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Very Well-Known Member
Jun 13, 2003
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i know green tree pythons are pretty damn expensive but i've found somewhere that can get them in and sell them for about $1200 which is scarily cheap seeing as i think they usually go for between $5000-7000. does this sound like it's really dodgy to everyone? they don't actually have them there at the mo they must have a particular breeder that they can get them from. i know this sounds way too good to be true but i really really really want one and im wondering if anyone might have any tips on what to look for (apart from the obvious things) in a snake so cheap. do snakes have any hereditary diseases that i should look out for?
thanx guys :D
Put me down for a dozen please!!!!!!!!!!!!
Seriously though it sounds a bit suss to me.Is it from a reputable supplier?Are you sure that they are GTP's and not Tree snakes??

cheers M..........
it's basically just a pet store that sells everything...we called them up and asked specifically for gtp's so i'm pretty sure thats what they are!
i don't know who the actual breeder is tho
The biggest problem with hatchling GTP's is getting them to feed, it might be a reason why someone would sell them so cheap, there not feeding!

However, there could be a number of other things, most of which I am sure you are already thinking about, among them being, the snakes might be captive hatched from WC animals, or maybe illegal imports etc..
Or maybe the guy you spoke to in the shop just mis-read a price list.

Whatever, be very careful, when something sounds too good to be true, it generally is!

IF it is not a mistake or any of the above, and the snakes are fit and healthy, then well done, you have found the bargains of the year!!

i wouldn't touch that with a 40ft pole. Green pythons straight from the egg still sell for $5000ea and more if they are feeding.
I would check it out if it was $4000 maybe even $3000 but $1200 thats just to cheap. There would have to be a mistake somewhere or these people are totally clueless to what reptiles sell for and if thats the case count me in.
Sold.....I'll have a pair (if you'll send me a PM) - although I'm affraid they might mistaken. Would stil be a good idea to follow it up, you might get the bargain of the century - Let us all know how it goes

well i don't think it would be cos they're not feeding cos they're not talking about any particular snakes...they're quoting us for future reference...that's the price they sell all their gtp's for when they get them in. but who knows, i'd like to see the parents first if possible to see if they're totally motley looking or what
if the parents were wild caught or illegal imports and i bought a hatchling, would i be putting my other snake in jeopardy if someone ever found out? could i get in trouble and then lose him even if i didn't know?
"IF" you bought an illegal snake you wouldn't ba able to put it on paper and news does travel fast in th herping undoubtedly pepole would get to know. Besides, what's the good of having a top looking snake like that if you can't show anyone ??

like iv said before there a few imports on the books as natives up hereand these are not recent imports they have been around for a long time
gtp prices.

hi guys and girls

zoe i have no idea where your contact is but a pet shop last year in victoria were quoting the exact same price last year..the thing is that when people became excited and floolowed up they were infact gts.

there wouldnt be a breeder in the contry at this stage that would sell gtp for 1200 and for a pet shop to have them at that would mean that they would have to sell them cheeper than what they got them from the breeder for. the problem with pet shop reptiles is that a good percentage of the counter staff actually dont know there **** from there elbow as far as reptiles are concerned. let me add thats not all pet shop as there are a few that specalize and know there animals.

another though..if you havent been into reptiles for long a green is not the way to go..they arnt your basic reptile to keep/feed and care for. and alot of very experianced herpers have struggled with problem ones.
just some thoughts.
cheers paul.
i kinda don't really wanna mention who they are at the mo cos the're sposed to be getting back to us re whether they can get them or not. when they call back i'll make sure they're gtp not gts. would that be about the right price for a gts?
i haven't really been into reptiles for that long but we don't have a lot of room where we are so i really wanted my next snake to be my fav (gtp) :D
going back to the losing my current snake thing...if i was completely oblivious to the fact that the parents were imports could i still lose jules?
As you haven't been into reptiles for long, does that mean you haven't got a cat 2 licence to keep GTP's? I think someone esle may have already commented on that one.
As paul stated, GTP's are not really for you if you haven't got much experience, $1200 is cheap, but not if it only lasts a few month's through inexperience, if you know what I mean.
Not wanting to dampen your desire to own one, their great snakes, but you might feel it best to wait a couple of years and gain more knowledge and experience first.
If you have always wanted one, then I am sure that you will eventually have one, but now might not be the right time, only you can decide that.

but would i gain enough knowledge from owning just my current baby for a few years? i'm not arguing or anything i'm totally accepting of everyone's advice cos as u know, i'm not all that experienced. i'm just not sure that owning 1 snake will give me the experience i need to own a gtp. i actually posted another question about any breeder's in vic who might be willing to let me go behind the scenes so see their snakes and the whole breeding process cos i'd luv to get into that one day. my head tells me i should wait but my heart already has the credit card out lol. :)
doesn't take much to get a cat 2 licence does it?
No expert on Aussie laws, but I thought you had to have lesser licence for x number of years before eligable for next class of licence. Pretty sure thats what I've read. I don't think it's just a mater of taking test or something. I may be wrong, and I'm sure someone will fill in details, but I think thats the case.
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