Hi Everybody Virgin Reptile Keeper Here The WIFE finally Said YES

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Ok next question Wood or glass enclosure

Either or... Wood will hold it's temp better and save you a little bit on power. I've got mine in glass and they're fine. I wouldn't use a fish tank though. It's easier having something that opens at the front.

How did we go from Beardies to xxx mag collections

Too easily :)
For my last thread i didn't meen to stop giving them calsium when they get older I still give mine some once a week
and vitamin spray on there food and I give them a lot more vegtables, and you can sit a rock under you heat light
they heat up and stay warm, and I think glass is beter for lizards but thats personal prefrence.
cheers jason.
Please don't laugh I think I have this right if I get a infa-red heat lamp down one end of the enclosure does this double as a basking lamp or do I need another lamp and a UVB/UV light tube the length of the enclosure to go on the back of the enclosure is that light and heat sorted
Please don't laugh I think I have this right if I get a infa-red heat lamp down one end of the enclosure does this double as a basking lamp or do I need another lamp and a UVB/UV light tube the length of the enclosure to go on the back of the enclosure is that light and heat sorted

You need one lamp to give heat and a fluoro uvb tube. It's personal choice between infra red, dark blue/purple or a ceramic heat bulb for heat. I would personally go for either the dark blue/purple or the ceramic because the red looks crap through the day. Just opinion. Thats all. It's also handy to get a decent thermostat which can drop the temps at night on a timer.
your on the gold coast,id say u could just have a timer to cut all heating off at night,room temps at night up there are quite mild

a uv tube and a nice bright light bulb for basking spot,i just use light bulbs u get at bunnings,reptile shop ones are ripped off,and are basicly exactly the same,so you spend so much more per light just for a box with a reptile on it

aim to make a basking area of around 40 degrees,but only that warm at the basking area,u can have a branch or rock pile elevated to create the basking area,then when they move away the temp drops

you want to create a temperature gradient,maybe around 24 at the cool end high 20,s to 30 odd up the warm end with a basking area around 40,that way the lizard/s can move where they want and thermoregulate,if they want to warm up they bask,if they want to cool down theres that option to
there are lots of pics around to get some ideas for tanks, here are a couple of mine i use UVB 10 globe and red heat light, all on B1 thermostats, with heat gradients of 39-24


Thank you so much :)

It's time to head to the pet store just to have a look at enclosures and products i am sure when i get back i we be even more confused lol IS IT WORTH WAITING FOR GOLD COAST REPTILE EXPO to buy products etc or prices are the same as normal
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Isn't everybody? Greatest comic ever. When my wife and I moved out of our first apartment ten years ago she made me throw out my collection of phantom comics. They weren't in the best nic but but it was a pile 5 ft high. I really regret it now:(

Didnt think anyone would get the pygmy connection :)

I actually am a phantom tragic,I have over 2000 phantom items and my truck's signage is Phantom Transport

LOL. Would be cool too if you put a skull cave in their enclosure and a little figurine of The Phantom.

I have these items but not in the tank

Allso have been looking at heated fans I think that's what there called :| http://www.reptileone.com.au/instructions/Heat Fan Light/R1_fanheatlight_public.pdf

I have heard these EXPLODE
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Has anyone been to pet center Burliegh on the gold coast is it any good

Visted pet barn nerang WOW best pet store for reptiles they have everything you could ever want

Bump bump
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