frog phobia, whats yours??

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Not so new Member
Aug 3, 2006
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:oops: Why do frogs have to be in the same catagory as reptiles?? Sorry to all the froggies but i am absolutly petrified of frogs and think they are gross and disgusting and too jumpy and squashy. I mean i'm not only scared of frogs i'm scared of taddys too. I also don't like fish especially dead gold fish, fish are fine in the tank they just aren't allowed to jump out or die coz i won't scoop their puffy bodies out of the water. I think thats all i'm scared of....???
So seein as i be'd brave and told everyone i am scared of frogs please make me feel better and tell me what is your phobia??
ETA BF thinks i'm weird coz snakes and spiders don't scare me but fish and frogs do....
Will it make you feel better if I tell you I am terrified of frogs as well !! I know I feel better, I am not the only one LOL
SPIDERS...bloody creapy looken things....*shudders*

Dont worry junglejane my wife gets the job of "disposing" of the spiders around here :oops:
:oops: Yeah moths I don't handle too well sometimes. Lol, They always seem to chase me and flutter randomly at my face. Not the biggest spider fan either, but I would still never kill a moth or spider. Just cos I don't mesh with them doesn't mean I have to kill em.

Oh and Baz great pic of your frog!
yeah sssnakeman thats a great shot...thtas two out of 2 posted pics in my collection....cheers

i turn into a six year old girl when there scuttling all over the place.
I'm petrified of losing all my money.

I retired at 24. (i'm 35 now) and the thought of losing it all scares the hell out of me.

BTW: Nice frog pic Snakeman, i never thought they could eat a mouse eh. Learned something new here.
spiders for me aswell, i cant control them and i freak out especially when they are on me :oops:
i dont like talking to people i dont know on phones, and spiders, and icky bugs. had to get the b/f to leave work early cause there was a huntsman in the lounge...
BTW: Nice frog pic Snakeman, i never thought they could eat a mouse eh. Learned something new here.
They will eat anything that fits in there mouths inc. other frogs, any type of spider, bug or small mammal.
awesome pic Baz :D
I have a phobia against snakes they are really evil :lol:
well try this for a phobia. I am terrified of worms. yes WORMS. they are so un-nautral. Bring one near me and i cry!
I am afraid of public toilets and peeing next to people at urinals. I get stage fright and cant go .:):):)
definately spiders! I thought of keeping a 'bird eater' to try and overcome my fear but I haven't had the guts to yet LOL
Spiders, insects, lizards and even frogs. I try to think that I am not scared of frogs or lizards. I love to watch them and can even give them a pat, but if they run in my direction THATS a different story.

I can handle snakes any day over any of these creepy crawlies.
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