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New Member
Jan 24, 2013
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Newcastle, NSW
Hello everyone! :)

So I don't plan on getting my snake any time soon; I'm going to wait until I'm comfortable with my level of knowledge and have a great forever enclosure, ect. But I'm already excited and eager to learn more and collect the things I'm going to need.

Currently, I'm looking at MD's first, then Bredli's, then Woma's; this will be my first snake. Any suggestions?

So anyway, just saying hi and involving myself instead of just browsing and reading :)
Welcome matey and good to see newcomers to the hobby do their research first these days. Lots of good advice on the forum for you

Like Sniper said, it's so great that you're here asking questions before diving head first into anything. Good on ya, and welcome! You'll find a ton of information around here, trust me. It wasn't long ago I was new here, and I've learned so much more than I was expecting (still learning new things every day).

So! I've actually seen all 3 snakes you mention being put forward as "the best beginner snake around". Like anyone else will tell you, and I'm sure you already know, snakes are all individuals even within the same species. There are always going to be snakes that don't fit their species' reputation (my water python for example, she's a puppy dog! Which is definitely not their reputation)
The best I can recommend is spend a fair chunk of time doing your research on the requirements of each, talk to some breeders and other keepers, read books, browse the forums. Eventually it'll come time to tracking down a good breeder, which is another thing people around here could definitely help you with, there are some fantastic breeders here.

I'm sure you'll end up having a great experience, definitely off to a good start.

Thank you both, it's so nice to be welcomed!
I have been browsing the site for a while now and am surprised at how just about every question I have is already answered somewhere. This place and it's members are invaluable! I'm learning a lot.

I plan on attending SOFAR expo at Newcastle; it will be nice to talk to some people and see some reptiles. I come from Tasmania, you see, so I'm not so used to seeing captive snakes about- but almost stepping on big 'ol tiger snakes in the back paddock? Sure.
First of all welcome, and second it's good to see you wanting to do plenty of research before getting a snake but I guarantee you'll get one sooner than you think! Once the urge takes hold you won't be able to stop yourself! And don't think you'll be able to stop at one either! Very addictive
Welcome! I 100% agree with what Norm said! They are extremely addictiove and it is hard to wait too long especially when you see some hatchies in your area ;)
It's great you are doing your research first, keep at it! This site has plenty of info and mr.Google is of great help as well :D As skippii said talking to keepers and breeders is one of the best options as they can share their experience with you.

I think your options for first snakes are great! MD's make a great starter snake and so do womas and bredlis. Any order you want really, it really depends what you can find and what you are attracted to :D

Welcome once again!
Thank you!
Yes, I don't doubt their ability to suck you in; I'm already just itching. I've even had one offered to me by a relative! But I will restrain myself :D

I'm yet to convince the household of their charms, too. :facepalm:
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