green tree snake Q's

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i did actually, i said contact the breeder,..

which is alot more useful than anything you've offered,..!!! :p
There are a lot of knowledgable people who post on this forum, however I think that the best bet for aquiring information for the basic husbandry of any animal is by buying a good book regarding your species.(Sometimes forums give contradictory and confusing information) Good luck with your new animal.
maybe he didn't get it from a breeder? I got my snake from a family who couldn't care for him anymore... maybe he's in the same situation and needs help from us to make sure the snake stays healthy?
well i haven't offered any thing because i know nothing about GTS but i do know that by criticizing someone for asking q's you are only making it harder for people to learn, and to ask q's when they really need help. This site is about sharing information and knowledge not about showing off how big your "snake" is.
Its not a case of knocking a newb for asking advice. Its a case of knocking someone who is playing Russian roulette with their animals life while they take the time to learn its needs. If you defend someone for taking that risk, and not thinking first & foremost about the animals " life". Well, I wont risk an infraction on that. Not this post anyway...
how do u know that he hasn't found this tree snake in his bak yard hurt n is just trying to give it a safe environment while it heals and while he can organise to take it to the vet... or what if his friends/family owned the snake n cudn't afford to keep it so instead of letting them continue to neglect it he's taken it off their hands and has come straight here to ask about what environment it needs to be in so he can get it bak to health... you dont know his situation so stop acting as thou he's hurting this animal.. maybe he's doing the opposite.. i mean its not lyk he's got it in a cage and put it in a fridge... by the way every1's acting he's never going to want to come here for advice again and making him feel that way could actually be the real harm done here cause now if he has another problem he wont know where to go for help.
:eek:ARE YOU FOR REAL:eek:Half of what you're saying is ilegal. Cop yourself on for Christs sake.:?
how do u know that he hasn't found this tree snake in his bak yard hurt n is just trying to give it a safe environment while it heals and while he can organise to take it to the vet... or what if his friends/family owned the snake n cudn't afford to keep it so instead of letting them continue to neglect it he's taken it off their hands and has come straight here to ask about what environment it needs to be in so he can get it bak to health... you dont know his situation so stop acting as thou he's hurting this animal.. maybe he's doing the opposite.. i mean its not lyk he's got it in a cage and put it in a fridge... by the way every1's acting he's never going to want to come here for advice again and making him feel that way could actually be the real harm done here cause now if he has another problem he wont know where to go for help.
responsible pet ownership means researching the animal and taking care of its specific requirements. Aquiring an animal without the necessary knowledge is unfair to the animal, regardless of how great u think experimenting with animal care is, i'm not gonna agree with that or support it.

i'd really hope if it is an injured snake found in a back yard he would do the right thing and call WIRES who would pick up the animal and put it somewhere suitable quicker than he'd get a decent answer on a forum.
all im saying is that he's asking for help and this pathetic arguement is prolonging that information... that is the harm done... and if you go bak to his original question its not asking how to look after his snake, he's asking how to BEST look after it... maybe he already knows the basics n wants to upgrade his snake from basics to advanced care...
responsible pet ownership means researching the animal and taking care of its specific requirements. Aquiring an animal without the necessary knowledge is unfair to the animal, regardless of how great u think experimenting with animal care is, i'm not gonna agree with that or support it.

i'd really hope if it is an injured snake found in a back yard he would do the right thing and call WIRES who would pick up the animal and put it somewhere suitable quicker than he'd get a decent answer on a forum.
What you're saying is true but what's done is done and the best we can do is help to make sure the animal is cared for properly.
The tsar, isnt it just common sense though to find out the basics of animal welfare before you purchase one?

You have a duty to provide and care for it and I dont think that can be done if you just rush into getting something without a hint of basic knowledge

Quite true about the duty of care and animal welfare, however, if one has a bounty of common scense then one can piece together a quite comfortable habitat in record time using just the info gained through this web sight. (One of the better one it seems for information to greensticks like me).

Personally I understand the excitment of getting the snake, is ones main occupation of time (ensuring you can get one etc) so care is sometimes overlooked.
I see this as human nature, so I cant get angry with an inexperienced handler, because I understand what mindset they had, and also understand that this is also far from deadly to snakes.
A minimum expectation I would have is that, once the snake (or any unknown animal) is in your house, then you should have the day earmarked to get the snake set up. Leaving it in the state you bought it is unnessessaryily cruel. So is setting up just anything in the container, one must take the time to get to know the nature of the snake you bought, before or just after purchase, makes no difference to me, as long as there is minimal limbo time for the snake.

Again, the housing nessesseties are easy enough to do in a day, feeding you have weeks/months? to worry about (ususallly) and this gives heaps of time to read and ask questions.
So to me the process needs no forthought, just alot of after thought, and I am facinated enough with snakes to have done a fair bit of that.
I dont pretend to know even lots, but I know more than enough about my snake and what it needs, and doesnt need, all though research, from facination.

I fear those that buy these snakes as a status item, and dont give a minute of time to find info about them. Internet is free (dialup excepted), so there is no excuse not to do research after purchase.
I fear those that buy these snakes as a status item, and dont give a minute of time to find info about them. Internet is free (dialup excepted), so there is no excuse not to do research after purchase.

Tsar why on earth would wait until after buying an animal to start researching it it makes no sence and to me that is called a neglectfull owner. And no offence intended to the new owner of the gts but if you don't research the reptile your interested in purchasing before buying then your putting the animal at risk, no one expects you to be an expert but you don't even seem to know the basics :shock: i just hope you have been able to gather some usefull advice for the sake of the snake
Tsar - How do you propose that the workability of an enclosure be tested...?

If the correct temperature, gradient or humidity now take a few weeks to get correct this animal will likely stop feeding and the like, and potentially even become ill causing it to go backwards even further...

In addition, GTS are notoriously finnicky, fragile snakes that are significantly more difficult to keep than say, a Spotted or similar. Research would have shown this long before the animal was acquired...

I also find it laughable your comments on the age of people offering sound advice in this thread - age and experience are entirely different measures, as you have shown quite obviously here...

Temp and humidity are all posted in this wevsite, easy to find. Also I doubt it takes weeks to get the temp right, perhaps if your anal about it, then yep it would. Personally I like to think evolution has made snakes able to cope with a variety of temps. Again common sence will get one out of this bind.

My comments about age, were in relation to the nature of the response from that 22 years old, not the information contained within it.
Its not a case of knocking a newb for asking advice. Its a case of knocking someone who is playing Russian roulette with their animals life while they take the time to learn its needs. If you defend someone for taking that risk, and not thinking first & foremost about the animals " life". Well, I wont risk an infraction on that. Not this post anyway...

Why dont ya get all dramatic about this issue.....russian roulett and all.
I doubt it is that bad, and the info one needs takes like 6 hours tfrom the net to obtain a good understanding of whats needed for the snake, Yep 6 hours, sorry to those with 30 years experiance, you will know alot more than I ever need to know. BUt to keep the snake alive and healthy, 6 hours of surfing weened me into being competant. After this time all the info was the same and repeated. I call that exausting the knowledge base, especially when you see the same thing in thread after thread.

Why is this discussion infractionable, are we in communist russia? No debating aposing ideas?
the_tsar, 5potted, . Try having a little think before you type and you might be able to deal with your 'problem'.

It is completely and utterly irresponsible to buy an animal without first knowing how to tend to its basic needs. To suggest otherwise shows how clueless you really are. This isnt a difference of opinion, it is fact. People like you cause more problems than you are worth. Any new people thinking of buying a snake, or any animal for that matter, do yourself and your future pet a favour and research it before buying it.

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responsible pet ownership means researching the animal and taking care of its specific requirements. Aquiring an animal without the necessary knowledge is unfair to the animal, regardless of how great u think experimenting with animal care is, i'm not gonna agree with that or support it.

i'd really hope if it is an injured snake found in a back yard he would do the right thing and call WIRES who would pick up the animal and put it somewhere suitable quicker than he'd get a decent answer on a forum.

I didnt mention experiment, a person who reaserches after purchase can eliminate this experimenting just as completly as if the research was done before purchase, your argument is unsound here.
Anyway, I think that even with information, you are mearly experimenting, if you are new, as you have no real experience, and can only go on those who have done it before. Thats why we have words to capture knowledge passed on, so we dont have to reinvent the wheel, we experiment about the success of our advice, and if proved to be flawed, experiment till it seems just right.
the_tsar, you are an idiot. 5potted, you are an idiot aswell. Try having a little think before you type and you might be able to deal with your 'problem'.

It is completely and utterly irresponsible to buy an animal without first knowing how to tend to its basic needs. To suggest otherwise shows how clueless you really are. This isnt a difference of opinion, it is fact. People like you cause more problems than you are worth. Any new people thinking of buying a snake, or any animal for that matter, do yourself and your future pet a favour and research it before buying it.


Have to agree, My wife and myself have been involved with reps for over 20 years
and for someone to jump up and say they know it all after a very short time reserching
on the net is nothing less than utter rubbish.
the_tsar, you are an idiot. 5potted, you are an idiot aswell. Try having a little think before you type and you might be able to deal with your 'problem'.

It is completely and utterly irresponsible to buy an animal without first knowing how to tend to its basic needs. To suggest otherwise shows how clueless you really are. This isnt a difference of opinion, it is fact. People like you cause more problems than you are worth. Any new people thinking of buying a snake, or any animal for that matter, do yourself and your future pet a favour and research it before buying it.


Interesting, I never said anythinng about not tending to the snakes needs, I actually said
It isnt nessessary to do research before hand, as long as a concerted effort is made the day you buy it. Simple really.
The exact same thing you advocate, except my snake buying is at a later date than yours.
Same results though.
If anyone needs a think it is you, as you have missed the point while you were trying to be smug with superiority.
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