harder and harder to find

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Well-Known Member
Mar 29, 2009
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Adelaide SA
Is it just me or are female beardies becoming difficult to find? im talking about SA and some other states too and if they do happen to be on sale they are gone very fast :evil: i am getting so frustrated trying to find one lol, i reckon GTP's are becoming more common. Where are all our female friends? im now getting envious at all those breeders that have like what 10 females and none to share :rolleyes: this is what happens when u spend your day looking for a female dragon. maybe i should just sit back relax and wait for one to come along... nah its too tense. ahhh well better get hunting, anyone can answer my question?
Its that time of year, most people with adults will want to breed them, wait a few months for when people start realising all the work that is involved with breeding dragons and they will start popping up all over the place
Its the time of year, most people with adults will want to breed them, wait a few months for when people start realising all the work that is involved with breeding dragons and they will start popping up all over the place
Would imagine there would be hundreds around cant imagine why many would bother breeding anything that isnt highly coloured, the average grey ones would have to be a pain to try and sell or even give away i would have thought.
I havn't ever seen a female Eastern for sale on this site, so I'm also starting to think they dont exist lol
Please be patient one or more female Beardies will pop up in a ad sooner or later, or when you least expect to see them available, those who wait patiently get what their searching for in the long run, it took me more than 10 years to get hold of a few Desert Sand Monitors ( Varanus Gouldii Flavirufus ) and it paid off for me in the long run.
hahaha nash i have one ;) but you will have to come all the way to SA to get her :D

i figured its that time of month, i wonder how many homes breeding bearded dragons go to in a year alot probs, ahh well found my centeral males now i just have to wait for a females to show up :D
theres one 4 sale at reptile city Beach Rd,im not sure if its still there,but it might be.
The colour said 'lavender'i think,theres a male there too,around the same age,they have being there forever.If you want a breeding pair,its yours!!!!
hey issie how long was this ago? i will give jason a ring, how much were they going for do u know?
Would imagine there would be hundreds around cant imagine why many would bother breeding anything that isnt highly coloured, the average grey ones would have to be a pain to try and sell or even give away i would have thought.

I would have to agree, we went from grey beardies to some of what we think are of pretty primo standard but it took us almost 8-9 years to get to where we are, it simply comes down to what you want to spend.

We often get emails and phone calls from people after females and once we respond with what we believe to be a fair price (usually between $120 and $250 colour and age dependant) we usually get the line but i'm only 10 and will have to ask my parents, then can't you discount for some one so young as my son/daughter....

For example our current for sale pair, lots and lots of interest but no one wants to pay the price of almost 10 years hard work keeping, feeding, housing and cleaning these guys all year round to get some good eggs, than good hatchies, before the cylcle starts again with the hatchies..
120 to 250 is a genuine price for a high quality animal, i would not mind spending that money. But im only after standard greys something that is just really boring or nothing special to learn the tricks of the trade in breeding and from there i might start breeding more colourful animals. I know its a hard job breeding beardies, i've done it before, well almost my eastern laid a clutch last season i incubated the eggs but they didn't hatch as they were infertile :( ahhh well thats why im trying again. Then there is the looking after of the hatchlings and finding goods homes etc... the list goes on :)
hahaha nash i have one ;) but you will have to come all the way to SA to get her :D

Haha yes we've had that discussion before ;)

I should have added "for sale on this site *in NSW*" lol

Though I've stopped looking now, my male is getting on in years so I figured there wont be much point.

And Aussieblue: I have 2 female centerals looking for a boy ;) such a same we live 1500Kms away
hahahha ryan
see im getting two males you would of been much welcome to borrow which ever one you liked ;) but as you said we do live so far away which is am absolute bugger :( hhahahah move to SA
There is a mature pair (will seperate i think) at a little pet store in my town.
I reckon the guy will be happy to freight if you wanted.
They are in Warrnambool so not far from SA.
PM me if you want his details.
have found a female (not saying where she is advertised as someone else might grab her ;)) have txted the guy but i hope he will answer back as the phone is listed with a phillipenes phone company soo hahaha i said that i was a south aussie so now all i have to do is wait and waiting is very hard for me, im so anxious :D reptilife i will pm u anyways just incase this falls through
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