Health help needed for LITTLE ACCIE!!!!

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Yeah it sounds like this thing is in real trouble. Bugger a breeder, take it to a vet!!!!
Hmmm what a weird thread, I don't see why the problems can't be explained because I am yet to hear a single member ask who the previous owner is.

Ackies are so easy to keep that it's not funny, As long as they have a very hot basking site and a thermal gradient and food every 2-3 days they are easy as to keep.

As stated try using a higher wattage light (I also use 75w) and then try feeding in 2 days, Why don't you pass the animal on to somebody who knows what they are doing?
I have kept my Ackie for 7 years and it is still going strong. I was originally given wrong advice and after contacting othger keepers realised what i was doing wrong.

Mine is kept in a 4ft x 2ft x 1.5ft enclosure. I use an oz bright bulb as it provides UV light and the basking heat they love so much. Even on warm days 'Ambrose' will lie on his slate sitting directly underneath the light. This light sit smore towards one end of the enclosure. He has one open hollow log and a few pieces of slate where there are very small spaces in them, which he seems to love.

When he was a wee lad, i never fed him large crickets, i was told too large or too many could cause impaction as they tended to be pigs.

For food i varied mine from beef heart, strips of steak, crickets, woodies, and any other insect like Xmas beetles. I am careful not to feed chicken as Ambrose has had 2 epileptic fits (yes its true, don't laugh) after eating chicken. So i am a bit paranoid now. I am sure its not the chicken but i don't want to take that chance.

I have not bred him as i only have the one, and never been able to find him a lady.

Are you actually reading what people are posting? If pugsly has to write 'PM Cruester' again hes going to pop the blood vessel in his forehead. The dramatics are doing you no good, people are just going to laugh at this thread and shrug you off as a weirdo if you dont start acting like a sane human being. Post up the problem, get the answers and do what you can. If you cant deal with this kind of thing when it arises you shouldnt be keeping animals in the first place. By the way your carrying on youd think this person has cut the thing in half.

Grow up
I really can't see why the problems just can't be said. You would get a LOT more help that way.
If the reason is because the previous owner is a member on here, so what?! If you are so worried about the ackie that you "choking or wanting to chunder" the problems are obviously pretty bad, and to hell with the previous owner for letting it get that way or doing whatever they did! Even if you don't name the person, just the problems I'm sure you'd get heaps more help.
If not, you'd better get it off to a vet, because theres a lot more that they can do that a breeder can't etc.
Hope you work it out and the ackies alright.
Thankyou to all who pm'd me.....we appreciate it
the least of her problems is that she is 13mnths & just 26 cm from tip to tail ...weight 30grams
i am a highly emotional person & rely on my instincts ,who needed help & have it from incredible members who decided not to judge me.... but to help!
i do not under rate my capabilities ... but have never owned nor cared for a accie...but have rescued many animals
Thankyou to all who pm'd me.....we appreciate it
the least of her problems is that she is 13mnths & just 26 cm from tip to tail ...weight 30grams
i am a highly emotional person & rely on my instincts ,who needed help & have it from incredible members who decided not to judge me.... but to help!
i do not under rate my capabilities ... but have never owned nor cared for a accie...but have rescued many animals

Correct me if Im wrong but isnt a ridgetail also known as an ackie?If so according to your profile you keep 3 of them.

Species Kept:
Maybe if your not able to talk to anyone here it is probably better if you and your ackie turn up to the SAHG meeting on tuesday some one will help.
Im not surprised by members being frustrated at dragonladies lack of info. I too was frustrated at times keeping up to date and reading this thread.
What I am surprised at though from members is the name calling, accusations and the less then helpfull comments made. You guys that have said the above derogatory comments, why? Do you think it helps someone who is obviously different to you and needs more personalised support then the average individual, to cope with an issue?

It continually fascinates me that in this culture where many people want to be 'individuals' and 'different' to 'average society', that they deride someone who does not fit within the 'average societies' borders of what 'different' and 'individual' is.

The disease of men is this: that they neglect their own fields and go to weed the fields of others.
All reptiles listed was in the total collection between my Reptile Partner & myself....... i have
i set up ,made/fixed & moved habitats.. replaced substrate etc.... the things that were too heavy or hard for her to do...helped with feeding for a time ( in the last 6 mnths i havnt been able to as much)... got bad feeders & lost causes going again
i know how to look after these animals..... what i am asking & have had & getting help with is the undersized accie that i have now got in my care ,she has more problems
i have 7 vitticeps at home...1 hers of that wasnt eating live for 3 mnths....was undersized but not to that extent ,now full size female...bigger than mine 430grams...43 cm..she is now a little piggy!
yes i know what a accie is! lol
i know there are people/members on this forum that have dealt with more than the average problem...take on problems....

alot of you want to add 1+ 1 & get 20....alot are fed by others....some look at the problem at hand & dont add bullshit
Beautiful words........... i know you are not defending me,but stating the obvious
there are some who i think find any of my threads & wait with a loaded keyboard...
some have already admitted this

if they actually took notice of her size that i was finally able to put up & AGE ....maybe they may understand
Cruester......can i pm you?

ive sent you a pm..... if you cant or wont help... i understand!
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PUGSLEY........i try ed to pm explain a few things....but you are suspended!..great
Yes her to eat 4 meal worms this morning,by hand feeding....have had her in a shallow bath in habitat for hydration
found a great malley stump for elevation under light

getting great advice from Sdaji & Richardsc they are incredible !!!
good luck dragon lady i'm glad you were finally able to get the advice you needed and don't worry about the few negative comments you've gotten ;) i've learnt sometimes you just have to have a thick skin ...and disregard the nastiness :D hope she pulls through for you ackies are very resilient so i'm sure she will! cheers
I tryed to keep the privacy of details intact....mostly by ignoring idiotic comments
but with some it wasnt good enough....some members will do everything do upset the applecart so to say
with allot of comments made, it made my reptile partner sound like an ogre ...she isnt
she made some mistakes....hell we all do....unfortunately the price was paid

my only intension was to get help....& leave my reptile partner her dignity
i made things worse.......even tried to get this entire thread deleted...
im no expert.....i help when i can ,with my experiences & if it works for me may work for others

So.....i have a 13month old female accie.....26 cm long... from tip of nose to tail,mostly tail
she is 1 cm across the head.....& weighs 30 grams

she was fed in her tank...crickets left in with her......she has 11/2 toes left on each back foot
cant climb normally....cant climb on slate!
she wont eat live she is terrified of live....
she eats very little.........ive had her in a 4 ltr tub with shallow water to hydrate her..(in her habitat).
she is looking a little better....her torso is rounding out now...not compressed as it was

my partner feels she may have brain damage....she runs wildy when approached
time will tell.... i dont think so

My aim is to get her to full size....? wont be over night
No......she loves her ...adores her
At the time she didnt believe about what crickets can do.... until to late
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