HELP! Snakes trying to eat itself!!

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Good luck mate, let us know how you go. Make sure you keep your heating on overnight and keep it around 33/34 degrees (warm end). This'll help boost the little guy's immune system and recover if he has suffered a small tear, and also to digest his food quicker if it's in an awkward position in his stomach.
ok, well he's still in the same place and not biting himself anymore.
Talked to a emergancy centre and they are getting in touch with a specialist.
Waiting for a call back, He doesn't seem to be bleeding or not much at all.
I think he'll be fine mate.. I once had my favorite little baby carpet re-appear after his little vacation from the enclosure by getting jammed in a garage roller door.

He was pretty messed up but recovered without any problems over time (except a bit of a kink where he was jammed in... i dont know how it diddnt cut him in half :( ) anyways, what I am trying to say is, they're hardy little fellas, if he's settled down now, best thing you can do is just let him rest, have some quiet time and keep an eye on things...
Cool, hopefully like FC said he has just smelt rat and gone for a bite. Hatchies can be dumb like that sometimes. I've held hatchies and had them bite at themselves before, but never held on like you described.
Let us know what the specialist says.
Well they said that it could have been that he was still in the "feeding frenzy" and got carried away.
Going to take him to the vet tomorrow first thing to get some antibiotics since he's punctured himself.
He's up closer to the heat now and will be keeping an eye on him overnight.
Sound like all will be good. Thanks for letting us know. Will be interested to see what the vet says.
Cheers heaps for your help everyone... I don't think we'll be gettin much sleep tonight!!
That what this forum is about (or should be ;)), fellow reptile keepers helping one another. :D Try to relax and get some rest.
I've had a few do this like one of my bhp's did this with the other after feed time, I had a situation with exsploding rats but I did wash the snake after and it must of still smelt like it. I stoped keeping them together after that but I just reached in and grabed both put them in container of water and dunct the boddy of the other with the other head submerged he adventually let go for air. I then washed the one that got attacked few blood spots but he was ok. I've also had my big girl do it to herself but she let go as soon as she realised.

good luck maybe run him under the shower or dunk it under the water

I've had a few do this like one of my bhp's did this with the other after feed time, I had a situation with exsploding rats but I did wash the snake after and it must of still smelt like it. I stoped keeping them together after that but I just reached in and grabed both put them in container of water and dunct the boddy of the other with the other head submerged he adventually let go for air. I then washed the one that got attacked few blood spots but he was ok. I've also had my big girl do it to herself but she let go as soon as she realised.

good luck maybe run him under the shower or dunk it under the water


Good reason for not housing any snakes together.
Sometimes you learn the hard way, sometimes you just get the biggest fright and hopefully learn from that.

But there is always the person that cannot be told.
I took it to the Vet this morning to have a check up.
He hasn't punctured himself so he wont need any medication. Both myself and the Vet have come to the conclusion that he was still in his feeding frenzy and grabbed a hold of him self as it had been a little longer than usual between feeds.
He hasn't done any damage and when I got him out this morning to take to the vet didn't show any signs of distress or pain, even when the Vet was examining him.
So I will be keeping him an eye on him over the next few days and makes sure he passes his food.
Thanks for all your concerns.
It could of been worse ;)


Glad to hear everything worked out for you...and the snake.
I got a few pics that I took to show the Vet, So I'll post one up when I get home from work.
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