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I hope all goes well Jarrod_H and I applaud you in taking the initiative to give an animal a 'better chance'. I do hope though the little critter is only malnurished and needs a good feed and that the problem doesnt stem further. =D Keep us posted
In the ad i saw she was asking $150 for it. Obviously the fad owning reptiles has worn off and it is the animals that are suffering now. Some people need a reality check. Good luck with it. Don't overfeed it because it wont be used to alot of food.
The pic is of a healthy female. Notice she is carrying a good tail.


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In the ad i saw she was asking $150 for it. Obviously the fad owning reptiles has worn off and it is the animals that are suffering now. Some people need a reality check. Good luck with it. Don't overfeed it because it wont be used to alot of food.
The pic is of a healthy female. Notice she is carrying a good tail.

Thanks for the advice mate,
She has been chomping down the crix.
When there is some visual improvement in weight I'll post some pix.
Update on the velvet- got her nearly 3 weeks ago.


and here is what she looks like now.
I'd say she is recovering nicely.


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well done...she looks like she has the spark back in her eyes....keep it up
Great job mate. Love reading these stories.....good old fashioned feel good stories like raycam's a month or so ago.

Sad though that for every good story you read to every bad story it's like one step forward three steps back.
Great work Jarrod, few more months of TLC and you'd never know she was on death's door
Jarrod-H, well done on helping your Velvet Gecko to recover from its poor condition.

Please keep up the good work and care of your Reptile collection mate.
Thanks everyone.
I'm really happy with her progress.
She knows the routine and comes over to you when it's feeding day.
She shed just now for the first time since I got her, what a trooper!
I felt sorry for this velvet so tonight I'm off to purchase it.
Going to costs me $50
I got it an enclosure today.

Time to fatten it up :)

good on ya mate

You are both completely correct and it is sad how cheap and easy you can just buy reptiles. Especially when a few newer breeders don't ask for a license? I have only owned reptiles a few months now however I volunteered in the zoological industry for over a year and every chance I got, I was with the reptiles. I did my homework, I looked at sights I was told to look on etc etc. However owning your first one is a steep learning curve. Both of my snakes have been great, no dramas but bearded dragon hatchlings, I didnt realise you needed so much stuff for them as the "zoo" didnt have all of this stuff for them, they had 5.0 UV, they didnt give them calcium/vitamin supplement, they kept the smaller ones with the bigger ones, the list goes on. I had never even heard of this forum until I got reptiles and I am glad I did, I have had a few problems with my beardies since I got them. I thought I had done the research, I had worked with hatchlings every week, I knew what they ate, that they needed live insects etc but got mis-informed with some information.

My point is, sometimes the information your given is incorrect and sometimes people give up. And this is where problems start. I obviously havn't given up, I love my guys to bits, both are eating fantastically, both have fat bellys, both are shedding well, both love to be handled and get their fresh vegies/crickets/supplements as well as a spray every morning. I dont know if I am making sense, just chucking a point out there?

its good to hear you are doing well with your beardies but if you want more info head to Australian Bearded Dragon Forum where we specialise in beardies

Update on the velvet- got her nearly 3 weeks ago.


and here is what she looks like now.
I'd say she is recovering nicely.



looking heaps better mate well done
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its good to hear you are doing well with your beardies but if you want more info head to Australian Bearded Dragon Forum where we specialise in beardies

My Beardies are fine, I meant when i first started which was a few months back now. I got a lot of help on here and from Aussie Beardie Forum, mainly Brettix :).

Anyway, your Gecko is looking great Jarrod, she is a beautiful colour, makes me want to get a Gecko, lol :)
If she cant afford to keep them she shouldnt have bought them in the first place!!! I do understand that circumstances do change, but if i (being currently unemployed, looking for work AND studying) can afford to keep them fed and healthy anyone can! Its not that expensive, setup is the biggest cost!

And well done on getting it healthy by the way, what a gorgeous little gecko :)
This seller has gex up again, the leaf-tail doesn't look too bad but I couldn't justify a 2+ hr round trip to purchase an undersized animal. I started getting worried when every listing stated 'small for their age' and then the photos did it for me.

The ringtail gecko for sale is a year old and looks like a hatchling. The leaf tail is 2-4 yrs old and only 7cm SVL and she has an southern angle headed dragon (I believe) with the thinnest tail I've seen.

I'd take the leafy, been looking for one but don't feel good about spending the money on....this. I wish to god I could save the ringtail, he looks awful!
WHY! Crickets Arent that expensive. Unless you live out here at $8.95 a tub but 3 tubs a week feeds my geckos, and then I catch grasshoppers and blowflies it's not hard, I also leave nights on for a while at night occasionaly and they love the chase.
There's a unwritten rule amongst animal keepers: never buy a sick animal because you feel sorry for it. The chances of success are slim. There may very well be a reason why it's skinny, and it may not be because it is starved... it may be dying anyway, because things do die eventually...


If I thought that about a certain Murray Darling he wouldn't be here today.
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