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CTS come in a variety of colors from yellow to green to black (see the triva thread). Their main natural food is small birds, I have seen them hunting double-bar finchs, they set up an ambush near a likely site, generally in bull rushes and stay still for hours. They also feed on pet budgies, a hungry snake can fit though the bars of a budgie cage. A snake that has just feed on a budgie cannot fit through the bars of a cage. Many CTS die after a good feed of budgie :( At a guess I would say the best food to feed then would be day old chicks, but it would be interesting to see them snatch a fish.
I have caught then released CTS. They have NEVER attempted to bite. If you see one in ambush mode you can quietly approach the animal and attempt to grab it but it is even easier to catch them after a feed of budgie :)
Hey ppl.
Parko small birds r rarely if ever taken by wild cts the r almost an entirely frog specialist and i really dont think i cts will jump from a tree to catch a flying bird. I hav kept both brown and common tree snakes...the common tree snakes would be great if it werent for them being fussy. I could only get them to eat fish and the very rare mouse...i hav never heard of common tree snakes eating birds, r u ppl sure u didnt get bts and cts feeding habits mixed up?
My bts is about 5 foot long and is very aggressive wen sitting out of its hide box on the branch. The only way i can pik him up without getting attacked is by picking him up out of his hide, but once being handled he is very good and non agressive. He also feeds very well on mice and soon i wouldnt mind giving him a quail or 2.
Ya reckon? I've definately read that cts will catch a small bird by lunging for it and landing at the bottom with it. Also seems strange that a snake spending most it's life in tree's isn,t going to eat small birds at least occasionally.But then again I dont live in a tree with them so what do I know ? But yeah I reckon also that Frogs would be the favourite except where i grew up there was no creeks and no Tree frogs, just trees and birds.(ofcourse not forgetting ground dwelling frogs which were around.)
Did a bit of research (ie. opened my books) and they agree with you ackie - CTS feed on frogs, lizards plus tadpoles and fish in small pools. I'll try and find some more data re the birds but until I do I'll have to stand corrected :(
whenever I have gone herpin I have looked in Pandanus and always found a large number of CTS and I talked to some people at work and G. Gow and they rekon its coz heeps of frogs live there
I can only find reference so far (net) to bts eating birds and cts eating frogs and lizards(that order)so I,ve probably made an error too. Gonna have to spend more time in a tree.
If you place a clear bowl with some live fish in it they will catch them.
these guys sound like a very interesting snake... anyone know how much a brown tree snake would go for in NSW and their overall availability.?
just like to say i'm new to this site, and after having a look at the other forums on snakes, this one is by far the friendliest and most helpful! keep up the good work
for a pair! That seems very reasonable. Where are you Morelia man? NT? Qld? Did you buy them through a shop or breeder?
This thread has really sparked my interest in getting a golden morph pair from snakesNT for $150 each. Then I can find out what they feed on, feeder gold fish are cheap and easy to obtain. They also have Banded Tree Snakes (Boiga fusca) @ $200 for a sub adult.
No sweat at the moment Morelia man, I've still got another python to save and get set-up for first but might ask you for advice about getting a tree snake at a later date. Cheers Parko.
Do they sell the blue ones aswell?
I had boiga irregularis , the brown one. And he was kiling mashine. He strikes as lightning. They have beautifull mechanics and becaouse of they long body and ability to balance on one thirt of it only, they are beautifull to watch. Quick snake for sure.
Sounds like a great snake Slateman, also sounds like they'd give you a good nip at the drop of a hat. Imo the commons are fairly placid usually, like i said i've held wild adults without being bitten on many occasions.
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