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Active Member
Jun 15, 2003
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hey guys
i hv had my eggs in the incubator for 50 days now so from what i have been told i should be expecting hatchlings soon. just wondering cos the tubs holding the eggs are totally air tight, if they start to hatch at night or when im not home will the suffercate? what do you usually do when they start hatchings any specific procedures?
ta nev
I would just make sure as the time to hatch gets closer and closer, stay at home as much as possible! Also, wave some air over the eggs a few times everyday for a short period of time so if they hatch while your not around, they should have some air in them.
If you are regularly fanning the eggs I would think there will be plenty of air available to support the life of a few hatchies for a few hours. Just check 'em every chance you get. This is only my opinion so don't rely on it :)
It all depends on the size of the container, i have a small hole drilled in the lid which i cover with masking tape and wright the date they were laid etc.
Once they start hatching i take the tape off, the small hole provides enough air for them to survive.
It has to stay humid in the tub otherwise once they stick their heads out all the fluid in the egg dries and sticks the shell to the hatchlings head or body. If this happens and your not aware it will stop them coming out of the egg and could kill them, if this happens a drop of water on the stuck area will loosen it and allow them to come out.
They will not suffocate in any hurry.
Their oxygen requirement do not suddenly sky rocket simply because they are outside the egg and not inside it. Their requirements do increase, but only due to their increased physical activity. Check them every 12 hours at least coming up to hatch time and they will be fine.
over the next few days you should start checking them once or twice a day. i have just hatched the second clutch of eggs from my female, the first clutch hatched in 57 days and this clutch took 63 days as it has been a bit cooler up here the last week or so.
if you are checking them daily, this will allow sufficient fresh air into the box to support the lizards as they hatch!
good luck with it all.
sounds exciting, please post pics of babys emerging if poss, ive never seen it. thanks
could you guy's help me with how much everythin would cost 4 me to get a tank or one of those special tub things wiv a heat rock thermas and all of the neccesary equipment cost?
depends on where you get it from mate... what you want to keep and what they will need to be comfortable... there are many variables... what are you keeping in it to start with
lol is kewl dude...
ta for your help fellas... ill do my best to get some pickies for yas
oh n is there any thing inperticular that i have to do as soon as they hatch? like can i just put them strait in the enclosure (not with the adults) ?
ta nev
hey nev what price ya gonna have on them? also would you sell them cheaper if someone took the whole clutch? thats if ya gonna sell them.

ah yeh not sure need to ask round wat the going price is... this current clutch about to hatch i wouldnt be counting on many surviving but the one after shouldnt have any problems so feel free to pm me and make a offer for the whole clutch or just separate ones..
ta nev
yeh i would sell them cheaper if you bought the hole clutch... if its more than like 5 in the clutch eheh
Why do you think you'll get a bad hatch rate, if the eggs are still good then so should the beardies inside.
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