Effect of paralysis tick on pythons

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Not so new Member
Jan 20, 2004
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I picked up a wild coastal that a friend says has been sitting on this concrete slab for a couple of days, even in the rain.
i came round and got it and it is about 4ft long and extremely skinny and lethargic. ive got it at my house now and it has been on heat and cruises around a bit at night.
i suspected amoebic dysentry originally from something it ate as it wouldnt take anything i gave it. (quails, rats, mice). not even interested. I gave it a saline injection and it had a drink and livened up a little.

Yesterday it looked particularly tired so i had a good look and found an engourged paralysis tick below its neck. ive since removed the tick this morning but it barely has the strength to hold its head up. I feel really slack that i didnt find it originally but just wondering if ticks have the same effect on pythons as they do on mammals..
ive kept captive bred in outdoor enclosures before and they seem to pick up ticks a fair bit but theyd usually drop off or id pull them off. ive never seen one so engourged before on a reptile. the tick itself wouldve been about 3mm across. Do you guys think it is suffering the effects of paralysis or i should treat for an ameobic parasite as well?
it is really skinny. id post photos but dont have digital camera
It could be any number of things, it needs to get tests done by a vet if it's that crook. Pass it on to a local wildlife group and they will handle the bills
yeah i can take it to designated reptile specialising vets for no charge because i have a rescue permit but the closest one is about 200k from me. might have to though. anyone else know about the effect ticks have on pythons? is it the same as mammals? do they react differently to the venom? this python is not paralysed as a mammal would be of the same mass with a tick this size....
Try phoning the reptile vet and asking him about the paralysis tick and the snake, he might be able to tell you what to do for it, or what to tell a local vet to check for etc..

Well done for taking it in and treating it though.

Hope it works out well

its much more lively today and ate a really small mouse.
but its urea this morning has a blue tinge to it. i remember someone posted something about this. can someone direct me to the thread?
Something to do with liver failure or something i think the thread said. Hope it recovers.
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