green tree snake Q's

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To even suggest no prior research is needed before taking on a animal in beyond incorrect.
Just plain lazy.
Have to agree, My wife and myself have been involved with reps for over 20 years
and for someone to jump up and say they know it all after a very short time reserching
on the net is nothing less than utter rubbish.

Lets be clear that I didnt even hint at that.
I said read enough to be competant, not enough to open my own school of reptilology.
I didnt miss the point at all, im just telling you that your an idiot and wrong. Simple enough eh? Youve had your snake for 8 months? Your definately as experienced if not more so than the people who have made herps their life, no doubt. Im not claiming superiority, were all learning and will continue to do so. You dont have to be in the animal game for long to learn that what you claim is complete and utter manure.

neither did i say anything about not tending to the snakes needs before buying mine. As i have said before... the original question was how to best look after his snake, not how to look after it... who knows he may actually know how to look after it and is asking experts for some more knowledge into how BEST to look after it... and yes i do think that knowledge is required before buying any sort of animal however this guy has made a mistake, has realised it and is now asking for us to help him but all everyone seems to be doing is arguing which could potentially be making things even worse for his snake... just give him some answers please and drop it... i think he's heard it enough through this forum that HE HAS MADE A MISTAKE...
To even suggest no prior research is needed before taking on a animal in beyond incorrect.
Just plain lazy.

Certainly is lazy, and certainly incorrect, however, it can be done, and whats more I doubt any ill would befall the snake, as long as you do the research within the day or so. And thats my point, I dont say if it is wrong or right, thats for God to judge, for me, I just know people can easily do it this way. I did certainly, because Im scary smart.
And this is my point, that it can be done.
Weeeeeeeee......... Ha ha haaaaaa.. Seems like this thread is headed for the moderators shredder.... May as well jump on for the ride.... LOL
neither did i say anything about not tending to the snakes needs before buying mine. As i have said before... the original question was how to best look after his snake, not how to look after it... who knows he may actually know how to look after it and is asking experts for some more knowledge into how BEST to look after it... and yes i do think that knowledge is required before buying any sort of animal however this guy has made a mistake, has realised it and is now asking for us to help him but all everyone seems to be doing is arguing which could potentially be making things even worse for his snake... just give him some answers please and drop it... i think he's heard it enough through this forum that HE HAS MADE A MISTAKE...

This is right on the point, see he didnt miss it, why did you other experts miss the point too?

Perhaps my 8 months experience is needed to see clearer than some of you with 20 years experience, too much knowledge to know what people want to know.
So smug takes you guys over, so you end up being no help, just critisizers.
Beeman, Urodactus, there is no need to bring common sense to this issue. Any person arrogant enough to think that 6 hrs on the net after purchasing their herp makes them some how a competent keeper, will be the same (insert word here) who negates people whom obviously are more passionate, experienced, and professional about the herps in their care.

I mean seriously, Im thinking of getting into "hots", and the hours i spent researching "Smuggled", taught me that with a pailing, a few nails, elastic band, a sharp knife, and a fridge, I can keep venomous reptiles without the risk of being envenomated.... dont understand why the other venomous keepers risk their lives when they could have research on the inter-web for a few hrs like I did.
Weeeeeeeee......... Ha ha haaaaaa.. Seems like this thread is headed for the moderators shredder.... May as well jump on for the ride.... LOL

Yes, well, God forbid a debate gets loose on here and opinions that go against the standard dogma are expressed or debated, as it is in a democracy, or any website who gets by on ideas.
You can not buy an animal with special needs and expect to wade through all the misinformation
on the internet within a few hours, just because you took the lazy way, dont promote it to other newbies.
why cant everyone just forget about arguing whether he has researched yet or not etc. etc. and just tell him what he wants. criticising him wont help because he obviously alredy has the animal - all the more reson to tell him rarher than argue.

this is why i find aps annoying - people always argue over/criticise other peoples knoledgewhich they wouldn't know about it the person hadn't posted on aps:evil:

there should be another thread topic where people can argue all they like lol
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FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE WHO GETS THE POINT! he's probably never going to return here for information again thou after the way he's been treated for MAKING A MISTAKE which no1 in here can admit that they have never done... just drop it and stop posting if u dont have any answers for this guy...
FINALLY SOMEONE ELSE WHO GETS THE POINT! he's probably never going to return here for information again thou after the way he's been treated for MAKING A MISTAKE which no1 in here can admit that they have never done... just drop it and stop posting if u dont have any answers for this guy...

...did I miss your helpful answers in this post...? ;)
I didnt miss the point at all, im just telling you that your an idiot and wrong. Simple enough eh? Youve had your snake for 8 months? Your definately as experienced if not more so than the people who have made herps their life, no doubt. Im not claiming superiority, were all learning and will continue to do so. You dont have to be in the animal game for long to learn that what you claim is complete and utter manure.


Im proof, I did it, so where did I go wrong? What dont I know? I have nearly lived on this sight since then, and there is NO, repeat, NO new things I have read that make me think, geez, I didnt know that, the info is all repeated, lots of times in different threads. So when it comes to caring for a snake, yep 6 hours exausts all info on the net about it. Sorry it took you longer to get the same effect.
Anything that is serious, the snake goes to a vet, like a dog, or cat.
I never operate on a dog, as I have no medical knowledge, and 6 hours on the net wont learn me anywhere near enough.
Keeping a snake, has no 3 year course, it has no course, it is advice based, as one would find here, and in 6 hours one exausts this supply.
Tell me again where I am going wrong assuming this knowlege needs to be done before I get a snake? Or that you cant do it in 6 hrs?

You probably think people who go to Uni early (like 15yrs or so) are cheats then?
Yes, well, God forbid a debate gets loose on here and opinions that go against the standard dogma are expressed or debated, as it is in a democracy, or any website who gets by on ideas.

I am just stating that with the personal insults that have started to get thrown around it won't be long before this thread goes by the way side. Maybe some people can go and edit their posts to remedy this. I am all for a great debate, but please let's refrain from personal insults.

Maybe he has done some research on general herp keeping and now wants specifics on a specific type of reptile. Let's not scare him off and offer some kind advice, if not for him but for his newly acquired snake. I am sure he would like to look after the snake as best he can, but please allow him some leeway about his knowledge.

Just my opinion. Fire at will. ;-)
I wouldnt have even got into this arguement if not for the rubbish spouted by the_tsar and yourself. That it was irresponsible to buy the animal before doing research was already stated by others, there was no need for me to say it again. I decided to become involved purely to point out the fact that the_tsar is full of manure in the hope that others who read this dont adopt his irresponsible approach to reptile keeping.

That is all
this is why i find aps annoying - people always argue over/criticise other peoples knoledgewhich they wouldn't know about it the person hadn't posted on aps:evil:

Thats what sent me off, is all these knowledge Nazies. "You are an unacceptable snake person, I judge it to be so."

I have never seen this type of arrogance anywhere, when it comes to the simple function of answering a question posed.
All of a sudden it Experts attack, belittle and generally think they are way smart................hello, one doesnt need a pilots licence to keep these. Geez 14 yr olds keep them.
I cant stand those that know ,ridiculing others that dont, it is totally bad Karma.
And whats more it is unacceptable as people behaviour.

Just give advise, ask to clarify if need be, express concerns if you want.
But your dealing with a person, so patience is the order of the day, not judgemental ridicule.
no firing from this end... and im not giving any information because i've never owned a green tree snake before so instead of adding to the already amount of false information out there about caring for them i'm trying to get the point across that someone who does have the answers he needs should give them, cause its already been hours since he asked the question and still no answers have been given... well no answers that everybody has been able to agree on...
set up first then animals, you dont buy fish with out a tank full of water.
i found this website,, could someone check it who has owned a green tree snake so i can pass the information on to wizsel if its accurate so he can finally get some answers... then we can get bak to it... snakes well being now he's already got it should be priority number 1... then whoever wants to have a go at me then fine... i dont care... as long as he gets some accurate information
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