Coastal Carpets

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Well-Known Member
Feb 3, 2003
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Hey guys, :lol:
I need some advice, I am about to get a coastal carpet python (yearling)and was wondering, should the cage be taller rather than longer? I am about to get a custom one from the herp shop that is 100 high x 100 wide x 50 deep. Is this ok? Also does anyone know a good care sheet or anything that special that I need to know.
thanks :shock: 8)
Coastals do like to climb, so an arboreal enclosure is the go.
100 x 100 x 50 is a minimum requirement according to John Weigel's book, Care of Australian Native Reps in Captivity... check it out as a good starting point.

Are you getting a hatchling? If so, a critter cage will do nicely for up to 12 months.
I find it easier to make my own cages, If you have the time!
that way i can build it so fit a certain area.
my y10 Major woodwook job was a three teir snake cage, about1.6m tall.
i did some research afterward and i would end up paying about $550 for a cage that cost me about $80-100

where are you getting your coastal from and does he have any left?
I'm getting a yearling but want to have a cage that I do not need to replace. Also I'm thirteen and my dad isn't really capable of Making one. ( i will when i'm older)
I am only 13 too and I make snake cages.It isn't very hard.
I just go to garage sales and buy cabinents with sliding glass doors for like $20. Then put the furnishings, then put ventilation in,a light and light guard then a thermostat and theres a snake cage.

(He's getting better-Greebo)
Thanx brendan,
I am actually going to do that for a avary type outdoor enclosure for my beardie. I'll start by doing that.
When you pick up your snake,ask the breeder for a care sheet.
Most good breeders will be happy to give you one and answer any questions you might have.
another thing you can use as short term cages are plastic storage boexes with the lid replaced with flyscreen mesh. (i'm 13 too)
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