Great customer quotes.

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Very Well-Known Member
Feb 14, 2007
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Central Coast
A chapter of my life has closed, I am no longer a Manager of a Fast Food Restaurant. (Who knew you could be paid to habf around fishtanks and reptile gear all day! :lol:)

So, in honour of this momentous occasion, I think we can all post our best customer quotes.

Heres one I had just a few days ago.

Customer: "Every time I come here, my order is messed up. I will be speaking to your area manager, I know him."

I really wanted to say "Ok, I'll let her know to expect you" :rolleyes:
LOL i know that if I was quitting I wouldve said something like that to them!
ok my fav one would have been this on i got at work the otherday.
customer: ''hey im looking for a jacket for under $30?''
jordan: ''im sorry sir we dont have any jackets for under $50 in our shop''
customer: ''well what type of crap is this''
jordan : ''go to lowes sir and get out of this shop now''
My first job out of high school was at a local chicken place sort of like Red Rooster. This obnoxious woman came in one day, I did the usual may I take your order spiel and she looked at me and said, "I want some food". I asked her what sort of food she'd like and she said "Chicken". When I asked her if she wanted roasted chicken pieces, fried pieces, nuggets or a burger she asked to see the manager and then went munyuk, screaming that I was obviously stupid and shouldn't be working there if I couldn't take a simple order.

Seemed kinda surprised when she was asked politely to leave :lol:
I use to work at Eagle Boys Pizza when I was 15 - 17 and I use to get some hilarious people ring up and take orders, it use to be really difficult at times.

An Example:

Me: Hi, Thank you for choose Eagle Boys, etc
Customer: I'd like to order a pizza please
Me: What would you like to order?
Customer: Ugh, a pizza?
Me: Yes, what type would you like - would you like me to read the menu for you?
Customer: No! It's uhh.... Got meat and sauce on it!
Me: Is it by any chance the meat lovers?
Customer: No! Don't assume things! It has bbq sauce and meat
Me: The pizza you are describing is the meat lovers, as no other pizzas have bbq sauce and just meat on them
Customer: No that's not it you punk, put me through to the manager!
Me: You're speaking to the manager of this store at the moment
Customer: Oh............. Then yes, I'll have the meat lovers please

Some people use to drive my crazy at that store!

Then another time I was serving someone on front counter, It was a public holiday so there was a 10% surcharge on the orders - there was signs at the front of the door and we explained to all the customers about the surcharge and everyone didn't mind at all.

However. . . When the store was packed, there was about 30 customers waiting / standing at the front of the store. There was this one customer who went absolutely crazy at me because his order was going to cost an extra $0.40. He was screaming and abusing the hell out of me and the other customers were like "It's an extra 40 cents, it's a public holiday. . " After about 15 minutes of him abusing me and calling me everything under the sun. I calming said "As it's a public holiday there is a 10% surcharge on all orders, non of the other customers are complaining and they understand and don't mind. He continued to abuse me and called me everything that you could imagine.

So I was getting pretty annoyed at this, as I had been polite and tried to resolve the issue, but after 20 minutes of this I just stopped what I was saying and said. "Listen, I don't get paid enough to deal with (censored) heads like you, if you're not happy with the surcharge then go somewhere else and you'll still get the surcharge" - it was my second last day at there before I left, so I really didn't care lol.
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at the cafe i work at currently...

customer- can i have a glass for some water
me- sure ( i look for the glass)
me- sorry we dont actually have any glasses that are washed at the moment do you want to just have one of the takeaway cups
customer- okay

15-20 mins later when customer is about to leave she comes up to the register

customer- EXCUSE ME (goes infront of the other women i was serving) i would just like to know why i got this takeaway cup instead of a glass.
me- like i said before we had run out of glasses that were washed and so i gave you that one
customer- well there washed
me- yes thats because they got washed after you came up here and got the takeaway cup
customer- i still dont understand why i didnt get a cup

my boss- miss im sorry but she did explain to you that we had run out of glasses and did tell you this before giving you the cup which you accepted. If you insist of keeping making a scene about this i will have to ask you to leave.

haha i wanted to throw a knife at her
HAHA I had a similar sort of situation. I was 14 and was working at Dominos Pizza...
Me: Hey how can I help you?
Cust: How much would it cost for a pizza with every topping on it?
*I spent about 10 minutes on the computer adding every single topping to the pizza*
Me: Ok, that would cost $34.50 (some rediculous price like that)
Cust: Ahh ok. Nah I'll just grab a hawaiin...
I use to hate working at pizza place, the amount of drunk / stoned people that would call up to order and have no idea what they wanted or couldn't talk properly - then they'd abuse you because you didn't have their order on the screen for them lol.
Haha I rekon! Although one time a drunk guy came in and my brother served him.... He only ordered one pizza, threw my brother a $50 and said he could have the rest! lol not bad when my brother was only 15 haha
LOL ok heres mine! now im a marine mechanic so i will try to explain at the end!

Bloke pulls up, i walk out and ask whats wrong with his engine and he says "its in the have the power valve pulled off and have a look at!" I look at him with know idea with what he said so i just took the motor and said no drams! walk inside ask the boss, He has know idea. so we end up looking at the diary to see what it is booked in for! No idea so we ring him up and he says the same thing! Anyway turns out he wanted the power head taken off! which is the actual engine block in marine engines! Anyway we describe it to him and tell him its a powerhead and he was all good! anyway came back in two days later and goes to me "Hows my power valve going and is that what it looks like inside?" i just shook my head and went and got the boss!
What also annoys me is when people use to come in and try and pay for a $20 - $50 in 5 and 10 cent pieces - We just use to refuse them and tell them to go and get it changed over.
well today a customer complained about redcued priced milk! he got the boss out and everything! im not even kidding.

im trying to think of some things people have said to me,

some guy i go i need to order change i wont be a second so i give my manger the money she goes off and gets the money and he is like why the **** do i have to wait for 5 minutes just to buy a loaf of bread (he gave me a $50 bill and the lady before him got cash out which too everything i told him there could be a wait if he was paying coin and it was fine at the time it then became him telling me was a ****ing **** employee etc....
I work in a pet shop and love it when someone comes in and says all my fish are dying,
Me: Bring some water down and i will test it for you to make sure there is nothing wrong with it.
Customer: There is nothing wrong with my water.
Me: How do you know? Do you test it?
Customer: I don`t test it but i know its fine because its clear.
I try explaining for several minutes but some people just dont get it! :lol:

Other times i go through the same speil and when they say they do test their water for everything themselves and say everything is perfect. When i ask what the results are they say they are fine, they match up to the colours on the cards.
I eventually convince them to bring down some water and when i test it, It matches up to the colours on the cards but wrong end! Some people really don`t get it!:lol:

There are some people out there you just cant help!
What also annoys me is when people use to come in and try and pay for a $20 - $50 in 5 and 10 cent pieces - We just use to refuse them and tell them to go and get it changed over.
Did you know Australia is the only country where there is a rule that if a retail outlet doesn`t want to except $5.00 or more in silver coins you have the right to refuse! In all other countries you have to accept it if it is legal tender.
I used to work at Bunnings, man was that bad!

I'd answer the phone and have telemarketers reply

One guy and his father came in and stated I was anaemic! Spent 5 minutes listing the signs and symptoms and telling me I needed to see a doctor! :shock:

Also had one guy come in and had his tackle hanging out *shudders*

When I worked nights we used to be escorted to our cars as before he was mentioned to the police, this guy would sit in his car from about 8pm onwards...also used to come in and pick out the checkouts that where being used by females...scary stuff
A couple of years ago at McDonald's:

Me: Hi, what would you like?
Cust: I'd like my order remade. It's hard and cold.
Me: Oh okay, no problem. When did you get the order?
Cust: Yesterday.

:lol: We had to get the manager there to explain to him that he couldn't get the order remade from yesterday :shock: I don't think he got it...
It also works the other way. I've had to deal with some totally incompetent workers. In all the years I've gone to KFC I don't think I've ever had an order given to me correct yet.

Also, on boxing day I was at Target and there was only 1 woman in front of me waiting to be served. They only had 2 young kids serving and one had absolutely no idea what he was doing and he took something like 20 minutes to serve one customer and she only had 1 item. We were all getting really peeved off as the other person kept rushing off to serve other people who hadn't been lining up. Then when I finally got served, I asked her for a plastic bag as I had about 6 different sized boxes to carry and she refused to give me one. I told her that I needed one because I couldn't carry them all myself and she again refused saying it was their policy to not give plastic bags at the electricial section.

By the time I got to the front of the store my back was killing me (cause I'd been in a car accident a while back and was still recovering from it) and I walked up to a manager and asked him why I wasn't able to get a plastic bag considering that every time you go to the store they never have any trolley's and he again told me it was policy and he was quite rude about it. By this time I was livid and I told him in no uncertain terms what he could do with his policy!! So then, I had to show the woman at the front door all my purchases and the docket and then she had to go and get me a plastic bag. If they do it for security reasons, then it was pointless because while she was getting me a bag, dozens of people walked out without having their bags checked....idiots!!!
I can't believe the amount of people that have worked in a pizza place and had a bad experience..... I'm a shift manager for Fri and Sat nights in one and we would be lucky to get one bad customer in a month!!!!
And thats doing over 100 orders a night.

Would hate to be working in some of the area's you guys are [even though the area our shop is in, is a low income area....]

The worst we get is the usual,
"[shop name] Pizza, what would you like to order?"
".......What type of pizza would you like to order"


"I'll have a carbonara"
"What kind of pasta would you like with that?"
"I want a carbonara!!!"
"Yes sir/mam, but would you like spag, penne, tort, with that or just the sauce?"
Guy:I came in and baught a Water heater and it isnt working the light didnt turn on or nothing

Me: did you read the instuctions


Me:Whats the temps at?

Guy:I dont know it is spose to turn on

Me:it has been hot so it dosnt need to turn on

Guy:the water was cold

Me: (take to a tank) the tempreture is set to 22 degrees the tank water temps is 24 so it isnt on now when i turn the gage up it works

Guy:awk sorry for wasting your time see you another time.
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