Fairly urgent hatchling beardie help required

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LOL Jasspa! D'you reckon lizards, or reptiles in general, could actually 'prefer' to be fed by one certain individual over another? If Foxy IS a daddy's girl, does that mean we'll have this drama every time I go off to work for a fortnight? I hope not!
Well, you never know. There are strange little things like that, that I have noticed. My first beardie, Drako, always loved her 'dad' better than me, ever through her teenage rebel phase and I've had to teach her to 'accept' me as mum lol. I definately think that they can learn to recognise their different carers and associate certain scents (of people) and ways they are handled. They may prefer a particular person but perhaps due to constant good experiences with them. I doubt it goes as far as them liking or loving you, but we can only dream ;)
good to hear she is still hanging in there, good luck little foxy!
I am glad little Foxy is doing better. She is about the same size as my 'Mingo

My bottle of Herpboost arrived on Thursday morning and my guys LOVE it. They are 1ml each of 1:1 herpboost:babyfood. They were trying to hold the syringe end like a baby with a bottle!
Since I gave them this 2 days ago they ate more crickets than they have in a week.
It's nutritional value aside it certainly seemed to perk up their appetites a bit.
That's excellent news Andie! The race is on hey, Mingo vs. Foxy! LOL! We should have a weigh-in... reverse Biggest Loser.
Sometimes you have to wonder, hey Jasspa if it isn't love when they crawl straight up your arm and snuggle into your neck... (hehe... I know it's just the heat they're after ;), but it's a nice thought)
Cheers for the support 152Boy. C'mon little Foxy girl!
Well, when you open the door to the enclosure, they run towards you and tilt their head to look up at you, and you lean down offering your shoulder and they jump onto it, and then scramble to jump back on when you go to put them back... hmm you have to wonder.
Thanks for your offer for the Herpaboost adfel; my partner just started a new job at a pet store and vetafarm is one of the range it stocks, so she's ordered a bottle. While she's eating live insects 'though, I'd be very reluctant to force anything else in... do you know what I mean? We'll get a bottle anyway, in case she stops eating again.

I really hope you meant Foxy here Nic and not your partner lol:shock: :lol::lol::?
That's excellent news Andie! The race is on hey, Mingo vs. Foxy! LOL! We should have a weigh-in... reverse Biggest Loser.

You're on but I call handicap headstart for 'Mingo on account of missing 1.5 legs and 1/2 a tail...
Heya Nic,

Just wanted to wish little Roxy all the very best. I sincerely hope she continues to thrive and pull through, she's a fighter that one :D


great news nic. and yes i'd agree. so long as she's eating enough insects let it ride. herpaboost would just be a good back up if she stops eating as much/ or at all. best thing about it is that it stimulates them to want to eat. but if she's eating now by herself, the GREAT!!!!!!!!!!!!

go to see a positive update. keep up the good work!!!!
Hey Nic, just droppin in to say great work Foxy keep it up. Definately sounds like she glad 'Daddys' home!
Thieves are already scum, but to steal LIVE ANIMALS - PEOPLE'S PETS....:evil::evil::evil::evil: makes my blood boil. I hope you have some leads that either you or the police can follow up on, magick. Keep us updated.

I agree. To steal a pet is almost like kidnapping!
I hope he is returned to me soon, but after looking at other stolen threads, I see the chances of that are pretty grim :(

As for your thread about Foxy, I've now fallen in love with beardies and intend on getting some soon! After I beef up the security at home first of course.

And its great to so how well she is doing and how far she's come.
And I commend you guys on all you r hard work.

G'day - I have an update on little Foxy for those of you who've been following her progress.
Well the news is nothing but good! :):):) Since the day I got home she's been eating like a trooper, fattening up her tail (see how big her belly is too), her little hind hips aren't nearly as prominent any more, and her tiny little arms and legs finally seem to be getting some meat on them. She's been doing a couple big, healthy poos a day, drinking heaps, loving her mists, and has all the energy in the world - especially when it comes to eating. And talk about EATING! She hasn't stopped! She's belted down 60 insects since the 28th of Jan; prior to that, in the same amount of time, she'd eaten 21 in total, including about a week of nothing at all (when all the dramas began and this thread started).
She's gained 2 grams in the last 3 days, going from 3 to 5 grams; to put that in perspective 'though, her sister gained 6 grams in the same time-frame, from 29 to 35 grams - 7 times heavier than Foxy.
Still, the wonderful news is that Foxy is in no immediate danger any more, and is eating, behaving and looking like a healthy baby beardy - if you didn't know how big her sister was, there'd be no way of telling she's tiny for her age. She's a little trooper though, and such a cute one at that!
Thanks to everyone who submitted their input into this rollercoaster of a thread, whether it was advice, criticism or just words of concern. I don't know what specifically gave her back her appetite - we never ended up giving her any herpaboost. Interestingly, her return of appetite coincided with the day I got home and took over the feeding role. I can't for the life of me see how this would make any difference though, unless Foxy somehow responds differently to the lower frequencies of my voice... this is the only difference I can tell between the way my partner was feeding her and the way I do. Unless scent has something to do with it? I don't know, but all our friends reckon she's definitely a little daddy's girl HAHAHA LOL! Jeez, she better keep eating when I go back out west for another fortnight this Thursday - or she'll get a very stern talking to when I get home... ;)
It was without doubt the advice received in this thread that kept Foxy alive during those critical two weeks back there, and I can't thank you all enough for taking the time to help a complete stranger. I hope I can now share my experiences with others in the future and perhaps help them save a lizard's life! I guess I've got one final questions - I'm still running night-time IR heating at 32 degrees; should I keep that going for another few weeks? The increased heating definitely seems to have aided in her progress, so I'm loathe to swich it off just yet.
Anyway, I'll throw up a couple pics just taken - sorry about the colour - didn't want to get her out of her tank. She's still tiny, but you can see she's fattening up without a doubt. Let's just hope she keeps eating and stacking the weight on.
I'd love to think that this little piece of good news might brighten up a few of your days... I know I love reading about happy endings to threads :) Take care all, see you around!
ps. Magick81 said: As for your thread about Foxy, I've now fallen in love with beardies and intend on getting some soon!
HAHA! That's awesome news Kev - they'd make a great addition to ANY reptile collection IMO - so easy to fall in love with their little personalities.
Andie said: You're on but I call handicap headstart for 'Mingo on account of missing 1.5 legs and 1/2 a tail...
Glad to hear little Mingo is still recovering nicely - do you have a weight? And I reckon that's as good a reason as I've ever heard for a handicap! hehe, let's just hope they all make a full recovery, hey!


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I just read this thread from the beginning and was almost crying!! I'm so Glad foxy is improving and she looks TONS better in these recent photos, you can really see that shes getting bigger!!.
I'm so glad you guys didnt give up on her!!! WHAT A TROOPER!!
Hoping to see more happy news from you guys on Foxy!!
p.s MORE PICS hehehe
hav beeen keepin an eye on this thread,really glad things hav turned around for the better :)
Nic mate your a legend!!!! Good on you and your partner for sticking through the hard times with this beautiful little angel. And YAY Foxy you go girl!!! better keep up the good work when daddy goes back to work! Nah seriously I am so glad to hear that you have defied the odds and saved her. Congrats champ.

PS. Definately keep up with the night time heating as it is known to increase growth speed so she should catch up to her sister in no time, plus it will help her motabalise faster thus ncouraging her to eat more....Cant be a bad thing can it? It definately will not hurt her to leave it on for a few months however it could hinder her if you turn them off. IMO leave them on till after winter. I know mine will be.
Andie said: You're on but I call handicap headstart for 'Mingo on account of missing 1.5 legs and 1/2 a tail...
Glad to hear little Mingo is still recovering nicely - do you have a weight? And I reckon that's as good a reason as I've ever heard for a handicap! hehe, let's just hope they all make a full recovery, hey!

Hey Nic
I weighed him this afternoon. He is 5g. He eats 0.3 ml of herpboost a day and 1-3 crickets. He still looks so skinny but he is shedding (especially around his stumpies) so I hope his appetite picks up after he is done.

I should start my own thread instead of hi-jacking yours lol!
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Thats really cool Nicman, she's looking really good! You can even see the 'twinkle' coming back in her eyes. You should both be really proud of yourselves for what you have done!
And I agree with lilmissrazz... more pics!!!
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