Herping in my backyard!!

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Almost Legendary
Jan 24, 2003
Reaction score
Melbourne West
Went herp hunting today in my backyard after discovering my 3 Blueys had gone A.W.O.L!! I went to put some rubbish in the bin and when I looked down there was a bluey staring up at me!! I quickly grabbed it and put it into a nearby herparium. When I went to check the Reptarium I keep them in I discovered that the three of them had escaped through a hole in the bottom under the hay and logs! That was it, the hunt was on :) I am happy to report that all Blueys are now back in captivity none the worse for their little adventure even though we do own two cats :)
Alls, well that ends well :)
A.W.O.L !! courtmartial them both! :D ...........glad you got em back in ok.
one of my darwins got out the other night through the join in the glass (sliding front) searched high and low for him and eventually found him in the washing basket... his name is rodney... thinking of changing it to houdini
i lost my buey once for 2 months so i got a bearded dragon and later i found bluey undera pile of leaves. now i have two lizards
My coastal got out twice the first time he ended in my eastern water dragons tank under the heat. the second time he was in my beardies tank trying to constict her but he let go and she tried to eat him but are both ok now. it was scary to see them fighting.
i lost a bluie and found it a week later in my shoe
they only do it to make us panic..... they know their way home
wow lucky u got them back... the little buggas are hard to spot when they are free....
I am lucky. I have in my backyard many blueys. It is easy to keep check on them thanks to my dog Peper. She always looking for them and call me. When i go to see them she is happy and start to look for another one.
She newer do anything to it. Most what happen is that she try to lick it and when lizard start to hissel she back up.
I think that she is like that because of my snakes. She know that play with reptiles is forbiden here LOL.
Mabe next time Africa can use my dog if that happen again.
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