HELP!! how long can a snake go without food... snake escaped 8 weeks ago

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Oct 21, 2007
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hey. :rolleyes:
i was wondering if anyone knows how long a snake can go without food. my jungle escaped... going on 8 weeks ago. i have tried leavin dead mice out. when that didnt work i got a live mouse (dead ones start to smell pretty quick) anyway, hes not takin the bait. i have been leaving lots of water dishs around my room with flour around em to see if he get thirsty. no dice (perhaps hes drinking out of the fish tank. i have had my windows closed since he escaped and the air con cranked hopein he would go towards the heat lamps. i always keep my door closed to stop him gettin out of my room. anyone else go any ideas? if mum finds out i got a snake i will get kicked out so i would like to locate him quickly. hes already doubled his old record out. anyone go any good ideas.... and how much longer can he go hungry?
Why do you own a snake without your mother knowing? Ever thought of the animals welfare?
hahaha ur mum doesnt know u have him and hes escaped??
you better hope you find him first,
So you have a snake your mum doesnt know about,and this isnt the first time its escaped?
Sounds as if the poor little fella is better off without you.
they can go 12 months or more
sounds like youre doing the right things,just search everywhere
oops. sorry mum. depending on where you live and how old/big your snake is, it could go up to a year without food. cant really help. sounds as if you have tryed all you can. maybe its time you came clean with your mum so you can search the rest of the house properly
lol, I highly doubt it's in your room anymore.

How on earth have you hidden a python from your mum? Sheesh just tell her, at least then you can search for it properly.
So doesnt your mum go into your room,wouldnt she see the the cage,enclosure.There is so many snakes that escape,if this is the second time,did you find out how it escaped in the first place,did you fix the cage so it couldnt escape,No,otherwise you would still have it.Fingers crossed you do find it,but chances are you wont....
my best mate lost his marruy darling, it was only yearling so her brpught a mouse cage, and put 2 live fully grown mice in there he wne in the cage ate to two mice then was to fat to get out of the bars,
i suppose you could try that
my best mate lost his marruy darling, it was only yearling so her brpught a mouse cage, and put 2 live fully grown mice in there he wne in the cage ate to two mice then was to fat to get out of the bars,
i suppose you could try that
DONT DO THAT ! for goodness sake do you realise how stupid that senario can turn out if the snake doesnt take the LIVE mouse ..MICE can and do BITE and snakes can get severe injuries due to not being able to get away :evil:...
ohkay, you could use dead ones? or maybe freash dead ones? so the scent gett around, good point red belly!
At the end of the day, the escape probably never should have happened, especially if this isn't the first time!
He could be anywhere... I know of someone who had a childrens python escape, and 4 months later found it coiled under a cd in a cd rack... They can get into some pretty tight places.
And the other posts are right... pretty slim chances it's in your room still. If it could get out of its enclosure/box (whatever you're keeping it in that is discreet enough to keep your mum in the dark) then it can easily get under your door even when shut...
Come clean, tell your mum, find the snake, and if she makes you sell it, at least it's alive and safe and you don't have to feel bad.
uum maa. your gonna get in trouble, your gonna get in trouble. What were you keeping it in.:)
thats hilarious ( the mum bit, sorry about the missing snake). The truth is the best option, then u can search together. The snake will be fine, they are really instinctive animals so Im sure he's having a good old time eating geckos or mice and carrying on. How did he get out?
My mum doesn't know i have a snake

My hatchling is in a 7 litre sistema click clack

Not that hard to keep away from plain sight a normal click clack when your room has lots of textbooks, computer and shelves.

Unless your mum is nosy, it's fairly easy to keep a snake in your room and handle them when your door is closed.

I also have a beardie in a big tank in my room and my mum is fine with him, i didn't need to tell her, she just saw it and accepted.

Anyway all the best finding the escapee.
when i first got a hatchy bredli that had only been fed about 5 times he escaped and the breeder said he would be fine for about 8 months,...
the diamond i got recently had been regurgitating her food fro 18 months due to having no heat and living in airconditioning, (actually the guy hadnt bothered trying for the past 8 months) she was very weak and skinny but still alive, 2 months on shes great, so u have a while before ur snake is in trouble.
hey, you might want to check your mums shoes (that would be a shock) hahah

they often get into the most ridiculous places and are generally not to far from where they escaped... a while back one of mine got out and i found him later that day in the light compartment of another snake tank....

anyway just keep search ....

good luck
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