Cooling feeds

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Almost Legendary
Jan 24, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne West
I am cooling a few of my snakes at the moment and havy Coastals down to a high of about 22 deg C. Both male and female have not been fed for about 2 - 3 weeks and are looking for food now. My question is this, do you guys and gals reckon I should up the temps for a week or so and feed them or just keep dropping the temps and not feed?
Thanks in advance for the very informed info I am expecting to reecieve from our wonderful members :)
My outdoor stuff had there last meals two weeks ago.
My indoor stuff I will feed until the end of this month.
My hatchlings I will keep warm and continue to feed.

I would not feed your stuff again till they start to warm up again after winter.
And even then I would not feed the boys until they stop mating with the girls.
You want to keep their minds on the job not on lunch.

I continue to feed mine throughout the time. I change their feeds from weekly or fortnightly to monthly
how cold do yours get?
And do you have good success with breeding?
Do you get many infertile eggs in the clutches?


I was cleaning out some cages yesterday, I briefly put one of my Darwins in with another while I cleaned her cage. When I went to get her out, lo and behold they were mating.
I showed them a calender and they both felt pretty foolish let me tell you.
One of them was...well at least I know he is male now.No need to probe and maybe it will put him in a better mood.
I had a pair of athertons that would mate when I put them together.
All year round. I still have the girl but I sold the male.

We have had a couple of cyclones lately drop the temps here for a few weeks to a month. I have been seeing since then alot of herps mating. I was also reading that if conditions are right it could be possible to get two clutches out of pythons a year ( not sure on the truth of this though ). I have seen guys here feeding their females very soon after they lay their eggs and they females have kept great condition and dont show very much weight loss. Anyone else feed females whilst they are coiling a clutch?
I was also reading that if conditions are right it could be possible to get two clutches out of pythons a year ( not sure on the truth of this though )
If this is possible, greedy people would trying to create these conditions to make more money.
Greebo, in Richard Shine's 'Australian Snakes A Natural History' it says "under unusually good conditions, a female egg layer may have time to produce more than one clutch of eggs in a single summer. This type of multiple clutching is quite common in the tropics, but rare in cooler areas. During the massive flooding of western NSW in the summer of 1974, speckled brown snakes (Pseudonaja guttata) were able to obtain almost unlimited food from the mice and lizards marooned by the floods, and females were able to produce at least 2 clutches each over this unusual summer when food was plentiful." Interesting thought, eh!
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