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Ok, Stevo2 and dtulip 10 and Jas.

The female is in great condition, I could have bred with her in 2008 but chose to wait another year.

Her diet is calcium dusted woodies or crickets every 2nd day.
She also gets 2 pinky mice a week, as well as banana, apple, flowers ect.

Her health and diet is spot on.

like jason has said she may look spot on but may be lacking in one area, reptiles do not show when they are lacking in a particular area. and if the egg tooth is missing it does sound like a calcium deficency, what type of UV lights do you run with the mum?
I just thought I'd add that I've had great experiences with the SIMS.

Andy, I'm so sorry to hear about your loss. I initially struggled to understand why a slightly imperfect lid fit would account for such changes in humidity until I read your incubator is top heated, which makes some more sense.

All of my lids fit without issue but sometimes I actually purposely sat my lids at an angle to allow some airflow and avoid so much condensation from the consistent 99% humidity I was getting. This is because I use bottom heating, quite simply I have a large Styrofoam box with a heat cord sitting on the bottom with the SIMS sitting on it so the water itself is heated. I have thermometers and a hygrometer cords in the SIM container and when I do have the lid sealed (especially toward hatching time) I just push it down over the cords as much as possible with no loss of humidity. I routinely take the lid off and shake off any condensation to allow for a clear view and avoid any dripping.

I've successfully hatched Central Netted Dragons and now Ridge-tail Monitors.


As I said, diet and looks have nothing to do with it at all. It is extremely common for frillies to do this and I highly doubt it has anything to do with incubation at all, Good eggs hatch in almost any conditions and bad eggs will not hatch under any conditions....

Ditto. I've seen eggs in the worst conditions covered in mould and black stuff still hatch perfectly fine. I've hatch eggs in tubs that had very very minimal to no condensation on the sides aswell, if thats how you're judging humidity Andy.

I'm going to have to go with most others on this one aswell, I highly doubt a early problem would effect the eggs late into incubation, if they were truely lacking in humidity the eggs would have de-hydrated early on and you'd have noticed a problem then.

But the top heating incubator thing seems like a load of bull to me, I used to use a top heated incubator and never had any problems (obviously not with sim tubs but there was no noticable differance between the type of incubators using the same methods so why would it matter with one type of tub?) at the end of the day the heat is still all around so it shouldn't matter.
this has been an interesting thread and a lot of ideas put forward.. I really think its best to close it for the moment. If this decision is premature I apologise to all parties concerned but feel its for the best at this time. If anyone objects to this decision I suggest you pm another moderator and if they feel it should be re-opened I have no objections to them re-opening it.. cheers
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