How to teach your Monitor Lizard tricks

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lol if it was stressin it would rip him apart

No you are wrong, that lizard is quite clearly stressed out. He is either mentally retarded or just extremely ignorant, either way i would probably kick the crap out of him if i met him. Watching that video made me feel sick.
Yeah no that guy is a D!Kead! complete ignorant american (no offense)but yeah u can also cleary see that thing has no hide holes..gigantic water troff or whatere a wooden washing rak and some logs,and a cold concrete floor.there r no TRICKS! he clearly forces the animal to seek refuge sumwhere higher by banging a stick and pulling on its tail(wich all monitors dont like at all)and a monitor would only jump on you like when frightened and confused!i hope this croc monitor gets big n stays agressive as long as this guy has it so it can teach him a lesson ...plz dont get in away way where i say every one is entilted to their own opion thinking what he's doing is really funny or right to do at all..i condeme it as cruetly to animals,ecspecialy cos its a Varanid lizard,it scientificly doesnt have the nature of a dog or a mammal to learn tricks,what everr the lizard does iz natural born instinct.and thats no where near tricks and cute things to make us happy.....stuff this guy!!.....i kinda feel sorry for how ignorant he really is ey..and thats why i say its just funny...peace!
It doesnt matter if he has his own room, the monitor is not ment to be keep for a circus show.You can see the poor monitor is in stress. :(
bahahaha, he probably stole the badge and clicker from some kids lolly bag.

next time he says 'up' i hope the monitor scrambles up his leg and rips his clicker off
I might ask him if he can teach my pythons to play catch, would love to take them to the park and throw a tennis ball, just have to remember to take my clacker and stick....

i agree with the majority here, im sure he means no harm but i cant imagine the monitor would be too happy with the stick,
What a fool, im with the majority on this one. poor thing just wants to get up high where it feels safest. how embarrassing tho! hahaha
up upupupup

what a tool.......its pretty funny, i gotta giggle...........
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