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This thread amazes me. One person can spin everybody else around a "mission impossible" and the argument (about nothing really) keeps on going for days and days. A cold shower costs nothing ... let it go. Why are you giving him the time of a day?
i bet americans know their history better ( and probably their maths )
yeah, right.
Oh yeah and thats why they have acts like the "No Child left behind" Come on America is falling behind with its education. Back on Topic. If we were to open the borders there would more than likely be a backlash on the keepers here. We would need permits for animals that at this stage are exempt. We would need to prove the lineage of an animal that is highly sought after possible DNA if we were to keep them. Common species becomming scarce because there is more money in selling it overseas. And why? So some American can buy them breed them make a quick buck and then there would be no market for us to sell them. Face it you can keep more than us as far as Australian natives as it is and with very little restriction. Why do you care about what we do? Oh so you can save some money and some of the harder to find Australian reptiles will be cheaper for you? Get real. Stop arguing your invalid point and just do what has been done in the past.

Waterrat its the internet. What did you expect?
This thread amazes me. One person can spin everybody else around a "mission impossible" and the argument (about nothing really) keeps on going for days and days. A cold shower costs nothing ... let it go. Why are you giving him the time of a day?

Exactly Michael.
Some of us realised this from the very first post ?
But for some reason this thread has a life of its own.....
OOps too much caffeine.....1 yr out

Damn.... why do I have 1776 in my brain.....1788....duh
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There's a big difference between rights and privileges. Owning every Australian snake is a privilege, not a right, and certainly not one that should trump the right for a country to regulate their sovereign habitats.

Exactly Michael.
Some of us realised this from the very first post ?
But for some reason this thread has a life of its own.....
I for one have learned a lot about Australian animal laws in this thread.
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There is a reason why so many people from other countries move to the United States. It's because we are a free country. People want that life for their family. People risk their lives by starving themselves, dehydrating themselves, dodging bullets, etc. just to get here to have the freedoms of Americans. There is a reason little village kids flock to American soldiers when they go to their countries. They know what America stands for: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You can talk smack on the government all you want, but not every American agrees with what the government portrays to the distorted news and media. We have access to just about any kind of animal we want here and can freely own it with little to no restrictions. That is what America is all about. We have the freedom to do that. Many other countries couldn't even dream of that. There are more tigers in America than there are in the wild anywhere in the world. We have the freedom to breed tigers if we choose.

Back to my original point which no one has replied to. You are all hypocrites and can't even fess up to it. You are bashing me for advocating the keeping of reptiles, breeding reptiles, selling reptiles, importing reptiles, and doing anything else with reptiles when you are screaming bloody murder for conservation while at the very same time you probably have a collection of your own reptiles sitting at home. The Wyndham Crocodile Farm in Kimberly, yea that’s conservation for you. Let's go out and kill as many crocodiles as we can to make belts, shoes, wallets, and other accessories just so we can export it and make money. That says a lot for your so called Australian wildlife conservation efforts. I'm not against that at all and believe that you should have that freedom, but I'm sure you can't stand it, unless you really don't give a darn about conservation. I think that's just a sorry excuse for being jealous that an American has come on your forum to speak his mind about the freedoms that we enjoy here in the States.

You can speak all you want about your experience with the government there, but that doesn’t mean someone else hasn’t had a different experience here. This guy that I know went through two years of bullshit before he could get his permits to import reptiles and he finally got it and I know it eats you up inside that an American has gotten animals out of Australia because it makes you feel like a sorry old Yank has gotten over on ya. If you disagree with breeding and selling Australian reptiles, then that’s fine, we already have most of them anyways lol.
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you keep telling us about your mate that can export reptiles overseas. why not give us his name? it is all legit so there shouldn't be an issue.
We have the freedom to breed tigers if we choose.

Whew! now that's something to be proud of... no wonder they're going extinct in the wild - they're all in America!!!

Not going to get caught up in the Yank bashing thing, but this guy is seriously deluded, even a bit hysterical! America is not the 'free for all' he suggests it is. Maybe he's been living under a rock somewhere and doesn't realise that the 21st century is catching up with everyone, even in America. Would HAVE to be a Republican... even maybe Tea Party...

If you want to go to a country where you die if you can't afford health care, go to the good ol' US of A!

Sorry - was this the thread where someone was asking about some spotteds breeding this year... I can get you in touch with a few guys here - they've got some nice ones.
Think a little research in to crocodile products and conservation is in order.
There is a reason why so many people from other countries move to the United States. It's because we are a free country. People want that life for their family. People risk their lives by starving themselves, dehydrating themselves, dodging bullets, etc. just to get here to have the freedoms of Americans. There is a reason little village kids flock to American soldiers when they go to their countries. They know what America stands for: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You can talk smack on the government all you want, but not every American agrees with what the government portrays to the distorted news and media. We have access to just about any kind of animal we want here and can freely own it with little to no restrictions. That is what America is all about. We have the freedom to do that. Many other countries couldn't even dream of that. There are more tigers in America than there are in the wild anywhere in the world. We have the freedom to breed tigers if we choose.

Back to my original point which no one has replied to. You are all hypocrites and can't even fess up to it. You are bashing me for advocating the keeping of reptiles, breeding reptiles, selling reptiles, importing reptiles, and doing anything else with reptiles when you are screaming bloody murder for conservation while at the very same time you probably have a collection of your own reptiles sitting at home. The Wyndham Crocodile Farm in Kimberly, yea that’s conservation for you. Let's go out and kill as many crocodiles as we can to make belts, shoes, wallets, and other accessories just so we can export it and make money. That says a lot for your so called Australian wildlife conservation efforts. I'm not against that at all and believe that you should have that freedom, but I'm sure you can't stand it, unless you really don't give a darn about conservation. I think that's just a sorry excuse for being jealous that an American has come on your forum to speak his mind about the freedoms that we enjoy here in the States.

You can speak all you want about your experience with the government there, but that doesn’t mean someone else hasn’t had a different experience here. This guy that I know went through two years of bullshit before he could get his permits to import reptiles and he finally got it and I know it eats you up inside that an American has gotten animals out of Australia because it makes you feel like a sorry old Yank has gotten over on ya. If you disagree with breeding and selling Australian reptiles, then that’s fine, we already have most of them anyways lol.

OMG your so persistant...

Let's break it down for you.

NO you can not get our animals there's no legal way to do it if there is your friend wouldn't be the only one that knows about it... Heck if it can be done you would have done it yourself instead of throwing tantrums.

NO we are not jealous, your the one that's hell bent on trying to get Australian animals we want nothing from you...

NO you are not free and it's your government that's brain washed you to thinking that you are.. capitalism does not equal freedom infact it makes you a slave to the corporate whims...

NO villagers don't like your soldiers they just happen to carry bigger guns so best to get them on side...

NO we don't want to move over there we're quite happy where we are afterall we can get Australian species..

NO we are not hypocrites as we don't disagree with keeping reptiles as we're reptile keepers ourselves, we disagree with YOU keeping ours though through wildlife exploitation

No we are not the ones annoyed at the freedoms you "enjoy" as we want no part of it...

What really ticks you off and prompted you to throw this tantrum is you did not get the support for your basically capitalist endevour through the exploitation of wildlife. That and this rather long list....

Acanthophis antarcticus
Acanthophis praelongus
Acanthophis pyrrhus
Austrelaps labialis
Austrelaps ramsayi
Austrelaps superbus
Cacophis churchilli
Cacophis harriettae
Cacophis krefftii
Cacophis squamulosus
Demansia atra
Demansia calodera
Demansia olivacea
Demansia papuensis
Demansia psammmophis
Demansia reticulata
Demansia simplex
Demansia torquata
Denisonia devisii
Denisonia maculata
Drysdalia (Elapognaphus) coronata
Drysdalia (Elapognaphus) coronoides
Drysdalia (Elapognaphus) mastersi
Drysdalia (Elapognaphus) rhodogaster
Echiopsis atriceps
Echiopsis curta
Elapognathus minor
Furina diadema
Furina ornata
Glyphodon barnardi
Glyphodon dunmalli
Glyphodon tristis
Hemiaspis damelii
Hemiaspis signata
Hoplocephala bitorquata
Hoplocephala bungaroides
Hoplocephala stephensi
Notechis ater ater
Notechis ater humphreysi
Notechis ater niger
Notechis ater serventyi
Notechis scutatus occidentalis
Notechis scutatus scutatus
Oxyuranus microlepidotus
Oxyuranus scutellatus
Oxyuranus temporalis
Pseudechis australis
Pseudechis butleri
Pseudechis colletti
Pseudechis guttatus
Pseudechis pailsei
Pseudechis porphyriacus
Pseudonaja affinis
Pseudonaja guttata
Pseudonaja inframacula
Pseudonaja ingrami
Pseudonaja modesta
Pseudonaja nuchalis
Pseudonaja textilis
Rhinoplocephalus bicolor
Rhinoplocephalus (Cryptophis) boschmai
Rhinoplocephalus (Cryptophis) nigrescens
Rhinoplocephalus (Cryptophis)nigrostriatus
Rhinoplocephalus nullabor
Rhinoplocephalus (Cryptophis) pallidiceps
Simoselaps anomalus
Simoselaps approximans
Simoselaps australis
Simoselaps bertholdi
Simoselaps bimaculata
Simoselaps calonotus
Simoselaps fasciolata
Simoselaps incinctus
Simoselaps littoralis
Simoselaps minima
Simoselaps semifasciata
Simoselaps roperi
Simoselaps semifasciatus
Simoselaps warro
Simoselaps woodjonesii
Suta (Denisonia) fasciata
Suta (Rhinoplocephalus) flagellum
Suta (Rhinoplocephalus) gouldii
Suta (Rhinoplocephalus) monachus
Suta (Rhinoplocephalus) nigriceps
Suta (Denisonia) ordensis
Suta (Rhinoplocephalus) punctata
Suta (Rhinoplocephalus) spectabilis
Suta (Rhinoplocephalus) dwyeri
Suta (Denisonia) suta
Tropidechis carinatus
Vermicella annulata
Vermicella multifasciata

Man that's a long list that impedes on your freedom don't it and that just ticks you right off being not free to have these..... Maybe you can lobby your government to invade Australia and take them by force for you, you guys are good at that and we will run up to your soldiers with inland taipans in hand you know like village kids.

Let the wind up dance continue......
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There is a reason why so many people from other countries move to the United States. It's because we are a free country. People want that life for their family. People risk their lives by starving themselves, dehydrating themselves, dodging bullets, etc. just to get here to have the freedoms of Americans. There is a reason little village kids flock to American soldiers when they go to their countries. They know what America stands for: life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness. You can talk smack on the government all you want, but not every American agrees with what the government portrays to the distorted news and media. We have access to just about any kind of animal we want here and can freely own it with little to no restrictions. That is what America is all about. We have the freedom to do that. Many other countries couldn't even dream of that. There are more tigers in America than there are in the wild anywhere in the world. We have the freedom to breed tigers if we choose.

Actually it's because America has more lax immigration laws compared to a lot of other western nations. The United States doesn't rank too high in the world when it comes to basic standard of living, so I think it's a bit presumptuous to claim America as the "first-choice" refuge for the greater migration population in the world. It's only been in the last year (2010) that the United States actually broke the top 5 in the Human Development Index (HDI) report. Prior to that you guys have generally ranked 10th-15th. The highest ranked standard of living has typically been dominated by Norway and Canada.

Little village kids flock to any soldier liberating them from violence, famine, and pillage. It has little to do with the flag on their shoulder. Canadian, Australian, and British soldiers get the same responses.

"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" was taken almost verbatim from British philosopher John Locke's 2nd Treaties of Government. These virtues are far from American property, nor do they signify a contrast from other Western nations who carry similar democratic values.

Your evaluation of democracy also seems a little polarized. There's more to a successful democracy than the mere right to "sue and be sued"; there's also the right or duty to "rule and be ruled". The former Roman, the latter Greek. When you spend too much time worrying about how you've been wronged and what you're entitled too, you neglect the responsibilities of a true citizen.

You're having a hard time grasping the idea that not every nation of citizens prioritize their democratic rights high above their democratic duties.

Back to my original point which no one has replied to. You are all hypocrites and can't even fess up to it. You are bashing me for advocating the keeping of reptiles, breeding reptiles, selling reptiles, importing reptiles, and doing anything else with reptiles when you are screaming bloody murder for conservation while at the very same time you probably have a collection of your own reptiles sitting at home. The Wyndham Crocodile Farm in Kimberly, yea that’s conservation for you. Let's go out and kill as many crocodiles as we can to make belts, shoes, wallets, and other accessories just so we can export it and make money. That says a lot for your so called Australian wildlife conservation efforts. I'm not against that at all and believe that you should have that freedom, but I'm sure you can't stand it, unless you really don't give a darn about conservation. I think that's just a sorry excuse for being jealous that an American has come on your forum to speak his mind about the freedoms that we enjoy here in the States.

Actually it sounds like you're just pissy because you can't easily get your hands on Aussie reptiles. To dumb it down a bit, this is all the conversation has been so far.

You: I love Aussie snakes, but they are so hard to get because of your export laws. You should changed them to be more open.
Australians: Naw we're okay, we actually like those laws.
You: But they restrict you on what you can do!
Australians: Yea we know, but we like the benefits toos.
You: But it's not the American way.
Australians: We're not Americans.
You: But I want your snakes!!!!!:x

You can speak all you want about your experience with the government there, but that doesn’t mean someone else hasn’t had a different experience here. This guy that I know went through two years of bullshit before he could get his permits to import reptiles and he finally got it and I know it eats you up inside that an American has gotten animals out of Australia because it makes you feel like a sorry old Yank has gotten over on ya. If you disagree with breeding and selling Australian reptiles, then that’s fine, we already have most of them anyways lol.
I highly doubt they are upset about a few Australian reptiles getting illegally smuggled every now and they. They seem more concerned or annoyed having a non-Australian trying to tell them how they SHOULD run their country.
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I thought mmafan was the biggest tool in the USA, I was wrong...

Actually it's because america has more lax immigration laws compared to a lot of other western nations. The united states doesn't rank too high in the world when it comes to basic standard of living, so i think it's a bit presumptuous to claim america as the "first-choice" refuge for the greater migration population in the world. It's only been in the last year (2010) that the united states actually broke the top 5 in the human development index (hdi) report. Prior to that you guys have generally ranked 10th-15th. The highest ranked standard of living has typically been dominated by norway and canada.

Little village kids flock to any soldier liberating them from violence, famine, and pillage. It has little to do with the flag on their shoulder. Canadian, australian, and british soldiers get the same responses.

"life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness" was taken almost verbatim from british philosopher john locke's 2nd treaties of government. These virtues are far from american property, nor do they signify a contrast from other western nations who carry similar democratic values.

Your evaluation of democracy also seems a little polarized. There's more to a successful democracy than the mere right to "sue and be sued"; there's also the right or duty to "rule and be ruled". The former roman, the latter greek. When you spend too much time worrying about how you've been wronged and what you're entitled too, you neglect the responsibilities of a true citizen.

You're having a hard time grasping the idea that not every nation of citizens prioritize their democratic rights high above their democratic duties.

actually it sounds like you're just pissy because you can't easily get your hands on aussie reptiles. To dumb it down a bit, this is all the conversation has been so far.

you: i love aussie snakes, but they are so hard to get because of your export laws. You should changed them to be more open.
australians: naw we're okay, we actually like those laws.
you: but they restrict you on what you can do!
australians: yea we know, but we like the benefits toos.
you: but it's not the american way.
australians: we're not americans.
you: but i want your snakes!!!!!:x

i highly doubt they are upset about a few australian reptiles getting illegally smuggled every now and they. They seem more concerned or annoyed having a non-australian trying to tell them how they should run their country.

best post of the thread ,,,,,
There's a big difference between rights and privileges. Owning every Australian snake is a privilege, not a right, and certainly not one that should trump the right for a country to regulate their sovereign habitats.

I for one have learned a lot about Australian animal laws in this thread.

Mate , im happy you learn something .
Thats why we all use the internet .
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