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Well-Known Member
Feb 22, 2004
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victoria australia
just wondering do geckos need uv lighting at all i was thinking of getting marbled velvet geckos,thick tailed geckos,and southern spotted velvet gecko. i'm not getting them right now but after all the information i can get .
Nocturnal geckos do not require UV light. Just read care sheets on any sp., it'll tell you things like this.
Spotted, don't mean to be rude, but, is there anything your not thinking of getting.
Every time you post something it's about more animals your thinking of getting. :?
Then there's probably time enough to read up on things at other places on the internet rather than posting about 5 new species a day in here... There are a lot of care sheets out there that can answer most questions you ask on here, and give you a lot more information besides.
Thats what a post is for sam so you can ask questions. I got to 5 different sites, read books and talk to other herpers and still come in here and ask questions if you dont like spotted's questions dont read them ! :x
I understand what you're saying eddy, but no need to get so mad lol. In one way, that was constructive criticism. I truly believe that she would learn more info, more useful info, and perhaps a bit more about what specific questions to ask, if she did a bit of research before she came in here. I also think that she'd benefit from a bit of focus, like on the herps she has, or if she IS getting a new species, on that one.. she's been "thinking of getting" a couple dozen new sp. in the last week.
I stand by everything I've said, but saying that, you're right. It's the prerogative of any member here to ask what questions they want and expect an answer. I'll keep similar posts to myself in future.
:p Eddy i think you miss the point,yeah anyone can post any amount they like,but its like the boy who cried wolf,when he really needed help there was no more willing to help.Not that it will ever happen but as you said eddy if everyone that dont want to answer dont,eventually when she needs real help people wont even look.I agree with sam he isnt picking on anyone just pointing out something that would help most herpers,i think sam has been here long enough to know when to give general forum using advice lol. :p

cheers popp
i've looked for care sheets i could only find care sheets on the thick tailed gecko. and 1 care sheet on the marbled velvet gecko. but i can't find one on the southern spotted velvet gecko.
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