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Well-Known Member
Sep 25, 2006
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hi everyone
my names tom, 17yo, livin in melb.
havnt got any herps yet but i cant wait to get a carpet (this depends on overcoming a family or agoraphobes though) but im not holdin my breath.
anywa, just wanted to say hi and this is a great site with loads of info. iv already learnt a lot of great stuff which would be hard to find elsewhere, seems like a great community.
tom :)
HI Tom welcome to this site.
There's a pritty cool bunch of people here, and most will be willing to teach you anything you might like to learn.
Good luck convincing the family. It took me 8years to convince my husband.

Maybe if you get a hatchie it'll help them get used to him. you know there not as scarey as as yearling or bigger. And promiss to keep him under lock and key.

yeah thanks. i think iv managed to find most of the info i need from current threads regarding first snakes.
on the plus side with the family iv gone from people who are scared of the pictures in the books to atleast havin a flip through them which can only be a good sign :D
yeah i am hoping to get a hatchling md, bredli or diamond and iv got room for a 1200x600x600mm cage so that should all be alright once it gets going :)
my only query is when should i be getting a hatchling (ie age, time of year), apart from that i reckon im pretty much set for an edition to the family
thanks again
hey tom im in the same boat mate, awaiting for my first snake with my mum very much agaisnt it, she is constantly reminding me that im "not getting a snake". dads sorta on my side, he loves reptiles as well but hes pretty wipped atm by the mrs. any way it doesnt matter coz if they like it or dont im getting one, im almost finished my enclosure. but in the mean time im showing my rents pics and books and stuff so as to convice them. any way good luck, MD and Bredli i think are awesom choices. mike
hey all

thanks alot for ur welcomes
yeah, its annoying isnt it cheazy. i might actually be in with a chance now thanks to a little basic psychology :D. my dads first words on the topic were something along the lines of "no way in hell am i getting you a snake, not in my house!" hehe, not really helpfull. but i just rattle off the facts that he doesnt need any involvement in it etc. and asked him if being scared was the only problem he had against it (i know its a bit harsh but takin a shot at a mans bravery is a good way to break through to atleast thinking along logical lines IMO).
good luck to you cheazy! might wanna try my method :) ie take a cheap shot then let em know the real facts that most people neglect in this world about snakes.

p.s. mikey, good idea bout the enclosure, i havnt started mine but i reckon if that gets done first itll be easier to get the snake as soon as its possible. thanks about the choices, what are you lookin for?
hi and welcome you should take them to the Melbourne Reptile warhouse for a visit ,if you ask the manager there he could help you out with putting a python aroand your parents to see if they can handle it
hey :)
where the warehouse? is there a website or do i just look it up in yellow pages? thanks for the idea. im not sure about the snake around the neck, lol, it might freak my dad out completely, he wasnt too bad when i told him they come as small juvies. thanks for the welcome and the ideas tho, ill check out this warehouse
hey tom, im also after a MD, i just recn they look awesom and theyre cheap which is a big plus as im always waisting my $$$ lol, but lately after seeing some really nice bredlis im beginning to become pretty interested in them too - it pretty much depends on how much $$$ i got at the time. im not really interested in any of the childrens, and coastals and diamonds are everywhere so id prefer somthing a tiny bit different so yeah the MD or the bredli are my 2 prefered choices. all i need now is a new job so i can start savin, and to finish my enclosure. good luck
yeah, im with ya on the childrens. they seem a little too small, i dont know, they lack some of the awe you get when you see a snake as long as you are tall. tell us about ur enclosure, size, materials etc. im interested in buildin my own too so its good to get ideas from someone in pretty much the exact same position as me and same snakes. im goin for 1200x600x600 out of prob 12mm ply w/5mm sliding glass front. its planned but not started. let me know if u get ur python, itd be great to see how you go with the whole thing.
cheers tom
ive just converted a cabnet which i got from my neightbours. its about 840 high x 700 wide x 400 deep so its bit different. ive bolted in some stirdy branches and done my ventelation, now im just trying to get my heating, lighting and door sorted. il try get some pics goin and show ya soon. mike
hey, sounds really good. atleast you know that urs will be really sturdy. im relying on my handy skills....:) im not too worried atleast. looks like uv got some good climbing space there which is always good! i think i might take pics as i go when i get around to makin mine and ill post em up too when it gets done. cya, tom
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