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For a young antaresia i'd sugesst just going to Big W/Kmart etc and buying a 7 litre Sistema plastic tub, they are clear with blue clips. They cost about $10 and will last a young antaresia for a few months and the top clips on very securely which is important cause lil antaresia are lil houdini =p.

Dont forget to put airholes in it .:shock:
IMO spotteds keep their patterns the best, look 0out for ones with defined colours and markings. U can get them for round the 300 mark. As others have said def buy from a breeder, a REPUTABLE breeder, and if u get one thats at least 6 months then its feeding patterns are established and evidence of its personaility are apparent. Whatever sort of enclosure u go for make sure it is escape proof and that u get ur heating sorted first. Good luck mate.
hey slytheringirl how are you?? would you be able to tell me how to post a msg on main page please???
And dont forget,you CANT buy reptiles from petshops here in NSW,so you will have to find a breeder,and there are some good reputable ones out there

hahahahaha Khagen,only to some ppl,others??? weeellllllllllll :p:p

i'd go a bredli im only new to owning a snake and i bought my bredli of mr bredli for $250 she's a great snake couldn't be happier.he still has some hatchies available he lives at seven hills but also delivers.
good luck.
Thanks for your help guys, this is great.
Thanks for the heads up about the air holes... I'm sure I would have picked up on that somewhere along the way... :)
I'm keeping a lookout for breeders nearby... but I'm thinking that I'll look for the actual snake after I've set up the enclosure and everything. I'm such a newbie to this that I'll have to do a bit of work before I reach that stage.
I'm leaning more and more towards the Spotted as I hear more- apparently they're meant to be a little snappy, but I'm hoping that I'll find a placid one.
Yeah,spotteds are great. Most spotteds are friendly. If you dont want to get bitten and want to hold your snake alot. Feed your python in a differant tub. Otherwise you could be mistaken for food. Spotteds are cheap too. You can easily pick a hatchie up for $150 - $200.
Hopefully this will save you being bitten.
I have a Stimmie and like you only just gotten into the hobby....mind you I have just ordered my 4th snake LOL.
My Stimmie is typlical of the breed, very calm and friendly. Loves to be handled and will put up with my 10 year old too.
There are plenty of folks breeding the childrens type animals int he Illawarra, mybe the local society can be of help, or just lthe forsale area on the site.
Hmmm... I don't think I'll mention to my Mum the addictiveness of snakes. That might discourage her...
Okay, another question.
How big should a spotted python enclosure be? I am hoping to buy one, as I don't really have the skill to build one, and am looking at Canberra Exotic Pets for an enclosure at the mo.
I would like to buy an enclosure now that would suffice for the snake's life; I don't really want to be updating all the time.
Okay, I have done some more research and have now moved away from the spotted and am looking into the Carpet Python, possibly Northern (Darwin, I think it's called). Good idea?
Just wondering if you could give me some more advice- is a carpet good for a first timer? They seem a bit (Antaresia lovers, please stop reading now, so as to avoid any hurt) prettier- and I have convinced my Mum to a larger enclosure size, so now I can look at something like that.
Pleases and Thank yous!
hahaha i did that too. i was like 'its ok mum i'll just get a little one' then i spoke to a dude who bred coastal carpets and he said they were better and i was like 'ooh i'm getting a carpet now!' and then i got a spotted 4 weeks later!!!

as for the enclosure issue. you will need to start with a small enclosure and upgrade over its lifetime. putting a small snake into a large enclosure causes stress and may cause it to go off its food and become very snappy (i say MAY), but there was a thread about a lady's snake being agro cuz it was in a huge enclosure.

So I went with a carpet for my first snake and thus far no bites. she is a very hardy, placid and great feeding snake and at 18 months old only about 3 feet. so it will take a bit for it to grow to full size if you go with a carpet.

but in saying that i love my two spotteds too. they are also great handlers and my male is my best feeding snake ever. has never refused a feed unlike my coastals.

so really its going to be up to you. you can find some very nice looking spotteds and stimsons, but also some fantastic looking carpets. so just find an individual snake that you like, that is a good feeder. and if you can have a handle you will know if you like it or not. :)
zombway 450 is expensive mate there like 200 and 250 of this site and beta off not buying from petshops go to a private breeder
i tried to tell her reptile dude. i really did. there were many a pm's and sms's exchanged, but alas she was a lost cause. consumerism got to her before we could... she will be sadly missed.... lol. Just kidding. She's happy with the snake and its feeding and healthy thus far, so all is good!
(plus its not our money so its ok!!)
Thanks Amy, that's heaps helpful.
I'm still looking at the Carpet- but I think that the Coastal would probably be a little big (I want something that I can handle on my own). I still haven't completely erased Spotteds from the picture, they are a lovely animal. I think, though, that one snake would be enough for me (I say that now...), and so I am making sure that I pick the PERFECT one.
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