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Apr 21, 2010
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had this guy visiting my back patio yesterday. I am used to seeing smaller yellow bellied GTS here, but this one was bigger and cream/tan underneath..but it think it is still a GTS. What do you think?
I tried to scare it away from the patio, but it didnt seem to want to go past the dogs bed (?smell) it got a bit upset and flared its neck at me. I eventually moved it on and it took off like a flash.
Sorry the pics are pretty crap, it was with my phone camera


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Thats a nice blue one!! , wish I could find some captive bred blues for sale :(
I hope to see it again and get some better pics and a better look. im not sure if the blue was just reflection from the window? Was def more tan colured just under the head.
Looks blue in the pics, but could be black or in-shed , hope you get more pics! _ Might not even be a GTS 0_o
How fast are they huh.
I was handling a wild one years ago that went a bit nuts and when I put it down it took off like a shot.
I reckon it crossed the park and got up a tree before I blinked, man they are speed demons when they want to be.
Looks blue in the pics, but could be black or in-shed , hope you get more pics! _ Might not even be a GTS 0_o

Shh..i want to believe it is a GTS ..I dont want to think I have a nasty at my patio..there is a hole in the screen of that window where it was! :?

Does anyone think it is likely to be something else?
From those pics, general shape, tail length and how it is climbing, I would guess it is probably a GTS, though better pics would be a help.
From those pics, general shape, tail length and how it is climbing, I would guess it is probably a GTS, though better pics would be a help.

if it visits again I will get the camera ready! It was spotted in the grass a week or so ago by my son too, so it prob will be sticking around..unless i scared it too much yesterday.
Was a great climber..used the lines in the bricks really well. Another pic of that here as it went behind the table:


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Definately looks and sounds like CTS. They used to use the bricks like that when i lived up north. I'm guessing you live in or near Townseville?
i would say that is well within the normal areas where common tree snakes are found black with cream/yellow bellies. A lot of people refer to them as yellow belly black snakes in Thuringowa, I know, when they are obviously not black snakes (pseudechis), i think some taipans are referred to as yellow bellied black snakes also, but not local to where you are, and with a very different body shape. (obviously)
Oh..there are taipans around too! i havent seen one, but had a friend living in the middle of a cane field and they used to get them pretty often. But yes a very different critter.
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