Eastern Bluey scale rot help

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Well if you have done all of that then why did you need to post this thread?

Like I previously posted

I wanted to know what to ask the vet who knows nothing about reptiles. I wanted help in what I should be asking them to check, maybe what others have had done etc. I didn't want people telling me what I already knew and have bored people being rude and nasty. I know she has a poor diet... that's why she has supplements. But I know someone who said all theirs would eat was live snails, and not even they know what's wrong with her or how to treat it.
I know how to look after her, I bought blue tongue books. I have not experienced this ailment, have you? I took her because she had spent a week in a sack on the cement floor to keep her away from the dog that originally attacked her and her cage mates in the first place. I bathed and dressed her wounds and looked after her then. And just because i have a part time job and choose not to be on the dole makes me a fantastic person. Just because I don't earn much doesn't meen anything

:? yeah thats not off topic or anything:rolleyes:

Point is you asked for advice, you were given 3 pages full, got sarcastic and narky because you didn't like the advice.
We aren't vets and can't diagnose over a computer without as much as a picture, so what exactly did you want? People have told you ways to treat her but you have been nothing but narky and quite unpleasent in regards to the advice you were given.

If you can't spare the money for a reptile you decided to take in to possession when it is sick than I guess the answer is simple....
Give it to someone who will spend the money to have her treated and stop making out like we are attacking you.
After all nobody made you take the lizard
Yes, you do :lol:.

Honestly, there's not much people on a forum can tell you. Do you know if there's anyone else with reptiles around you, who can offer a second opinion? It is obviously your choice to give her up or not. If you feel that you can give her her best chances (or not worry about losing more money to vets who know nothing about reptiles), then who is anyone else to judge? She sounds like a very difficult blue tongue. Have you tried making her go a little hungry to make her more inclined to something more suited for her?

As for this cream, did the vet say specifically what it was for? Did it know whether or not it would help reptiles, or is it specifically for other kinds of animals?

I asked someone for their opinion. they said it was given to them for their dogs, they said it worked for them but they didn't have a clue about for reptiles. Its an antibiotic cream I presume is stronger than silvazine. And yes there are people on this forum who can help me... there are reptile vets on here who don't openly display it. there are also experienced breeders who I'm sure would have experienced problems and can help me with how to "educate" non reptile vets. I wanted help before a vet visit so I could hopefully get it right the first time. She hasn't eaten since the end of autumn... when she went into brumation so she should be very hungry. I don't want to lose money, if I wanted to throw it away I'm sure I could find a more pleasing, exciting way of doing it... or I could save it to hopefully fix my dead car back up, or pay bills etc. I'm just frustrated already at the lack of help and the fact that people are posting to get rid of her, regardless of peoples feelings, instead of doing the nice thing and just not saying anything at all!

The cream is for dogs cats and horses, absolutely nothing on it says for reptiles. They just gave what they had and knew. that's what's so frustrating. I asked if they could help me first, they said yes and wasted my time and money and really didn't care about her at all.
"I'm just frustrated already at the lack of help and the fact that people are posting to get rid of her, regardless of peoples feelings, instead of doing the nice thing and just not saying anything at all!"

Well you asked for advice and we gave you our opinions, you cant expect every single bit of advice to be positive...
:? yeah thats not off topic or anything:rolleyes:

Point is you asked for advice, you were given 3 pages full, got sarcastic and narky because you didn't like the advice.
We aren't vets and can't diagnose over a computer without as much as a picture, so what exactly did you want? People have told you ways to treat her but you have been nothing but narky and quite unpleasent in regards to the advice you were given.

If you can't spare the money for a reptile you decided to take in to possession when it is sick than I guess the answer is simple....
Give it to someone who will spend the money to have her treated and stop making out like we are attacking you.
After all nobody made you take the lizard

Um no, I was being told things that if my post was read correctly in the first place would have told you everything that was needed... ie where she was being housed, what the current treatment was and what help I required. Instead I got replies on how inadequate her diet is, to take her to another vet.. which I can't because I went thru them all and that I should give her up. I'm sorry for being narky for all that "help" I'd love to post photo's and would gladly do so if I had a camera. Oh and I'd already said I'd give her to someone... but I see no one coming forward
I wasn't sure if you had considered giving her up, which was the only reason I posted it.

The problem with this site is that many of the older members (including very experienced breeders and vets) don't come on here anymore due to the huge amount of younger members who honestly know nothing about what they're talking about.

You could try PMing Helikaon or geckodan (both reptile vets), or go to australianreptileforum.net, where many older members still post (including geckodan, if he is no longer on this site).
"I'm just frustrated already at the lack of help and the fact that people are posting to get rid of her, regardless of peoples feelings, instead of doing the nice thing and just not saying anything at all!"

Well you asked for advice and we gave you our opinions, you cant expect every single bit of advice to be positive...

That's not the advice I'd asked for, and positive or not it's still disregarding peoples feelings
If you can't spare the money for a reptile you decided to take in to possession when it is sick than I guess the answer is simple....
Give it to someone who will spend the money to have her treated and stop making out like we are attacking you.
After all nobody made you take the lizard
So you're saying you're financially prepared for everything?
I wasn't sure if you had considered giving her up, which was the only reason I posted it.

The problem with this site is that many of the older members (including very experienced breeders and vets) don't come on here anymore due to the huge amount of younger members who honestly know nothing about what they're talking about.

You could try PMing Helikaon or geckodan (both reptile vets), or go to australianreptileforum.net, where many older members still post (including geckodan, if he is no longer on this site).

Thank you, I haven't had access to the net for a couple of years. I have sent them PM's and wondered why I got no reply. I am still pending on a confirmation for one site to re-join.
It's a real pity too, I really enjoyed this site and found most of the threads really interesting. Thank you for your help
as I said I don't have a camera. I can't really draw it onto a comp either... I don't have the software
This is what i would do if I was you.

1) Take the food and water bowls out of the enclosure, give her 2 hides, one of each side of the enclosure.
2) Raise the temp of the enclosure by a few degrees
3) Stop using the betadine and get savlon, it is cheap over the counter anti-septic cream, apply it with a cotton wool tip 3 times a day
4) Don't give her access to food or water for 24 hours, after 24 hours dip a garden snail in water and leave it in the enclosure, hanging around and pushing 100 different types of food in front of her will do nothing but cause stress
5) Leave her alone for 24 hours once her water bowl has been returned
The problem with this site is that many of the older members (including very experienced breeders and vets) don't come on here anymore due to the huge amount of younger members who honestly know nothing about what they're talking about.

I hope that wasn't directed at me
This is what i would do if I was you.

1) Take the food and water bowls out of the enclosure, give her 2 hides, one of each side of the enclosure.
2) Raise the temp of the enclosure by a few degrees
3) Stop using the betadine and get savlon, it is cheap over the counter anti-septic cream, apply it with a cotton wool tip 3 times a day
4) Don't give her access to food or water for 24 hours, after 24 hours dip a garden snail in water and leave it in the enclosure, hanging around and pushing 100 different types of food in front of her will do nothing but cause stress
5) Leave her alone for 24 hours once her water bowl has been returned

steps one and 2 were done a week ago step 3 has been replaced with the cream the vet gave yesterday step 4, she hasn't had food in months and has had supervised drinks. she won't eat snails or anything else... not that she is eating...she just sleeps i can't do step 5 cause the crream has to be applied twice a day!
Are you a younger member?

Not at all but I don't think it's fair to say that a "huge amount" of younger members are the reason to blame for people leaving aps.
Some of the younger kids are the most passionate in this hobby and some are keeping and breeding some amazing animals.

I think you will also find that a lot of members left due to the admins/mods and forum rules etc, Whilst I only joined recently I have been visiting for years
steps one and 2 were done a week ago step 3 has been replaced with the cream the vet gave yesterday step 4, she hasn't had food in months and has had supervised drinks. she won't eat snails or anything else... not that she is eating...she just sleeps i can't do step 5 cause the crream has to be applied twice a day!

Well the point of the steps were to get her to eat in order to have any water, hence why I said dip the snail in water.
What is the name of the cream?
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