get my coastal 2day

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anyone got any advice on taming, he's a little psycho dont want to cause him any damage so im trying not to let him bit me. I was just sitting here looking at him and when i turned my head away he striked at me so some advice would be great!!

cheers frodo
its exactly like mine that i got from URS-maybe there siblings. Anyway mine is really snappy but i use a small hook to remove it from the cage and then gently support it on the hook for about 30 secondsby holding the tail and supporting the upper body with the hook. I then slowly move my hands up the snakes body and then you can free handle him without getting bit.
try not to handle it for a week or so, let it settle in to its new surroundings. Its probably not feeling very secure, and this is why it will bite. Should settle down fairly quickly once it has settled in
Hard to leave em alone that first week but isn't it? I've had my new Stimmie out every day since I got him on Fri, she seems quite content to sit wrapped around my arm and has been moving round the enclosure like it's always been home! But she was placid from the start.
ok thanks ill let him be for a week and then ill try and start handling him again. my last one was placid from the start and i got him from URS this guy must have been abused LOL!!!
LOL, I don't think I should give you any taming advice, I just spent the last 15 minutes trying to get a yearling Maccy off my finger, the little bugga was trying to eat me!! :) LOL
Do they generally let go quickly or lock on sometimes ?(I'm a bite virgin :oops: ) Anything to do to get them off, like tickling em? :)
Putting your hand under the water tap, or submerge altogether if possible.
It usually works for me.
My little coastal was the same, first week I had him he was a nervous wreck, snapping at anything that moved. I left him alone for a week then he calmed down a but, still had a shot at me if I got to close to his head.

Eventually he would have a nip when I put my hand in his cage to get him but once out was fine, and now he's very well behaved =)

He never REALLY bit me as such, never even felt the bites as such, more like a open mouth jab that he never followed through with.
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