under a hundred bucks......Well done to everyone who donated for the night and to everyone who bought something.
I can't believe how cheap some of the herps went for, I'm going to have to make sure I have a spare enclosure next time the auction comes around so I can pick up a new gecko-provided I can out-bid Bry and Bugs :lol:
It was a fun night, thanks to the organisers and all those who participated :)
YAY i am now the proud owner of 3 gex :) was not planning on biding but its all so exciting :) much more than ebay ;)

Thank you to everyone who was generous enough to donate
wasnt there one around christmas as well?

Lucky i didnt stay fro the auction, i'm not very good @ passing up a bargain! :)
Only one Auction a year, Myself and some others did auction off some animals to raise some extra dollars for the club before xmas, but that was a spur of the moment thing
Lots of bargains. One member picked up a very nice orange Nephrurus levis occidentalis for $60.

Sandswimmers went as low as $30. I think some stone geckos sold for $40.

I almost forgot, some coastal carpets went for very low (read: appropriate) prices. Some nice feeding childrens went very cheap as well.

Coastals were like $40 or soemthing. I can't remember. Breeding rats and mice were plentiful and went for $12 and $16 each.

Coastals were like $40 or soemthing. I can't remember. Breeding rats and mice were plentiful and went for $12 and $16 each.

Haha. Nephrurus, the cheapest coastal was actually $75 & that was even for a magic morph.
Damn Jason! Next time you give sandswimmers away send some this way ;)
I wish something like this happened in Perth!!!!GGGgggggggggggggggggrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrr!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Jealous jealous jealous.........
Great idea.
I know someones already asked this, and I might have missed the answer, but.

where is it held?
what time is it on?
and what date/day is it on?

The Australian Herpetological Society held at The Australian Museum, Sydney, fourth Wednesday of every month. Auctions dates are organised by the committee and advertised to members a couple of months prior.
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