Health help needed for LITTLE ACCIE!!!!

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was the missing toes caused by crickets or possibly cage mates when it was younger? As for the running wildly she probably hasnt been handled much and b the sounds of it has been under alot of stress. As long as you keep the hydration up, food and and good basking temps she should come right. Have you tried dead roaches or dead mice?
Freeze it... it will be stunted. If breeding is what you are interested in doing it is unlikely to be of any use in breeding projects.

I will be going over and seeing this ackie today at 4:00ish. Im so excited!
She has eaten for me 6 out of 7 days...yes better!...allot better to handle,not that ide trust her with my fingers yet!
yesterday she ate a rat pinkie by tong feeding ...great inprovement!!!
not that it has shown much on the scales..was 30 31 grams, its going to take a long time
by the end of 8 weeks i should no whether i can improve her growth or if she will stay stunted
thanks for asking!
1 gram is better then nothing! Hope shes not stunted. if she was stunted what would you do to her?
1 gram in 7 days???
Maybe there is something else wrong like worms??

i suggest a fecle test.

a good uv, heat and plenty of food (or what she will eat) will do her good. have you thought of blending up roaches or beef/turkey. perhaps she will learn to eat from a dish, like some feed dog food to blueys.

once she licks it and gets a taste, she may try it. im sure your doing your best!!

good luck!!
Do you think handling is really the best thing to be doing? Ackies dont enjoy handling at the best of times.

My Accies hate handling, i prefer not to handle.....just admire them chasing crickets and smashin em!! Every now and then when i grab the male to clean his enclosure he nips me but never any blood!................... Good luck with your accie, i didnt know crickets could be so harmful, what do they do??
They ate her...crickets that is....
she has very little muscle in her back thighs due to no movement...she hid under everything as she was trying to get away from live feed
. no worms...aready checked

as for handling ..she now relaxes in my hand..doesnt thrash her tail.... she now comes to the front of the habitat looking...waiting for me to hold her
not every animal is the same
but appreciate your comments
She will not go near a dish...i had it in there ..she takes a look,runs away even if it is dead live food which ive knocked on the head.

With feed....meal worms(dead) are easiest to give her by tongs.....crickets(dead) by tongs she trys to run away
from them....turkey,roo,beef mince she hasnt eaten.....trying a pet mince now
but she is eating rat pinkies
i will be weighing her weekly...each friday night
she was dehydrated when i got her...told this will happen with not enough food consumption
any other suggestion on how to get her or what alteratives without force feeding would be great
i really dont want to force feed her....think she has been through enough

tryed..can cat & dog food...all varieties of mince...
even put mince on a rock instead of a bowl..she wont go near a bowl!
she will only eat dead mealworms by tong way am i going to use my fingers she gets too much enjoyment out of bitting me..
she has now eaten 2 rat pinkies.....doing this every other day & yes she is putting on weight slowly & actually starting to shed!
is there anything else i can give her...
bit concerned with the amount that she will consume(too much protein?).....but at present that is all she will eat

so she has a few m/worms around 7-15 by average one day & the next a rat pinkie.....
please make other suggestions...& no ,she hates crickets....she wont eat them
i have ordered in some woodies...coming thursday
OK stop handling the poor thing, give it a hot basking spot plenty of good tight hides and some privacy. Just because the poor thing is probably too weak to fight you off doesnt means it likes being molested.

Good to hear it is now feeding well, I would just keep feeding rats and mealies for now, they also generally like to eat fish too so it might be worth a try. I also think getting a float test done would be a good idea even if you arnt willing to take it to the vet.

Also what makes you think it has brain damage?
hey DragonLady!

Glad to hear ur little ones hanging in there! :)
the first paragraph is vet offensive....careful what you right....i am not a pedophile

already talked to my vet...this is all about feeding...the husbandry wasnt correct for the accies needs
i wanted to make sure i had the right set up...but you have to take into consideration its needs ..its handicaps

i didnt t think reptile partner...,the previous keeper thought so as she would run wildly everytime she even looked at her..even to feed... but no i dont think so...she knows where the water is & bakes to get hot etc... i dont think anything is wrong with her brain.
I hope the accie pulls through and everything but i can't recall ever having read such a convoluted series of posts on this site ever before.
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