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Not so new Member
Jan 7, 2009
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Hi Gecko Owners!

I have thought about buying a thick tailed gecko or pair for my 5yr old son. I don't know a lot about these little guys (I only own a python) so could anyone provide any info about them and firstly whether they are an ideal pet for a 5yr old.

Thanks :)
I am no expert on gecko's but from what I have heard they are more of a look but don't touch kind of pets (like fish).
Something like a bearded dragon might be a better pet for a kid.
I dont think they would be a good idea unless the 5 year old is only aloud to look and not touch as one hard squeeze = dead gecko! I would recomend a blue tounge or bearded dragon my 3 year old handles my large bearded dragon's under strict super vision and guideance. But I would never give a small child a small lizard to handle as accidents happen that small animals dont recover from well.
yeh, i agree an easy to handle lizard might be better, if you think a smaller animal is better, than go a pygmy bearded dragon
my youngest is 5y and i wouldnt get him any of his own and he is not allowed to touch mine , however i think a snake or a blue tongue for eg is a much better choice at least you can handle them .
Okay this is exactly the information I needed to make a decision. Thank you.

I have also considered a giant burrowing cockroach (Macropanesthia Rhinoceros) for something really different. Has anyone heard of these?? My twin sis has a Beardy "Buckby09" and she would love for me to get one however I am chasing something a little smaller. I will suss out a pygmy beardy too....

Thanks Heaps
Problem with most geckos is they hide during daylight hours so he will rarely get to see them.
If he is hell bent on getting a gecko then I would recommend getting some Strophurus (Golden-tailed, Spiny-tailed geckos etc) as they happily sit in full view during the day and are great feeders.
Just keep in mind as others have said if he handles them they can drop tails and or stop feeding as they are stressed very easily.

Cheers Josh
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Burrowing cockroaches are great to watch but if you want something hands on what about stick insects or a turtle?...My little miss 6 loves hers especially when they shed she compares it to my snake sheds and she loves following the turtles around in the yard when they come out for some sun time : p
Pygmy's are a great option too - I bought some and miss 6 has claimed them, they are a great size in comparison as our beardy is too big for her to support all his legs to feel secure, but the pygmy's are pretty much grown now and she can still hold them comfortable in her hands.
Temperament wise they are very simular to the beardy nice and docile only thing is if you don't hold them for a while they can get flighty (settle down after a few mins) but we're always in the room when she handles any of the herps so if they haven't been held in a while I will hold them for a min to settle them down before she can
Goodluck on your choice : )
Thanks very much for all your advice.... It has provided heaps of food for thought...
Every boy should have a beardie ;) or a bluey...

Sorry, I'll add more info to make this more helpful :) I've had my central beardie since my partner's son was 7yo... if you get a young beardie, you will need to supervise handling sessions for awhile, whether you son is 5 or 9, because they can be very quick! But, but the time your beardie is a bit bigger (6mths+) he'll prob start to settle, and it will be easier for your son to manage him on his own. By the time beardie is 2, your son is 7, and could most likely handle a 30cm beardie...

I also had bluies when he was about 8yo, and the bluies were fat slugs, even when babies, so he never had any worries with them :)

Beardies are great!!

Bluies are not too bad, as well ;)
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or if u dont want a beardy or bluey, how about a frog? im really impressed with how cool they are, i took one in (green tree frog) that i didnt really want and hes AWESOME!!!!

oh, and i agree geckos arent for kids,...not really exciting(well, excluding feeding time) or handleable enough
i have seen burrowing cockies at the petshop in taringa brisbane, if you want something different, have you thought about a spider.... that petshop sells them too.
i would personally stick to a python for him but i am bisect lol, i think a yearling stimson or any childrens python would be great for a 5yr old.
Okay, lots of ideas, thank you. Kristy_07 your photo's are gorgeous!! A spider gives me the heebee jeebee's so I won't worry bout that one but thanks anyway.

I might give Taringa pet shop a call and find out more info bout the Cockies and I forgot about the good ole froggies, thats another great idea.
frogs are not suitable for a child that age, neither is a burrowing roach to be honest. your best bet with a young kid would be to get him a bluey. they're hardy as hell and very easy to handle
l'd have 2 agree with all the above kids & geckos r a massive no no thay drop their tails way 2 easy.l started with a bluey back in the days when l was 9 or 10 l even asked my mum 2 put a bigger pocket on the inside of all my jackets with a zip just 2 keep & take my bluey everywhere with me.24 years later the funny thing is that l still have the 3ft tank l used 2 keep him in damm l miss that bluey.beardies & jackys would also be ok for a 5yo as thay dont lose their tails & run around there tanks all day 4 ur little boy 2 see put a few crickets in & watch them go he'll luv it.
jacky dragonz r very cheap at $50 bucks each & easy 2 find aswell,PS great pick pet 4 ur boy l still thank my mum 4 letting me have lizards when l was a kid.095.jpg
Hi Gecko Owners!

I have thought about buying a thick tailed gecko or pair for my 5yr old son. I don't know a lot about these little guys (I only own a python) so could anyone provide any info about them and firstly whether they are an ideal pet for a 5yr old.

A ideal pet for a 5year old,(AHG) Asian House Gecko,wont matter if ur son ends up killing them....plenty around....
Go the Bluetongue. My three year old daughter is very competent with hers, and he's hardy as all hell.
I've had Frogs,Lizards,Turtles,Tadpoles and etc. Since i was little and i dont remember having a problem holding them you just need to tell your kids how to hold it and they will get the hang of it. My first snake!!! woma python tommorow yaay
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