force feeding pics

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i think that no matter what you post on here someone will find something to wine about.

The whole issue of force feeding aside - and thanks for the advice I am now really glad my girls eat easily - would some people on here LISTEN more to what the olds say - they're wrinkly for a reason!! from all the stress of being bitten and snakes that wont feed and breeding and middl of the night emergencys!!
They have done it all before so PLEASE PLEASE listen to what they say!!!!! I'm not saying you have to treat them like GOds but take thier advice on board and consider it for like a nano second.

Its like when mum told you not to eat all those lollies before dinner coz you wouldn't be hungry but you ere ure you would, so you ate them all and when dinner came around you realised low and behold she was right!!!
Hi gosforddreaming, always wondered how snakes were force fed and now I know....... The pics really helped........ Fingers crossed I will never have to resort to it but if just in case I need to, then atleast now I know how it is done.......... Thanks for that.........

:lol: well the pics are good to keep for a ref, thanks i might have to do it one day hope not well mine apart from a small one won,t be eaten for a while now i hope thay are hungry in a few mths thanks for pic every one has something to say so when yuo post something it,s like the letter box always gets some junk mail good to read not to keep cheers :p
I will add one thing but I think it is an important tip.
Dip the rat pup in vegetable oil before you force-feed. This will make the whole process much easier and less chance of causing damage to the snakes throat. (A vet taught me this method and yes, he is very good with reptiles)
I will add one thing but I think it is an important tip.
Dip the rat pup in vegetable oil before you force-feed. This will make the whole process much easier and less chance of causing damage to the snakes throat. (A vet taught me this method and yes, he is very good with reptiles)

I use egg white rather than vegetable oil!
egg whites , very good , i can see how thay would work,proberly better to go with egg white if you dont want oil in your snakes gut,, top tip HAZZARD...any tips on how i can get him to eat by himself ? ...without starving him ?
Welldone Gosforddreaming,
Whether you should or shouldn't have forced fed is ultimately your decision as you know the animal and the circumstances better then anyone currently lecturing you about all the things you did wrong. I think some manners wouldn't go astray here! Most people can accept some good advise or an informed warning but to be lectured and pounced upon about one aspect of your circumstances proves to me some readers are too opinionated and lack the social skills to express their opinions calmly and politely. It's about the animal being forced fed, and some pics for those interested, the thread was never about the bloody aviary with 60 snakes and wild mice??
Mate, Thread informative, pics great!

I have a 5mth old who from birth has never eatin. I removed him and put him in an new enclosure and from the time I got him he never ate and I tried everything also. But over the weekend I gave him a live pinky prior I had been assist feeding him just to get some food in his belly and he then tagged it like no tomorrow. Now he has eatin by himself, all I did was leave him for almost a month without food not going anywhere near him but only to check his water. Now he eats like a champion. So maybe starving him for a few months is not going to hurt him as they can go for long periods without food. Give it a go cause your snake don't need anymore stress then it already is going through. JMO.
Excellent, informative thread - well done.:lol::lol::lol:
One thing on wild mice, I catch quite a few with a few med rats as well - feey feed on my seed
from my avaries.
But I never feed them to my snakes.
Mate reckons if they have been feeding on any rat sack, then its all over red rover
for your snake.
Snake costs $300 Min - rat $ 2.50.
Not worth the risk.
Again, awesome thread - love the photo's.:D
i just want to say sorry to jordo, calling you a bigmouthknowitall was out of line and i do appoagise... peace....

I think you mean splitmore... I haven't been called a bigmouthknowitall for about a month now :lol:
gosforddreaming, i dont mean any offence at all, but using tongs to force feed seems a bit savage to me. Ive f/f pythons, colurbrids and elapids over the years and only use my hands and a large sexing probe at the end to push the prey item to the back of the mouth.
No risk involved like there is with a pair of tongs down its throat.
gosforddreaming, i dont mean any offence at all, but using tongs to force feed seems a bit savage to me. Ive f/f pythons, colurbrids and elapids over the years and only use my hands and a large sexing probe at the end to push the prey item to the back of the mouth.
No risk involved like there is with a pair of tongs down its throat.

Ive been waiting for someone to say that.Its the first thing I noticed when I looked at the pics.
mabe you can go into a bit more detail true blue , like were do you stick the prob ,
tongs make it easy for me i suppose what ever you feel comfotable with will do ... i think theres just as much risk of a first timer stabing a prob through the meal into the snakes inside as tongs would ...whatever you use it must be stressed yet again . YOU SHOULD ONLY FORCE FEED AS A LAST RESORT . and BE VERY GENTAL
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