force feeding pics

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Active Member
May 13, 2007
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lost and confused
before i start i wont to stress that force feeding should only be done as a last resort and by an experienced person however if you have no chose but to force feed and dont have someone to show you then dont panic its not hard but can be fatal if not done one showed me how todo it i had to learn by trial and error . if you have anything you want add to this please do so ..
i use a round tipped 160mm pair of feeding tongs , thay have to be rounded soas you dont puncher the snakes insides, next you need to have your meal ready to go , i like to use feed smaller then the snake should be able to have and feed about three at a time, im using rat pups for this 2yr old, next you need to try and secure your snake .hehe . this is the hard part because your snake will try what ever it can not to be feed , so i use my foot on its tail my knee goes around mid way and with my elbow and hand try to keep the front end of the snake straight as i can,, of cause all the time being as gental as i can . next i tap the front of the snakes mouth with the tongs and this usally make him open his mouth, now you must make absolute sure that the tongs are up behind the rat pups skull and your aplying enough presure to keep them there , this will stop you touching the insides of the snakes and possable damage, once the heads in the bottom jaw should give a bit and it a pretty simple insertion after that .. again i will stress that you must be very gental when doing this and the faster you do it the better . if you have to reposition the tongs to push more down then make sure thay are always squized in as much as you can. remember you dont want to hert its insides ,, now once the feet are in i close the snakes mouth and start to massage the rat pup down into the snakes belly , just real gental rolling your fingers down toward the tail , if it dont go down enough the snake will spew it back up again, your snake should be lively straight after the feed if not than it usally means you were a bit to rough and to be a bit more care full next time.....please if you dont feel as thought you can do it than dont even try however if it means your snake could die if you dont
and you have no were else to turn than procide with caution... im no expert but found it easy and very straight forward.....force feeding is somthing nearly all breeders would have to do at least or twice in there life its just 1 more husbadry skill youmite need to know...










can i ask how long your snake went without a feed before you force fed it??
about 2 mths from the last time it was force fed ..because it was raised out side in a arairy it will only eat wild mice and because thay are very hard to get hes only food for the last yr has been forced...ive tryed everything and i mean everything to get the little prick to eat and like i said in the thread force feeding should only be done as a last resort....i have to get a few more into him before winter is here .....
I stopped reading after I read chose AKA choice... incase anyone was wondering.
maby you need to read rules 1 and 2 before you go comenting on people spelling.
i can see how know it alls get there post counts up around here
its a shame the poor thing has to be force fed. have u had him since a hatchy

no only for the last 6mth...yes it is a shame , next spring i will try a whole heap of methods again to try and get him to eat , and if anyone wants to share ideas thats would be great to..
bit of a bugger when people dont look after them properly in the beginning hey.
good luck with him. hope it all works out, he is a nice looking diamond :D
hes was in with about 60 other snakes that had one way mouse doors on the avairy so thay all only eat wild mice he was one of the only ones that has had probs with eating but he was the best looking ,so i took the risk... diamonds are great mel you should give it ago thay adapt very well to humans ... I think DPS happens for a few reasons witch MITE include , fast grow , early breeding, no UV and too high temps , over feeding , thats just my thoughts on it , i know people that have lost there diamonds for thoughs reasons mentioned . and others that do the right thing and have 10year old diamonds . i think thay were the number 1 snake keept in nsw last year going by the reps keept list ....
ah i think i will just admire everyones. i am a massive carpet lover.
i hope u get him eating again. :D
If he was eating wild mice are you sure he hasn't contracted any internal parasites, because that could be causing him not to eat?
i would have had a vet check over him first. just to run some tests to make sure he aint sick or got anything wrong with him . make sure he is in fine health :D
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