Eastern Water dragon not well

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Jun 25, 2018
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We are new members here and I am reaching out for help
We recently saved 2 water dragons about 1 year old that were unwanted
When we got them home we noticed the male was not letting the female eat
We immediately seperated them and set up her own large enclosure
I have noticed that the female has a problem walking and strength in her legs probably due to no UVB from previous owner and the fact the male dominated the food being put in enclosure
I have her setup with uvb10 exo terra and also 150 watt infrared heat lamp
Her temp is 26 and rising but we are very worried as she is not eating
I am watching her temp and would like to see it around 32 degree Celsius
I am thinking that having no uvb caused her a bad calcium deficiency?
Her legs are almost flat when standing and it is very sad to see
We are feeding her fruit and veggies and live food dusted with calcium and trying everything to get her to eat
Her UVB and her Infrared have only been just setup today so would it take a few days or week for her levels to build up ?
We have fresh wAter everyday for her and fresh cut up food and have tried small meat serves also
Any advice to nurse her back to health would be appreciated so much
I have attached a photo of her new enclosure and also a photo of her sitting flat


Jason.I think you are worrying to much at the moment every thing you are doing at the moment seems spot on "keep those temps up"no doubt she is on the skinny side but Waterdragons can be very fussy when in new surroundings make sure you have plenty of livefoods available superworms in a bowl perfect leave her alone she will not eat while you are watching untill she is comfortable in her new surroundings .ALL the best
Id be getting her checked over by a reptile vet. The not walking well sounds like MBD which is caused by lack of Vitamin D due to no UVB light. A qualified vet needs to confirm this, and prescribe appropriate treatment.
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