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Crikey! I didn't even know you could get venomous dogs!
greebo i realise your still in that honeymoon fase ......but if you had understood the jist of the post it was about the media hype and medical help ...and the person writing the post that i was quoting understood what i was saying dont worry that head of yours go back to playing honeymooners ...And no greebo there are no venomous dogs but some of us females have a toxic bite:evil:.....;);)
lol greebo

yeah im not going to be free handling any elapids the closest i'll ever come is a "venomoid" as i said i wanna do all courses first.
Boils down to knowing your animals well enough to eliminate "most" of the risk.
Ive kept hot elapids that were far more trust worthy than any python ive kept, but there is always a risk ,as said you just have to know your animals well enough.
im still not going to risk it

im not big on takeing life endangering risks
So you dont drive a car at all.? Or ever go for a ride in a car.??? Every time you venture on to the roads your taking quite a large life threatening risk.
Where's Johnno , i think he is the "risk minimisation " elapid handler ? .

Ask him , will all of his experience , he off anyone here , will be able to help you .

Cheers Mate
i was talking to somebody today who does it with his RBB... But it is an amazingly placid snake i hear.
So you dont drive a car at all.? Or ever go for a ride in a car.??? Every time you venture on to the roads your taking quite a large life threatening risk.

:lol: so tru.

each elapid handler has there own "style" or tecnique,some free handle 90%of the time others choose not too.
as true blue said it come down to knowing your snakes well enough and knowing your ability also.
its not smething that needs to be debated or said if its right or wrong.
I used to be dead set against it but after having worked with hots i think ur at just as much risk of being bitten from tailing them.
Freehandling venomous snakes is so 1999, Now it's all about how many you can juggle while riding a unicycle.....
lol i cant see why you wouldnt handle a tame elapid..i mean people handle large olives and scrubbies and loads of people give scrubbies a bad rap
What exactly is "freehandling"? Is "freehandling" letting a snake crawl all over yourself???... or is it simply holding any snake without the aid of a hook or any other tool?

Believe it or not, some venomous snakes in a captive situation can actually be managed more safely and efficiently without the use of a hook or grabber. It all depends on the person's handling ability, and their ability to "read" a snake. Some people rate themselves better at these points than what they actually are. This is the problem.

In regards to "trust"..... I dont trust any snake, venomous or not. Sure some species are more predictable and "stable" than others...... but i dont trust any reptile whats so ever.

I guess the final words are "each to their own". What people do in the refines of their own homes is their business.
yes just to clarify im am saying free handling in referance to letting the snake crawl all over you like you would a python not moveing it from one enclosure to anther with your bare hands that in some cases would make sense rather than mucking around with a hook.
yes just to clarify im am saying free handling in referance to letting the snake crawl all over you like you would a python

I wouldnt let any python crawl over me. Seriously. Anyone who know's me will back me up on that.

In regards to elapids, it's simple really..... are you willing to accept the consequences?? 99% of the time you'll get away with it. But how many people are ready for that 1%???? Most aren't.
ive see people get bit free handling funny as

Yeah.... I have to agree elapid66, i find it very funny as well. But not everyone share's our sense of humour. But i've also given some mates something to laugh about over the years.
You monsters. No bites are a laughing matter..or something like that.
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