Have to get rid of entire collection

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Very Well-Known Member
Aug 31, 2010
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Well my mum has kept up with her emotional abuse and when I stood up for myself she has kicked me out. I have no choice but to rent somewhere as I have not enough savings to get a deposit on my own place. I can't keep any pets at the rental property so I will have to give/sell all my reptiles, racks, enclosures... everything. Thousands and thousands of dollars worth. My mum has bi polar disorder, depression and is schitzo, I feel so empty and alone. I can't talk or count on my parents, I just broke up a 3 year relationship with my girl and I have no friends.
chin up mate sometimes life throws you a curve ball , its not always easy but you just have to get through it

on the reptile part , i had a thought , if there are any that you really dont want to part with for any reason then maybe try to find someone to hold them for you until you can sort something out

sure it isnt fool proof and you may get ripped off but if its one that you cant bare giving away for good then it may be worth a shot cant help you myself as i have my own growing collection to look after but surely someone here could offer some help ;);)
Really sorry to hear that mate, but keep your chin up. Don't give up on the reptiles just see it as taking a break for a while until you're in a better position in life.

As for no friends, what do you think all us losers on aps are?

Maybe if you sold all your animals you might have enough for a deposit on a place? Try rdu it's a good place to advertise.
sorry to hear that:( in regards to you reptiles if u don't want to them away(which im guessing u don't) could u find someone to mind them/some even if its not all of them, maybe just your closest?
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Well my mum has kept up with her emotional abuse and when I stood up for myself she has kicked me out. I have no choice but to rent somewhere as I have not enough savings to get a deposit on my own place. I can't keep any pets at the rental property so I will have to give/sell all my reptiles, racks, enclosures... everything. Thousands and thousands of dollars worth. My mum has bi polar disorder, depression and is schitzo, I feel so empty and alone. I can't talk or count on my parents, I just broke up a 3 year relationship with my girl and I have no friends.

Where are you mate? I may be able to hold a few things for you if you don't want to part with them.
It's a shame that this has happened to you but it's not the end of the world no matter how much it may seem it is.
Do you have mates who'll come the party and rent you a room in their place or part of their garage so you can keep the collection of pets together ? (Just means you'll have to visit them.) Or other relatives who might help out with their housing ?

You could rent a self storage bay too.

You might be able keep the pets with you when you rent your own place, just don't tell the landlord or the realestate agent about them. If they find out later, cross that bridge if that happens then.

What town / suburb are in you in BTW ?

In all reality moms done you big favour long term, you're way overdue leaving her nest and if she's as crazy as people with her mental illnesses are, you are REALLY better of NOT LIVIING WITH HER.
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Reading this thread made me sad. :( Sorry to hear you're having a hard time of it right now.

Seeing this pic made me smile, hopefully it will have the same effect on you. :)


Chin up, mate !
Don`t jump to conclusions about having to get rid of your animals. The word is out and you may find some very generous people willing to help out.
Just take a breath and chill for a minute...things will work out one way or another.
That's a shirty deal cobber. Don't fret too much. You need the lows so you know how good the highs are. Change is opportunity.
I really feel for you Grogshla.. Id hate to lose my animals.

Just remember people any dealings through pm. This cannot be a for sale thread.

As for no friends mate, have you tryed hitting up the local herp societys or anything?? like minded people find friends in each other..

Im hearing you about the mothers.. i moved home to save for my own place too. I think it must be a mum thing.. im tearing my hear out.. :(
Hi mate,sorry you hitting the hard speed bumps of life,if you want to chat pm me,as many here will offer the same,sorry I am not local to the Gong to help you more.
Sorry to hear about that :( But before you go getting rid of everything, maybe have a look around at rental properties. Some of them are surprisingly accepting of pets in enclosures. If it's definitely a no, you could always buy/build a suitably large cupboard to house all the enclosures in. Come inspection day, just lock it, it's not like they'll be making a lot of noise :)
How can you not have any friends? I have known some of the most despicable people and they have friends. Surely someone could help you out.
Hey mate sorry to hear about your current problems but you just have to thin the only way is up right? Also on another note selling your reptiles will just make you more miserable trust me...been there. I Live on the Central Coast but I know of atleast 6 people who all keep herps down in Wollong who would be more then happy to help and look at all the above people offering! Things will turn round soon mate.
Sorry to hear you are having such a rough time. I agree with everyone else. Don't give up hope.
Sorry to hear the circumstances you have found yourself in mate, I'm from the gong and I keep a few amyae and wouldn't mind babysitting one extra for ya, flick me a pm if I can help out.
Could be worse , You could be a RED HEADED POLITICIAN ,, your FINE , I haven't got a job atm , I am so bored I watched Question Time :(
xox I'm sorry you're having an ordinary time.. No matter what you may think I'm willing to bet someone who you haven't even realized is thinking of you right now. We are, and I wish i could help but I am too far away. xox you will work it out, in the meantime - be kind to yourself.
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