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Just curious as to why feeding a live fish is considered ok but live feeding rodents is not. I wonder what kind of response i would recieve if i posted a vid of a python stalking a mouse?
Good question well asked.
If I was to follow your train of thought then it would be illegal to use livebait whilst fishing.
Couldn't feed pet fish either?
ta matty and moosenoose

Just curious as to why feeding a live fish is considered ok but live feeding rodents is not. I wonder what kind of response i would recieve if i posted a vid of a python stalking a mouse?

i wondered this too when i got her as she only takes live. i assume its the whole fish vs mammal ethos. perception of pain may be different. either way i dont consider it cruel. i treat my fish very well up to the point of their demise. they die of natural causes and they do not risk my snake in any way. to clear the air a bit. i take no pleasure from the death of the fish (an accusation many rodent breeders/cullers get hit with also) but either way it must die to feed my snake. if i kill it and forcefeed her then not only does the fish die but the snake suffers.
if you were to post a vid of your snake stalking a mouse i would say you are putting your snake at an unnessicary risk.
Fair enough, Never said I disagree just curious as to what makes it different thats all. After all my occupation relies on the loss of life. Everything has to eat to survive and unfortunately this means its the end of the road for some critters but this is a concept that some people seem to grasp but others have difficulty processing and it is a situation I often find myself in having to explain that killing a fish is the same as killing a cow. It is an interesting video as you don't get to see that behaviour everyday. Thanks for posting.

NOTE: I never live feed rodents was just using as an example.
Fair enough, Never said I disagree just curious as to what makes it different thats all. After all my occupation relies on the loss of life. Everything has to eat to survive and unfortunately this means its the end of the road for some critters but this is a concept that some people seem to grasp but others have difficulty processing and it is a situation I often find myself in having to explain that killing a fish is the same as killing a cow. It is an interesting video as you don't get to see that behaviour everyday. Thanks for posting.

NOTE: I never live feed rodents was just using as an example.

I assumed it was an example, most people on this website wouldnt live feed rodents to their snakes (for the snakes sake if nothing else) do you work in paliative care? or at an abbatoir? hard to grasp what profession you work in with a description like that :p not that im judging as i personally have worked at both dinmore meatworks (swift) and aged care (which if you spend enough time in, you come to realise is very similar).

Bleeding palagic fish? why would they bleed them? considered humane way of killing? and why only pelagic fish? what is so special about fish from these areas? more info would be great although i believe we are tangenting and stealing someone elses thread, so PM me or start another thread if you could
Tonight was a special night for my adult tarantulas, they each got a yummy pinky mouse. Only happens once every few months.
IMG_0717.jpgIMG_0073.jpgIMG_0492.jpgIMG_0060.jpgIMG_0472.jpga couple of snack time pics
I didn't manage to get any this time, it dragged it into it's burrow, but I will surely get pics next time!!!
I'm way more of a video man myself. forgot to video my jungle today and GTS has white eyes and wouldnt take today so will have to wait til after a shed for a full version of her handle-eating (a fortune of which i am still very excited... obviously).

reason i posted was to ask samson and others who may know if most chickens are skinned when they are fed to snakes? i have seen videos of feathered chickens being eaten.. but never a skinned one. Only ever done rodents and fish and accidentally once a live eclectus parrot (most expensive snake meal EVER) so i dont really know much about feeding chooks. great photos though guys.
painful memory, when i was a tiny little 15 year old and working at a pet store with snakes and lizards (yes it is a story about how terrible pet stores are, blah blah, and this was ENTIRELY my fault so... *flame suit on*) A regular customer came in who had put a deposit down on an olive python. i was in charge of the reptile area on this day and was very busy trying to set up enclosures for the 15 or so new herps that just came in right at the end of the day. fella wanted to have a look at the olive python that he put his money down on so i gave him the key and told him to lock the door and bring me the key once he was finished. He didnt shut the door properly and locked the damn thing open. I was running so late when i left that i forgot to do the cage door checks.
There was an eclectus parrot on display on a perch about 3 meters away from the olive enclosure.
Upon arrival the next morning, there was a very satisfied olive python back in his nice warm enclosure IN HIS HIDE (I looked for him for like an hour around the store before i thought to look in his hide), with the door wide open and no eclectus.
that hand reared eclectus parrot cost my boss $780 two weeks earlier and i got the sack.
I would have given you a high 5.
That sort of luck usually wouldn't happen if you tried.
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