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the second one, is there a rat tail hanging out of mouth while it swallows a chick?

Yes! I commented on that in our thread and in his comments..
So that means he didnt feed the chick..he feed a rat and poss placed the chick in its mouse in that position.. =s :s
i cant stomach wackin a rat on the head. so i put mine in zip lock bags and pop them into the freezer. some people may say thats cruel. but, i hav been doing it for bout 6yrs now and i know no other way.
there was a thread a while back of someones home made carbon dioxide gas chamber. cant remember who posted it. it involved bi-carb soda and vinegar in a large plastic box.

yeah the chemical reaction from the bi carb and viniger makes c02 the gas that they use in most gas killings... it still gives the victim the satisfaction of breathing but they just dont get oxygen as such making there bodys "fall asleep" rather than getting "killed"
it might be cruel but i put mine in a snap lock bag and put them straight into the freezer its so cold in there within 5mins there dead i cant knock them out againest a wall or brick or rock and sometimes i have given live food only to giver her a natural instinct of hunting like she was out in the wild....other then them times i normally giver them to her defrosted and warmed up:D
i cant stomach wackin a rat on the head. so i put mine in zip lock bags and pop them into the freezer. some people may say thats cruel. but, i hav been doing it for bout 6yrs now and i know no other way.
this is the most cruel thing ive heard today
thank you for your comment.
but like i said, i dont have the stomach to wack a rat on the head. so i put them in the freezer and walk away. like aussie p said, they are dead in about 5 minutes
sorry if that disgusts you.
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why would i take advice from you. you dont know me. i have been breeding and killing rats for my reptiles for over 6 years. just because i dont want to smack it on the head.
do u think i am the only one out there who freezes there pets food....i dont think so.
like i said....thanks for the comment.
thats about as cruel as feeding live bunny to your snake,,
its funny how you condem one becauce its got nice floppy ears.
but for the poor rat its fine......THIS SITES FULL OF WANTABeeS... AND kids
if you cant handle one of the most important part of looking after your snake them you sould get a cat instead you only have to open a can to feed it........but them you will have to look into how the kangaroos(YOUR NATIOnal simbal) was killed to make sure it wasnt cruel....[deleted comment]
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nuggets you dont know me
i am not a kid, i am a mother and a wife. and my duaghter doesnt want to see her mother smacking rats heads into walls.
i have been keeping reptiles for well over 6 years. so i certainly am not a newby. if u dont like what i do, then fine. your comments arnt going to change me in anyway, and i know i aint the only one that does it. now if u dont mind i have to take my daughter to school.
i have two teenagers to and have been wacking rodents for a very long time.they dont see it but if they did i would say yes kids this is what happens..there is a mountain of evidence saying how cruel it is it if you think im wrong
so does that mean you put those live rats in the freezer to die a slow painfull death IN FRONT OF YOUR SCHOOL AGED cruel
there are alot of ppl who do it and i think its time to build the bridge and get the hell over it get on with ur own life and not worry about wat other ppl do :D its called mind ur business mmmm k
like ive said before animal cruelty is hard to ignore,even if it is 'legal'.i do consider it my business when you promote this cruel practice to newbies as a way of getting out of your responsibities to the animal you are attempting to euthenise
Sorry Mel, they are right. It is cruel and has been proven to be so. Its definately one of the cruelest ways you can kill a rodent, live feeding even kills them quicker. It is far from painless freezing a mammal to death.

If you don't want to whack them in front of your daughter..don't do it in front of your daughter.

If you can't stomach it, do what we've been doing for years and buy them frozen prepacked (we use pythoninfinite, the best rats around).

We used to breed rats and mice years ago, I used cervical dislocation or whacking method. It was hard and I don't think I could do it again, which is why we buy frozen now, even though it probably costs more. But we buy hundreds of them in bulk, about 6 months worth and it's much better.

Hope it helps, like Baz said google it and you will find it is most definatley painful. Hopefully you can find another method and save further pain to your feeders.
Hey APL... You know I really think it is important people stand up to what is right. I do agree freezing is cruel. I can only advise against it and tell you the reasons for it.

The way I also see it is... If I was to be murdered/killed for food, i would like it quick and painless. Even 5 minutes of pain in a ziplock bag - or severe uncomfortableness is really not what I would like. This can also have adverse affects on the meat of the animal and toxins are produced by the liver as well...

Damn, the bell went... I respect almost everyone here... and everyone is entitled to their opinion and here's mine...

The best way to kill a rodent/mammal is quickly and painlessly. The best way and cheapest is the blow to the head. Whether you have the stomach for it or not.

The next way that is possible and quick is using car exhaust - I don't agree with this way however. But it is possible.

But people - attack the ideas... NOT THE PEOPLE doing them... this is where forums often go bad.... Ideas people... IDEAS!
like ive said before animal cruelty is hard to ignore,even if it is 'legal'.i do consider it my business when you promote this cruel practice to newbies as a way of getting out of your responsibities to the animal you are attempting to euthenise

That's right on Baz. APL with all the misinformation on this site, it's important that something like this isn't promoted to newbies.

This is not a way to humanely kill an animal. It sounds like it's the quickest method and probably the least messy for you, but it's not humane at all.
ummm ok im not promoting anything i was just sayin how i did it and as i have not long had a baby even puttin them in the freezer puts me off instead of ppl jumping down ppls throats about things do you all think to ask ppl if they still do it or wat do they do now thing??? i dont see anyone in here asking them type of questions but thats wat shats me about these type of forum ppl dont give ppl a chance to fully explain themselves and as i said to sssnakeman or watever the name is i was doin it too babys as now my husband does them and we give adults now and i was doin it to the babies b4 i had my 5mths old daughter but each to thier own no ones opinion is going to change the way i do things as i no longer do it this way i no longer care bout this thread as this will be the last one i post on here my bridge was built i got over it :D
airing your cruel feed managment on a forum makes it hard to mind ones buisness..
but it is the idea of it that will allways get attacked not nessceraly the indivdual when aired on forums .... and it is all helpfull no matter how bad the topic,,forums rule...
I couldn't even watch ANY of those vids the whole way through.
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