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turtles live in water so if its dry theres a good chance they wont breed :lol:
what sort of turtles :?:
I simulate the rainy season with a shower head installed i their enclosure :) We're under water restrictions at the moment so I don't know yet if it will work but a similar arrangement worked with my white lipped tree frogs,(Litoria Infrafrenata).
I keep my turtles outside but during extended dry periods or drought they won't breed unless you can effectively simulate the rainy season.
Hi Rk, I actually have them in an outdoor 1500 litre pond which I do top up. It is just that I won't run the shower head for hours to simulate rain when we have water restrictions on. Their pond is kept full to the brim though :)
coudnt you set up somethingthat could hold lots of water but only lts it drip fast but not fast enough to run out of water in a couple of hours :?:
If you weren't unemployed and broke africa what you could do is.... Hook the shower head up to a pump and pump water from the pond through the shower back in to the pond. Would this work or are you putting water on to the land parts of the enclosuire to simulate rain?
Yeah Maggie that would probably work over the water only problem is that the pump I already have on the pond won't pump to a 2m head so unless I invest in a bigger, much bigger, pump I won't be able to get enough pressure up to the outlet. I think I'll just wait till it rains but thanks for the suggestion it's a good one :)
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