Geckos - arboreal or terrestrial???

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Well-Known Member
Nov 2, 2005
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Cairns, QLD
Guys and Gals

I have put this link to my website up to give novices abit of an understanding on the ease of keeping arboreals particularly Oedura. Many individuals seem to be deterred due to their arboreal nature.....which in retrospects is ridiculous. Oedura species have some of the most stunning and fluro patterning to out number our terrestrials. Eventually the hobby will be riddled with terrestrials, and less and less keeping of arboreals why this is I find bizarre. There are more positives to negatives with arboreals particularly relating to shedding issues and also with the lack of burrowing makes substrate less. Thoughts welcome. I have psoted this to try and get an understanding on everyones views re.....keeping or not keeping arboreals.

Cheers in advance.
Awesome information mate and an awesome website you have there if i may say so - 10/10. You are indeed an incredible asset to the Australian herp community. Keep up the good work!
From what I have heard it's based on the fear of escape. I was under the impression that they are quick and when you open the tank to do anything to care for the gecko that there is always the problem of them "running away".
I love aboreals especially the Oedura sp :)
Out of the aboreal geckos I already keep Strophurus ciliaris and S. taenicauda and have some O. marmorata and O. tryoni on order. I also plan on getting O. castelnaui and either O. coggeri or O. filicipoda in the future.
At first I was worried about aboreals escaping, however I have found the exoterra terrariums to be perfect for them.
Up until recently i only had aboreals, they are amazing to watch at dusk/night when they come out roaming all around the enclosre.

I also find the exo's perfect for keeping them, but i also have some in fish tanks with wooden/mesh lids.

I dont know why people would be put off by the worry of escape, its just like having a snake you need a escape proof enclosure!

I have not lost one due to escaping, cross my fingers.

I cant wait to grow my collection.

Mrs I

I have a pair of Oduera Coggeri and they are great. They are my first Gecko species and I havnt had any trouble. I have them in a fish tank with a wooden frame lid with fly screen mesh. They love to climb up the glass and its very amusing to watch them slide all the way back to the bottom.
They dont make a runner to escape when the lid is taken off although I do keep an eye on them :)
Very easy to keep
Awesome website. Any chance of you adding a page with photos of enclosures/herp room? :)
I too am a fan of Australia's arboreals. The majority of my collection is made up of them and I wouldn't change that. Arboreals are (like Troy said) some of the best looking, easiest kept species yet the fear of escape turns people away when it is so simple to construct an escape-proof cage or lid (if using a fish tank).

I keep most of my arboreals in vertical style vivariums that I construct myself. It must be VERY easy if I can do it!
I too am a fan of Australia's arboreals. The majority of my collection is made up of them and I wouldn't change that. Arboreals are (like Troy said) some of the best looking, easiest kept species yet the fear of escape turns people away when it is so simple to construct an escape-proof cage or lid (if using a fish tank).

I keep most of my arboreals in vertical style vivariums that I construct myself. It must be VERY easy if I can do it!

You just gave me a great idea. A high fully planted viv with a colony in it. Plant with a shrub of some sort... and a tall strong ntive grass down the bottom...
What a wonderful site....
Very well set out and easy to understand...
Well done
Ari, been a big fan of your website for ages and its saved as a favourite. Im hoping to get into arboreals after i gain a bit more experience with milii. love some of the Oedura gex. its just too many geckos not enough money, time and space lol
i dont keep arboreals but do plan to get some. I prefer smaller terrestrials such as Diplodactylus species. I tend to prefer the types with the more earthy colors to them.
Thanks everyone for your kind words.....I will periodically add others bits of information as time goes by.

I will place some pics up shortly re enclosures, reptile rooms.
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