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Feb 18, 2010
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hi everyone im newby and was hoping that i could get some advice from you guys..pleeze?

here it goes..I dont own any herps yet and after much deliberation and research am still stuck with not being able to decide which to get

my favourite is the sw carpet python but have been told that this snake may not be suitable for a beginner like me .

What do you guys think? and does anyone have a suggestion what
would be best to start of with?

any advice would be greatly appreciated. mel xx:)
Are you asking about having your first SAKE (japanese rice wine) or first
Sorry had to say it. Get whatever you like the look of, because after the first one you'll want another and another
Mel ,in all honesty ..its what you think you can cope with ..if you dont have any problems with a snake that is going to get large then go for those type of snakes ...if small and compact is your thinking then so be the snake ...
as far as I think ..Green tree pythons and scrubs are not suitable for first timers ...gtp due to the cost and experience imo is very much needed before owning ...and scrubs well the size alone is why I say that ...but there are people out there that have gotten a scrub or GTP as a first ....
Find one you like the look of and do some research on it. How big does it get?
What size enclosure will you need in the long term? Make sure you can handle it comfortably and look after its needs.
Get something you like the look of, because you will have it for a long time, but of course, it most likely won't be the only one..... ;) :)

Enjoy the research and the looking, that's half the fun!
oh no I cant belive I just did that...typed sake instead of snake SHAME!!:oops:lol
I love the look of the sw carpets, I live in albany wa so am lucky to practiclly have these guys in my backyard..although i dont spot them much only when camping. Thanks for the advice I will do some more research coz I have no clue how big they get.
i just got my first snake it is a woma and i couldnt be happier, a few people said not for the newbie, but so far so good it ate the first night i got it, and didnt strike or anything just calmly took it from the tongs.

womas dont grow to big around 1.5 mtrs which is a nice size, alot of people say gets the childrens but i have read alot of bad things about them.

but yes it is really up to you and what you like the look of and what you think you can handle

go to southern cross reptiles website and have a read of road testing pyhtons i think thats what it is called, it is what helped me decide
My son got a Children's as his first snake when he was 11.
We had no problems at all with him, and he has since gotten a pair of Jungles.
Based purely on our experience with his Jungles, he could easily have gotten them as first snakes, they have been brilliant, as well as spectacular looking.
Maybe my son was just lucky, and he has some awesome help around him in the form of Troy K, but they have been just great. :)

Not that I am saying you should rush out and get a Jungle, but there are exceptions to some generalisations.
Mel, go for the SW carpet if you like it. The fact that they occur naturally in your area is a big plus. I live in the tropics and I keep GTPs because they are "locals"(although I would have to stretch my backyard a bit) and for the same reason I don't keep diamonds, tigers, copperheads or any desert species.
Having one or two in captivity and being able to go out and see them in the wild will present you with a wonderful opportunity to observe and compare their behaviour in both "habitats" and learn a lot.
Good luck with it.

a quick google search says the SW carpets get to 2.5 - 3m and that was from the Perth Zoo website,

Because you are in WA i suggest Joining WA social group here

i know you guys are restricted in what you can keep
A quick browse on the WA Decs site showed this

Category 3
  • [FONT=TimesNewRoman,Italic][FONT=TimesNewRoman,Italic]Antaresia stimsoni -
  • Stimson's Python
  • [FONT=TimesNewRoman,Italic][FONT=TimesNewRoman,Italic]Morelia spilota imbricata - South-western Carpet Python
Category 4
  • [FONT=TimesNewRoman,Italic][FONT=TimesNewRoman,Italic]Aspidites melanocephalus -
  • Black-headed python
  • [FONT=TimesNewRoman,Italic][FONT=TimesNewRoman,Italic]Aspidites ramsayi Woma Python
I'm not sure how the Categories run in WA, eg, if you have to have a category 3 for a set amount of time before you can move to a category 4.

check the WA social group, they will definately steer you in the right direction

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